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Chapter Summary: Road To The Revolution

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Road to the revolutionBy Christopher Greeley class period 4Paragraph 1 intro . Two-thirds of what the colonists up with theirs went to the British during the Quartering Act. this is only 10 of things that led to the revolution. some of the major events were the Navigation Acts in 1662 as a beginning ,Pontiac's Rebellion with the Proclamation of 1763, the Sugar Act of 1764 ,the Stamp Act of 1765 ,the declaratory act of 1767 ,Boston Massacre in 1770 ,The Boston Tea Party, and the Intolerable Acts which in turn ,broke the colonists last straw. Which brought for the British a not good turn of events. The thing that started it all the Navigation Acts. Paragraph 2 the Navigation ActsThe Navigation Acts of 4 important parts. The colonists …show more content…
We believe that they could take care of ourselves without the British. The Sugar Act real reason. It was because then he still needed funding for the French and Indian War. Paragraph 6 the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was the first revolt in the US. The British were still in debt from the seven years war with the French. They taxed newspapers and other legal paper documents. They propose after the sugar act because of the riots. The colonists rioted against this tax. They claimed it was against their legal right ;but, the British decided to keep imposing the tax. This act offended the colonists because it was directed towards them. It was later resolved by the Virginia House of Burgesses,Patrick Henry's resolve. paragraphs 7 the declaratory act Since the last acts haven't worked the British made a daring declaration. The sugar and Stamp Acts are not going over well with the colonists, haven been rioting, protesting, and all out just not participating. So in turn, the British stated the declaratory act. The colonists decided they didn't believe in it and didn't trust the crown. During riots when man Patrick Henry said “Give me liberty or give me death”. Knowing there is going to be fighting later. The stamp act was repealed in 1776 the same year. Paragraph 8 the Townshend Act The British declaratory act which meant that Parliament could impose any law or tax they wanted. To try it out they decided they were going to tax lead , paint , and glass. The colonists and not like it. Because they were not getting any leeway. So in response they held protests boycott and decided that they were not going to pay most of the taxes. It was named after the chancellor of Exchequer. It also made it impossible for the colonists to fight back against the

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