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Entrapment English Language


Submitted By z0e666
Words 877
Pages 4
Scene starts with a young feline looking girl with a vintage rose complexion and strawberry blonde hair called Katie. She is sat towards the end of her bed, legs crossed, her hands tucked into her sleeves. She is leant over looking very defensive and indecisive. She looks straight at the camera expressing no emotion or enthusiasm then her eyes dart away quickly staring blankly at her sleeves ensuring no skin is shown. Sighing quietly, she takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
Um, okay, everything was once so perfect. I mean, I had family, friends, especially my best friend, I enjoyed school and partying on weekends, getting high and crashing in a field. Hm yeah it was good. Although things aren’t so good once I entered my room. I hate my room, four white walls, so fuckin’ boring. I’m trapped within this room, I need that key. I wake up every morning underneath these salmon covers, sore neck from my one pillow. I always wake up before Emily too, lay listening to the muttering under her breath whilst she sleeps. Watching the room break out from itself, cracking through its own walls.
Katie stares blankly at the four walls of her room scanning every inch effortlessly as if she has done it a thousand times before. Her eyes come to a sudden stand still as she looks at the collage of pictures she has arranged evenly next to each other on one of the walls. She nervously begins to speak again.
It’s always dark in my room, I dunno, I like the darkness I suppose but hey its Friday today which means its pancake day. I didn’t have pancakes though. I opted for Cheerio’s again which I ate by putting three on my spoon at one time and I felt as if I was being scrutinised, it was awful. But I spoke to Paul today, he’s really nice, he always looks perpetually concerned, he‘s unbelievably kind and passionate aw. He just asked me the usual questions; how I was feeling, what had I ate breakfast and lunch etc. Same shit, different day.
The camera zooms in close on Katie’s facial expressions; she rolls her eyes slowly tucking her hands back into her long sleeved jumper.
Erm, well...Everyone always hangs out in the common room, laughing, talking about anything and everything but I always sit side by side with Danny reading a book, usually. I held his hand today. His hand was rough and I just couldn’t help but smile because he makes me a little less scared of this unfamiliar setting but then... The fuckin’ tech stopped us and glared at us in a peculiar manner. Probably because we broke the “no-touching policy” but like Danny’s ever arsed so we carried on as we were before. When the tech wasn’t looking Danny planted a soft, gentle kiss upon my forehead, my heart melted. Today was different from any other day. Today wasn’t that bad after all. Or maybe that was because Dr.Mcreadie upped my Abilify and prescribed me with Ambien but I dunno and I don’t really care either. Not really keen with socialising but with Danny it’s different, I never knew by the age of 16 I would have become a recluse but as they say life is full of surprises.
Katie stares at the ceiling smiling just so that she discretely reveals a secret blush until there is a faint voice in the background, coming from outside her room “LIGHTS OUT!” The camera pans across the room towards the thick, steel white door which is bolted with locks and numerous keyholes with a small latch about three-quarters up near the top of the door. Katie incoherently moans something that resembles an “urgh OK”.
Shit! Is it half eleven already? That’s the nurse telling me it’s my bed time at the age of 17 pfft. It’s also time to take my Seroquel and Gabitril for my sleep and my Abilify for my depression. It’s that time again, the worse part of the day, back to reality...Away from Danny. All the other manic patients and insomniacs in this hospital always groan in disdain. We all spend our nights at 3am fighting the demons controlling our thoughts trying to drift off into a deep, medicated slumber hoping we won’t awaken again tomorrow. Today I spent my fifth day in this shit hole called a psychiatric hospital. Alone, trapped in my room, trapped in my own mind, wanting nothing more but to be able to escape from the darkness, untie the anchors holding me down. The monsters aren’t under your bed; they’re in your head. Sometimes I get so far into my head that I forget anything else even exists, maybe that’s why I’m in here. And so; Here I am. Still alive...Because I even failed to take my own life, three times.
Scene closes with Katie lay in her bed, curled up taking up little space as possible, clenching the quilts between her fingers, avoiding eye contact with the camera at all times. Her eyelids have drooped as the inner corners of her brows rise, bottom lip trembling she closes her eyes and begin to sob very quietly.

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