...| MN3030C | | Hewlett-Packard | [ETHNIC ENTREPRENEUSHIP] | [Tapez le résumé du document ici. Il s’agit généralement d’une courte synthèse du document. Tapez le résumé du document ici. Il s’agit généralement d’une courte synthèse du document.] | TABLE OF CONTENT I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………Page 2-3 II. ETHNIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEFINITION………..Page 4 III. THE CONCEPT…………………………………………………………Page 5-6 IV. ENTREPRENEURIAL THEORY………………………….……Page 7-8-9 V. ETHNIC NICHE…………………………………………………….…..Page 10 VI. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………..…….Page 11 VII. REFERENCES……………………………………………………..…..Page 12-13-14 VIII. APPENDICE…………………………………………………………..Page 15 I. ------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION The recent growth of new ethnic populations in Western societies raised lots of issues. In fact, the ethnic activity is not any more a question of historic interest; nor is it the concern of the company. Because new ethnic populations grew at the same time as Western economies, they are in a phase of slow growth and are facing the massive technological challenge; the ethnic adaptation and the mobility are central questions. (Waldinger 1990). In Europe, the activities managed by persons of minority ethnic groups were always present, but changeable historic circumstances increased jutting out to them and visibility during the last decades. First of all, the important immigration of former colonies...
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...The key personality attributes that prompted Sean Gilligan’s entrepreneurial pursuits. Module : Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Module leader : Dr Kristos Kalantaridis. Word count : 2500 16-03-2012. MSc Applied Management and Enterprise. UB No: 11017266. Introduction In order to understand why Sean Gilligan became an entrepreneur, there are 3 key elements that revolve around him. His personality or attributes, his background and experience and the skills including how he learnt. In this essay, his personal attributes will only be discussed as this has been of great advantage to his career as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is probably best understood as a process, the constituents of which are the entrepreneur, their persistent search for opportunities, usually grounded in market place, and their efforts to gather the resources needed to exploit those opportunities. Innovation and change, the risks people take and the roles they play to bring about change appear to be core themes in understanding the entrepreneurial process. However, you have the individual entrepreneur who is the driving force behind the process. Without that individual’s commitment, the process would not happen. Sean Gilligan is a chemist by profession and also the owner of a web design...
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...university) and Ventspils University, as well as carried out interviews with 3 experts. In the research has been conscious the university development history, entrepreneurial model of universities, functions and viewed transformation opportunities form classical university to entrepreneurial university. The research paper ir valuable and useful for the both the authoress and Ventspils University, as well as other Latvias higher education institutions, because this topic in Latvia is little studied, as evidenced by the lack of literary sources. The study results indicate that Ventspils institution of higher education has the potential to become entrepreneurial university, but the most important factor in this process is inserting the entrepreneuship in to the staff and students minds. Each universities ecosystem is important, that creates a entrepreneurial environment and provides oppurtunities to build your own business. The authoress has concluded that the entrepreneurial universities promotes regional and also all economic development, because the universities have centres, of which new knowledge gets into companies, as well as new job vacancies creations. In the research has founded, that entrepreneurial universities are possible not only in big universities with many faculties and large amount of students, but as well as small regional universities, like Ventspils University. In the research has been concluded, that in entrepreneurial...
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...LYCEUM-NORTHHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Dagupan City GRADUATE SCHOOL CAUSES AND SYMPTOMS OF SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME A Term Paper(Reaction Paper) Submitted In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of business finance In the M.B.A Program Prepared by Yao yu long March,2012 LYCEUM-NORTHHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Dagupan City GRADUATE SCHOOL 1ST Semester AY 2012 Subject: business finance Topic/Title: A Reaction Paper ENTREPRENEUSHIP Facilitator: Professor: DR.MARIETTA B.SORIO Introduction An entrepreneur is some how who has a different set of ideas and new way of doing a business. Entrepreneurs have the risk taking ability which makes them invade the unconquered territories. It requires huge amount of courage and determination to pursue with their goals. They had a tough stand in tackling against the odds. We hear lots of success stories in the entrepreneurial segment, but the struggles that each one faced never came to the limelight. I read an article about the new age entrepreneurs from a popular magazine. It was quite amazing to see the statistics provided in it. Hence, i am sharing the data with you. On the lssue No.1- Not Just Surviving But...
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...PENYERAHAN DAN PENILAIAN TUGASAN ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT _________________________________________________________________________ OUMM2103 ENTREPRENEURSHIP SEPTEMBER 2014 _________________________________________________________________________ ARAHAN KEPADA PELAJAR / INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris / This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in both Malay and English. 2. Jawab dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. / Answer in Malay or English. 3. Muat turunkan templat tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5. / Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the MyVLE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. 4. Tugasan anda hendaklah mengandungi 2500 hingga 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. Pemeriksa tidak akan membaca jawapan tugasan yang melebihi had patah perkataan yang dibenarkan. Jumlah perkataan hendaklah dinyatakan di penghujung tugasan anda. / Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding...
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...INTRAPRENEURSHIP TUGAS MATA KULIAH ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1 OLEH: TRI RETNO KURNIAWATI 1201130306 MBTI-37-08 MANAJEMEN BISNIS TELEKOMUNIKASI DAN INFORMATIKA FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS TELKOM BANDUNG 2015 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, kata entrepreneurship menjadi perbincangan dikalangan perguruan tinggi. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari adanya fenomena banyaknya lulusan perguruan tinggi yang menganggur, karena jumlah lulusan tidak sebanding dengan adanya lapangan kerja yang tersedia. Kondisi ini mendorong para praktisi pendidikan di perguruan tinggi untuk melakukan reorientasi terhadap lulusannya yang dinilai semata-mata disiapkan sebagai pencari kerja, bukan pencipta kerja. Intrapreneurship merupakan jembatan yang menghubungkan jurang ilmu pengetahuan dan pasar. Perusahaan yang sedang berjalan memiliki modal, sumbersumber, tenaga kerja terampil , marketing, distribusi yang sudah berhasil. Kemudian didalam struktur birokrasinya seringkali tidak berkembang kreativitas sehingga tidak muncul produk baru dan cara cara baru dalam berproduksi. Oleh sebab itu perusahaan mencoba mengizinkan dan mengembangkan semangat wirausaha dalam berorganisasi. Akhirnya berkembang semangat intrapreneurship dan berkembang menjadi perusahaan besar. 2. Rumusan Masalah Dari latar belakang diatas, adapun rumusan masalah sebagai...
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...Business Man 1 Intro to Bus Man as science - Study Unit 1 & 2 Man science uses a scientific approach to solver many problems. Used in variety of orgs to sove different types of problems. Encompasses a logicical mathematical approach to problem solving 1.1 Man science process • Observation - Identification of a problem that exists in the system or organization. • Definition of the Problem - problem must be clearly and consistently defined showing its boundaries and interaction with the objectives of the organization. • Model Construction - Development of the functional mathematical relationships that describe the decision variables, objective function and constraints of the problem. • Model Solution - Models solved using management science techniques. • Model Implementation - Actual use of the model or its solution. 1.2 Factors of production Natural resources i.e. crude oil Capital i.e. investors Labour i.e. technical and academic Entrepeneurship i.e. takes capital and link labour and natural resouces combined with risk to provide goods and services. Knowledge i.e. to determine wants and needs quickly and to respond to them with products and services. 1.3 3 Most NB Economic systems = Capatalism, Socialism and Communism 1.3.1 Capatalism Free market system Built on principles of private ownership Is based on the right to make a profit, right to compete and the right to own property. System is market driven and the solutions to a country's economic problems...
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...EMPLOYEE MPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT NVOLVEMENT Report produced for the EC funded project INNOREGIO: dissemination of innovation and knowledge management techniques by Apostolos Apostolou D. of Production Engineering & Management Technical University of Crete J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 0 EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT 1 Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 4 Description What is Employee Involvement and Empowerment Objectives Methodology Alternative techniques Expected Results / Benefits Characteristics of firms and service providers Application Where the technique has been applied Types of firms / organizations concerned Duration and Implementation cost European Organizations Supporting the implementation of the method Implementation Procedures Steps / Phases A few obstacles and recommended solutions Bibliographic References Annex INNOREGIO project A. Apostolou Technical University of Crete EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT 2 1 DESCRIPTION When an organization truly wants to create a positive work environment that is based on high trust, exceptional customer service, collaborative teamwork, operational excellence, and creative problem solving, then the leadership team must begin to understand, invest in, and be responsive to the needs of the group that represents the organization’s most valuable assets, and is also one of its most important customers, the employees. The return on such nominal investments will come in the form of higher...
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...Sample Survey on Status of Women Entrepreneurs In Bangladesh 1. Background of the Survey 1.1 Women in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a resource-limited and overpopulated country where society is highly stratified, services and opportunities are determined by gender, class and location. However, women make nearly half of the population (Table -1), which means huge potential to be utilised for socio -economic development of the country. Table -1 Population Status of Bangladesh Census From 1998 Total Male Female 1262000 64819000 61381000 00 Share at Total Population Share at Total (%) Population (%) 51.48% 49.52% 51.36% 48.64% Source: Statistical Pocketbook, Bangladesh ’99, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka 1999, Page 85. Total 10631500 0 Sex and Age-based Structure of the Population (Table-2) shows that like the male population of the country, the women represent a vast resource for the country. They must be provided equal opportunity in education, employment and economic activities, only then this resource could be utilised properly. Table -2 Sex and Age-based Structure of the Population 1996 Age-base Group Total Population (%) Male Population (%) Female Population (%) 10-14 Years 12.6 12.52 11.58 15-19 Years 8.52 8.41 8.65 20-24 Years 8.40 7.60 9.25 25-29 Years 6.10 7.92 9.11 30-34 Years 4.25 6.10 6.10 35-39 Years 3.25 5.87 5.14 40-44 Years 2.89 4.40 4.09 Source: Statistical Pocketbook, Bangla desh ’99, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics...
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