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Submitted By jdwilson03
Words 1444
Pages 6
4MAT Review McMinn
Billy Madison
Liberty University

Summary In this book Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling McMinn drew in on the basic concepts on a Christian’s life along with the basic concepts which we believe Christian counselors focus on. He focused on spirituality, theology, and psychology along with the daily battles faced by Christian counselors in their personal and professional lives. In the book McMinn went into the most important components in the life of a Christian being prayer, scripture, confession, sin, forgiveness, and redemption and broke down in all the ways we are affected during our counseling sessions. In the book we are left with personal experiences from the author in which prayer and scripture should be used and in how much we should use them when dealing with each component in the life of a Christian. Many counselors are faced with regular struggles on knowing and deciding when it is the appropriate time to use scripture and the various biblical readings in there sessions because of various reasons such as not wanting to offend their clients, not wanting to have the client feel as if they are being judged, and not wanting to puncture another wound in an already broken individuals situation (McMinn 2011).
The book began to open me up when McMinn stated that “Christian counseling is more complex than other forms of counseling because our goals are multifaceted” (McMinn 2011 pg. 39). He opened readers up to the fact that as Christian counselors we are more so concerned with spiritual growth and mental health and not just healing a puncture in the life of the client. With the focus of Christian counseling being on spiritual growth and mental health McMinn introduces us to the fact that counselors follow a theoretical map, but often times run into issues with the map due to the maps having more focus on the

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