...various aspects of quality management and contains some of ISO’s best known standards. The standards provide guidance and tools for companies and organizations who want to ensure that their products and services consistently meet customer’s requirements, and that quality is consistently improved. Standards in the ISO 9000 family include: * ISO 9001:2008 - sets out the requirements of a quality management system * ISO 9000:2005 - covers the basic concepts and language * ISO 9004:2009 - focuses on how to make a quality management system more efficient and effective * ISO 19011:2011 - sets out guidance on internal and external audits of quality management systems. ISO 14000 The ISO 14000 series of standards was developed by ISO Technical Committee (TC) 207 for guidance in environmental management systems and tools. As of January 2001, almost 24,000 organizations worldwide had already become registered to ISO 14001, a specification standard for environmental management systems (EMS). The momentum building with ISO 14001 makes it clear that environmental management is becoming the new business priority. Similarities Between ISO...
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...ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Environmental management system (EMS) refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection. BASIC EMS An EMS helps an organization address its regulatory demands in a systematic and cost-effective manner. This proactive approach can help reduce the risk of non-compliance and improve health and safety practices for employees and the public. An EMS can also help address non-regulated issues, such as energy conservation, and can promote stronger operational control and employee stewardship. Basic Elements of an EMS include the following: * Reviewing the organization's environmental goals * Analyzing its environmental impacts and legal requirements * Setting environmental objectives and targets to reduce environmental impacts and comply with legal requirements * Establishing programs to meet these objectives and targets * Monitoring and measuring progress in achieving the objectives * Ensuring employees' environmental awareness and competence * Reviewing progress of the EMS and making improvement Therefore, the organization’s management framework should set out clear principles on how authority and accountability are delegated, including clear expectations on assessing risks, taking action to...
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...2.4 The Environmental Management System (EMS) application in the related industries. How it can improve the environmental performance of business? Example. 2.4.1 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) Definition: the environmental management system (EMS) refer to one part of the comprehensive management system that relate to organizational structure, planning activities and documented manner, it includes planning, implementation, checking, management review and environmental policy. An environmental management system (EMS) 1. It is environmental performance improving tool. 2. It is effective way to manage organizational companies. 3. Manage organizations to solve environmental problems, like allocation of resources, assignment of responsibility and ongoing evaluation of practices, procedures and processes. 4. Manage the long-term or short-term environmental impact of products service and processes for organizations. 5. Continual improvement is emphasis. EMS Model Plan Act Do Check Step 1: plan (planning) Definition: planning is a way of establish objectives and processes requirement. In order to implement ISO 14001, the first step is suggestion, to help to classify all the current or future operation elements. It includes environmental aspects, compliance, objectives and targets, environmental management programs (EMP). Business firms should plan for environmental protection. They need to plan their current operation or even future operation. The...
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...Environmental Scanning By James L. Morrison [Note: This text was originally printed as a chapter in A Primer for new Institutional Researchers and is reprinted here with permission from the Association for Institutional Research. The bibliographical citation is: Morrison, J. L. (1992). Environmental scanning. In M. A. Whitely, J. D. Porter, and R. H. Fenske (Eds.), A primer for new institutional researchers(pp. 86-99). Tallahassee, Florida: The Association for Institutional Research. Issues Successful management of colleges and universities depends upon the ability of the senior leaders to adapt to rapidly changing external environment. Unfortunately, the lead time once enjoyed by decisionmakers to analyze and respond to these and other changes is decreasing. Traditional long-range planning models, with their inward focus and reliance on historical data, do not encourage decisionmakers to anticipate environmental changes and assess their impact on the organization (Cope, 1981). The underlying assumption of such models is that any future change is a continuation of the direction and rate of present trends among a limited number of social, technological, economic, and political variables. Thus, the future for the institution is assumed to reflect the past and present or, in essence, to be "surprise-free." However, we know that this is not true, and the further we plan into the future, the less it will be true. What is needed is a method that enables decisionmakers both to...
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...Policy review Abstract: To come out with an interim report to examine and review the MacVille policy and procedure documents to determine the shortfalls between required sustainable practices and documented approaches to the same. In addition, to review current usage of resources to gain understanding of potential for recommending change to organisational practices.Moreover, to develop an implementation plan for the new and revised policy documents. 1. Interim report 2.1 identify and describe required sustainability initiatives for MacVille •MacVille need to make it eco-efficiency by using less energy, material and water, more recycling. •By re-programming of all the air-conditioning services and switching off the lights at night MacVille can reduce the environmental licence fees, as well as by encouraging staff use of dual-flush capability of toilets. •Better sorting the recyclable paper from general rubbish helps MacVille cut down cost on waste management. 2.2 research and describe best practice models relevant to the business sector, especially as it relates to this case study •train the new staff to use the coffee making machine to help save electricity and water. •set harsh penalties for incorrect disposal of waste •use electricity saving machine to lower the usage of energy •use environmental cups for coffee or encourage customers to bring their own cups •lights off when it is unnecessary 2.3 identify and describe shortfalls •the...
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...GREEN GUIDE TO 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES GREEN RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION: TRAINING TOOLKIT FOR HUMANITARIAN AID The Green Recovery and Reconstruction Toolkit (GRRT) is dedicated to the resilient spirit of people around the world who are recovering from disasters. We hope that the GRRT has successfully drawn upon your experiences in order to ensure a safe and sustainable future for us all. GREEN GUIDE TO 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Jonathan Randall, World Wildlife Fund Emma Jowett, Consultant A NOTE TO USERS: The Green Recovery and Reconstruction Toolkit (GRRT) is a training program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of environmentally sustainable disaster recovery and reconstruction approaches. Each GRRT module package consists of (1) training materials for a workshop, (2) a trainer’s guide, (3) slides, and (4) a technical content paper that provides background information for the training. This is the technical content paper that accompanies the one-day training session on environmental impact assessment tools and techniques. Cover photo © Brent Stirton/Getty Images/WWF © 2010 World Wildlife Fund, Inc. and 2010 American National Red Cross. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second...
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...citation is: Morrison, J. L. (1992). Environmental scanning. In M. A. Whitely, J. D. Porter, and R. H. Fenske (Eds.), A primer for new institutional researchers (pp. 86-99). Tallahassee, Florida: The Association for Institutional Research.] Editor's Note: The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, published by the H.W.Wilson Company, is an index to English language periodicals of general interest available in most libraries. We consider a periodical to be readily accessible if it is indexed in the Readers' Guide. For those periodicals not included in the Readers' Guide, we provide the address and, in most cases, the phone number to guide you in your scanning. The Encyclopedia of Associations, published by Gale Research, Inc., is a guide to over 22,000 national and international organizations. Information about how to contact the organizations mentioned in this chapter is from the 1992 edition of The Encyclopedia of Associations and is available in most libraries. Publications of U.S. government agencies are indexed in the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications. Most publications included in the Monthly Catalog are available from The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC 20401. Information: 202/275-3648, orders and inquiries: 202/783-3238. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For overviews of environmental scanning, see: Aguilar, F. (1967)...
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...Plan Date Issued—November 1997 Prepared by Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities Risk Assessment Program Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management under budget and reporting code EW 20 LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. managing the Environmental Management Activities at the East Tennessee Technology Park Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Oak Ridge National Laboratory Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant under contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY APPROVALS Risk Assessment Program Quality Assurance Plan ES/ER/TM-117/R1 November 1997 [name] Sponsor, U.S. Department of Energy Date [name] U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Quality Assurance Program Manager Date [name] Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities Quality Assurance Specialist Date [name] Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities Risk Assessment Manager Date [name] Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities Risk Assessment Program Quality Assurance Specialist Date PREFACE This Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for the Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities (EMEF) Risk Assessment Program (RAP) specifies quality assurance requirements and applicable standards and procedures. The QAP was produced by the EMEF RAP under Work Breakdown Structure entitled Risk Assessment Review, Planning, and Coordination and within the Activity...
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...APLNG Project HSEMP Plan AUSTRALIA PACIFIC LNG HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (HSEMP) Electronic documents, once printed, are uncontrolled and may become outdated. Refer to the electronic document management system (EDMS) for the current revision. Bechtel Confidential © Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Inc. 2011. All rights reserved. This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Bechtel or its affiliates, clients or suppliers, and may not be used, reproduced or disclosed without Bechtel’s prior written permission. 0 5/21/11 A Issue for Use Issued for Review REV DATE RSB CM BS REASON FOR REVISION BY CK’D APPR BECHTEL Client Acceptance JOB NO. 25509 OG&C, INC. Document Number Revision 25509-100-GPP-GHX-00001 0 AUSTRALIA PACIFIC LNG PROJECT Client Doc No.: Page 1 of 82 Bechtel Confidential. © 2011 Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Inc. All rights reserved. APLNG Project HSEMP Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 5 2. HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ................................................................................ 6 3. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................ 6 4. SCOPE .......................................................
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...Measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rational and sustainable allocation and utilization of natural resources, the optimization of interrelations between society and the environment and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations. Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Management Planning Environmental Auditing Socio-Economic Assessment Solid Waste Management Air Quality Monitoring Water Quality Assessment Soil Quality Assessment Water and Wastewater Management Environmental Impact Assessment It's the study undertaken in order to assess the effect on a specified environment of the introduction of any new factor, which may upset the current ecological balance. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study is a statutory requirement in all projects that might produce considerable adverse effects. EIA does not involve any decisions about the project, nor does it restrict the citizens' subsequent opportunities to influence the project. The purpose of EIA is to increase the citizens' opportunities of participation and obtaining information at an early stage of the project, and to reveal the environmental impact so that it can be considered in the planning stage. The EIA process has to be completed before the commencement of any project. Environmental Management Planning Environment Management Planning includes the identification of mitigation and compensation measures for all the...
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...Professional Development: Contemporary Issues Presented by Tsang, Kwong Yuk (Mia) Content Environmental Issues Background Impact: Regulation and requirement International, nation and local regulations Primary challenges RCL response Skills and knowledge required of future managers Personal assessment Conclusion Environmental Issues Air emission Greenhouse gas: CO2 , CH4 ,O3 Air pollution: Sox , NOx , CO, CFCs Generated by diesel engines Global warming and climate change Rising annual temperature Rising sea level Extreme weather (IMO, 2009) Marine Pollution Discharge of waste: solid waste (garbage and plastic), hazardous wastes Discharge of wastewater: graywater, blackwater Ocean acidification:pH values are altering the complex web of systems that allow life to thrive (Copeland, 2008) Background Not concerning the environmental issues in the early 90’s : In 1993, the U.S. Coast Guard caught the Royal Caribbean ship dumping oil off the coast of the Bahamas Other 87 confirmed illegal discharges from cruise ships (Hinckley, 2007) Wake-up call “Regrettably, there have been violations of environmental laws involving cruise lines in the past. These incidents have served as an important wake-up call, causing our industry to redouble its efforts to improve its environmental performance.” (CLIA, 2011) Impact: Regulations and standards International level: International Maritime Organisation...
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...information system is not just a computer. Today's information systems are complex and have many components that piece together to make a business solution. Assurances about an information system can be obtained only if all the components are evaluated and secured. The proverbial weakest link is the total strength of the chain. The major elements of IS audit can be broadly classified: 1. Physical and environmental review—This includes physical security, power supply, air conditioning, humidity control and other environmental factors. 2. System administration review—This includes security review of the operating systems, database management systems, all system administration procedures and compliance. 3. Application software review—The business application could be payroll, invoicing, a web-based customer order processing system or an enterprise resource planning system that actually runs the business. Review of such application software includes access control and authorizations, validations, error and exception handling, business process flows within the application software and complementary manual controls and procedures. Additionally, a review of the system development lifecycle should be completed. 4. Network security review—Review of internal and external connections to the system, perimeter security, firewall review, router access control lists, port scanning and intrusion detection are some typical areas of coverage. 5. Business continuity review—This includes...
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...) | | | ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ISO 14000 SERIES | | | | | ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ISO 14000 SERIES | INTRODUCTIONThe aim of sustainable development is to minimize resource depletion , social instability and environmental damage for the larger cause of society and its welfare . For the accomplishment of this aim, companies need to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility (CSR) that includes concern for environment. As a first step towards the goals for environment concerns is to establish an ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (E.M.S.).WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(E.M.S.)?E.M.S. is a formal system concerned with managing the aspects of company’s activities , products and services that have and could have an impact on the environment. So we can say Environmental management system (EMS) refers to the management of an organisation's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the organisational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection.WHY E.M.S. ? / OBJECTIVES OF E.M.S. * Serves as a tool to improve environmental performance. * Provides a systematic way of managing an organization’s environmental affairs. * Is the aspect of the organization’s overall management structure that addresses immediate and long-term impacts of its products, services and processes on the environment. * Gives...
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...Customers: identifying and assessing needs; expectations and reactions; providing information and advice; providing customer care and control; accessibility; safety and security; legal obligations and liabilities; processing and monitoring sales and bookings; maintaining communication systems and databases; ancillary services and sales Employer/funding agencies: private and/or public ownership of facilities; management board/trustees; local authority; funding partnerships and sources; financial management; personal contract and accountability; lines of management responsibility; impact on facilities operations LO2 Understand the legal, health, safety and environmental obligations to be addressed by facilities operations Statutory regulations: types eg local authority, fire authority (expectations and requirements), employment and insurance law, building and accessibility regulations, compliance; licences, recording documentation Health and safety measures: risk assessment procedures; regulations eg Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH); relevant authorities eg Health and Safety Executive Inspectorate, Environmental Health Officer; compliance; recording documentation Environmental and sustainability issues for facilities...
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...aluminum maker, operating in 8 countries. Alumina was reported to be in violation of environmental discharge norms in a routine EPA compliance evaluation inspection 5 years ago. The company corrected the violation and has enjoyed overall environmental regulation compliance record. This paper will identify potential torts resulting from this violation and utilizing the 7 Step Process. Torts: Negligence: The Company failed to follow the environmental discharge. Another tort that would have resulted in litigation would be liability with Alumina, Inc. The managers trying to handle the situation may decide to test for further PAH violations. With a liability tort management should seek some kind of mediation for damages toward the Bates family through AAA (American Arbitration Association). Harb Process: 1. Management Commitment- Risk Management effectiveness: The Company (ALUMINA) must commit in developing and managing the ERM process. Promoting and integrating the benefits of ERM can be beneficial to Alumina as first step in minimizing and mitigating risks of environmental situation. 2. Communication and Consulting of ERM framework: Internal communication of the benefits of ERM and the internal auditing will ensure management compliance. The use of reporting and KPI (KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR) will build the confidence and the commitment. Alumina consultation with legal counsel and environmental consultants...
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