I understand you have been talking to Brian about bridging the gap in the fandom. I fully support this, but it won't be an easy road.
There is a lot of history on both sides to overcome.
I have a suggestion we can work on together that may help with the EU movement coming around. I don't know how much you've kept up with this years Hasbro Fan poll; but it has quickly gotten out of hand. I looked at your page a few times to see if you had weighed in, but your page has a massive amount of daily post. I hadn't seen anything but I could easily have missed it, if you had.
I assumed you know what is going on but I will give you a recap just in case. After Dave Faloni campaigned for Sabine during the 2015 fan poll, the movement began campaigning…show more content… JTA's voting system was a little different from other sites. On JTA it was asked for nominations be made in comments and not to duplicate the nominations, to vote for an already named nomination 'like' the comment. Paul said he would be monitoring this closely to prevent 'upvoting', last year this meant he would delete the duplicates and comment that that name had already been nominated. This year he didn't do that, so there were several people voting for Ben Skywalker and many of the same people liking the various nominations. I myself was on of them, because I would go back to the various polling sites and like the Ben Skywalker nominations; forgetting that JTA's poll was different. Now why he didn't do the samething as last year I don't know and honestly its his site and his porogertive. He could have looked at each of the the likes and subtracted the duplicates people liking, but that would mean a good deal of work so I don't blame him for not doing so. Instead he could have just counted the nomination with the most likes and not counted the rest. Unfortunetly he didn't do any of that, he throw out all the votes. We wouldn't have been happy, but if we didn't follow the rules we didn't follow the rules. What he did do was declare campaigning for votes to be cheating and he petitioned other sites to throw out Ben Skywalker votes. And 6 other sites did despite no rules had been