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Epik Dance Research Paper

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Epik Dance Company is a collection of variously trained dancers who deeply appreciate the arts and have a need to share the benefits of the dance community. At a recent preview of their show Don’t Hold Your Breath on March 8 in The Black Theatre Troupe in Phoenix, Arizona, this dance company presented a performance that could only be referred to as spectacular. Don’t Hold Your Breath is a story about a woman analyzing her life as she faces a groundbreaking moment between life and death. The music the company wrote was unique in a way in which there were no words, but sounds that were integrated into the dance. And although this display was a Sparknotes version of the actual performance, the fact that the company dedicated themselves to educating …show more content…
There were even more dramatizations than the last performance. The name of the dance was “Birthday”, (which happened to be what was happening to the protagonist). She was looking back on a surprise party of hers when she was younger. This dances music was different where there was an actual remix of “Birthday” by Selena Gomez instead of a new song made up of sounds like in the other pieces. As a normal birthday party would have, this dance had a very upbeat, lighthearted, and exciting vibe which was contributed to by using bright lighting and ample energy within the dancers. With this piece, the choreographers in Epik brought the audience back to their childhood by using jazz funk, and funky costumes. All of the dancers’ clothing in this performance could be found in an 80’s party. Much like the last piece, every performer had their own personality, or character. Therefore, they had different and unique costumes. Also, since the company dancers had such a high level of technique, there was no need to worry for dullness or messiness. Choreographers even added in the ’hand-jive’ from the movie Grease to give even more insight to the time-period. The purpose of this piece was to remember the good days from childhood, and that goal was

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