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It's My Life Rhetorical Analysis

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Transcendentalism is the belief that all people are innately good and that they should voice their opinions without caring what others think. In time Ralph Waldo Emerson created this philosophical belief and wrote about his ideas in the essays Nature and Self Reliance. Although Emerson is most widely known for his Transcendentalist views others have referenced Transcendentalist ideas in either their art, music or writings. The singer/songwriter Bon Jovi's songs are abounding with Emerson’s theories from his essays. In the song It’s My Life Bon Jovi sings about how it is important for people to say what they believe and to disregard what others think to lead a happier and more fulfilling life; which encompasses some of the fundamental ideals of transcendentalism and Emerson's essay Nature. …show more content…
Jovi states that he is going to say what he believes to be true and that he will not be quiet just to fit within the social norms. When Jovi says “I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd” he tells the listener he does not want to be a conformist or a “follower”. He believes that it is more important to let other people hear his opinions and beliefs when he “shouts them out loud” than to keep them locked inside. Even if others do not agree with him he will feel better that he was true to himself. This relates back to Transcendentalism since both Jovi and Transcendentalists believe that nonconformity is the route to success and

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