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Epsilon Capricorni Research Paper

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Words 538
Pages 3
Epsilon Capricorni Today, we are going to visit 39 light years to a star named Epsilon Capricorni. This star is located in the tail of the Capricornus constellation. We will travel back in time to see it's birth and how it was formed. We will come to the present day star and then predict its future based on scientific research and previous star knowledge. Epsilon Capricorni started only as a cloud of gases and dust particles. The nebula was somehow disturbed by shock waves or solar winds from a star nearby. The gases and dust in the cloud started to condense into a sphere, which is caused by gravity. As the temperature in this sphere rose, it became a protostar. When the temperature got hot enough inside, fusion ignited in the core, and it created energy by turning hydrogen to helium. …show more content…
The star must keep it's a balance between the outward push of fusion and the inward pull of gravity so it will not collapse. As a main sequence star, Epsilon Capricorni has 3 inner layers and 3 outer layers. The inner layers are the core, which is where the fusion occurs, the radiative zone, this is where the energy is transferred by absorption and emission, and the convection layer, which transfers energy through circular currents where it rises and cools then falls and heats back up again. The outer layers are the photosphere, this is where light is emitted, the chromosphere, and the corona, which is only visible if the body of the star is blocked out. Currently, Epsilon Capricorni is a blue main sequence

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