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Dark Matter Research Paper

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Amongst the scientific community, there many topics that are easier to prove and present facts, but there are some topics that left scientists questioning and desperate for finding answers. Dark matter is one those topics that left many scientists clueless to what they are. Dark matter makes up about 24% of the universe and normal matter only makes up 4%. Even though the quarter of the universe is made up of dark matter, they are one of the most elusive particles to detect. They do not emit or absorb any light like a normal matter, making them invisible in dark space. Dark matter till this day have not been discovered yet, but scientists know they exist because it emits some gravitational pull on galaxies. Around the world many scientists …show more content…
Although dark matter is mysterious, scientists does know fair amount about it. To further understand about dark matter, this report consist of: what dark matter is, what role does it play for the universe, and what could they be possibly made of.
Dark Matter, one of the most mysterious things in the universe. Dark matter isn’t any ordinary matter, they behave completely different than normal matter. Normal matter makes up galaxies, stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and all living and nonliving things on Earth. Normal matter are made up of protons and neutrons and also subatomic particles like quarks, leptons and their corresponding antiparticle. Normal matter can absorb and emit light, as well as electromagnetic radiation. But, Dark Matter is completely opposite, it can neither absorb or emit any light. Also, what they are made up is still unknown this day. Normal matter (Baryonic Matter) makes up about %5 of the universe, but rest of the universe is made up of this “mysterious …show more content…
Firstly, they play an important role because dark matter is known to be the key component of holding galaxies together. Every galaxy in the universe is surrounded by dark matter and this dark matter acts like a cosmic web glue that keeps different galaxies grouped together. When the mass of all objects in the galaxy are added up together, the amount of mass is so enormous that galaxies and galaxy cluster should have been torn apart by the amount of rotation speed produced by the central massive black hole. Scientist came up with a possible solution that "there's about five times more invisible or dark matter out there exerting gravity than there is a normal matter"(9) and keeping the structure of the galaxy together. Dark matter provides a vital “scaffolding for the universe, forming a framework for the formation of galaxies through gravitational attraction”(8). They protect galaxies from "being disrupted by the strong tidal pull of gravity from larger galaxies"(8), hence why dark matter plays an important role. Secondly, they play an important role because it determines the fate of the universe. According to the big-bang theory, after the giant cosmic explosion, the early universe went through an enormous period of expansion and still expanding today. This expansion led to gravity clumping and grouping galaxies together, so this meant that there is left over matters after

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