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Thomas Jefferson Louisiana Purchase Analysis

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Thomas Jefferson is the man considered to be behind the Louisiana Purchase. I personally think it’s a great accomplishment to have doubled the size of the United States, while doing so without warfare. The rest though I haven’t known much about how the French abolished slavery. I think it’s a great accomplishment for them. Doing so they were involved in a lot of war. I know in Haiti everyone is kind of fighting over the crop filled land with tons of slaves. I like how it basically says the people have as much control as the government. In different ways though, the people can over throw or get rid of the government kind of. When the people don’t like something they have the power to make the change. “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”. (Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence) That’s exactly the thing people want to hear is that they have the power too. Overall wherever you live in the new world you too have the power to get rid of an evil in government. …show more content…
That they have the power to make any kind of government they want to. I think Thomas Jefferson had a lot of things really figured out. He gave people what they wanted and gave them the chance to have equal rights. I also feel like he is trying to say its natural for there to be bad blood between people and the government. Also Haiti is being so populated in slaves he writes saying that if nothing is done it’ll basically become a war over there. With Thomas Jefferson being a slave owner and for letting people have there own rights he sure doesn’t give the colored people the same

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