Premium Essay



Submitted By maldea123
Words 619
Pages 3
Laboratory Exercise No 2 | User Interface Modelling – Photoshop basic shapes and vector tools | | 1. Objective(s): | The activity aims to introduce shapes and vector tools in designing an interface | 2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): | The students shall be able to: 2.1 construct using shapes and manipulate vector tools for a particular interface 2.2 design a standard calculator interface | 3. Discussion: | Vector graphics is supported by Photoshop using shape tool. The location of drawing mode options is in the Options Bar along the top of the screen. Near the far left of the Options Bar is a set of three icons. Each icon represents one of the three types of shapes we can draw. The first icon (the one on the left) is the Shape Layers option, and it’s the option we choose when we want to draw vector shapes. The second (middle) icon is the Paths option, which is what we choose when we want to draw paths. The third icon (the one on the right) is known as the Fill Pixels option. We choose it when we want to draw pixel-based shapes:From left to right – the Shape Layers, Paths, and Fill Pixels options.Photoshop itself is not really known as a drawing program. It’s primarily a photo editor, and photos (digital photos, at least) are made up of pixels. When we draw a pixel-based shape by choosing the Fill Pixels option in the Options Bar, we’re creating shapes out of the same type of pixels that make up a digital photo, and pixels have major limitations on what we can do with them. The biggest drawback with pixel-based images or shapes is that they don’t scale very well, at least not when we need to make them larger than their original size. Enlarge a pixel-based image or shape too much and it will lose its sharpness, becoming soft and dull. Enlarge it even more and the pixels that make up the image or shape can become visible, resulting in

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