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Essay 2


Submitted By bribri01
Words 900
Pages 4
Happiness in Life
Composition 2

Happiness in Life Do you try to impress people with stuff you buy? Do you buy stuff to make you happy? If you answered yes to these questions then you have an issue saving money. In today’s society many people buy things even though they do not have the extra money to spend on them. The commercial Road to Happiness airing in 2007 portrays the message that one can save money and be happy in life. A lot more people are going into debt today since they do not save their money, one tries to show off to their friends and family, and most of society relies on buying stuff to be happy when they are depressed. Society as a whole spends more money today then we have in the past. “We live in a world of surfeit stuff, of big-box stores and 24-hour online shopping opportunities. Members of every socioeconomic bracket can and do deluge themselves with products. There is not any indication that any of these things makes anyone any happier; in fact it seems the reverse may be true” said Graham Hill from the New York Times. .A lot of people are in debt because people feel they have to have things when really all one needs is food, water, and a roof over one’s head to survive. Today more people spend money they do not have which cause them to lose their houses, which then leads to many other problems such as: more homeless people, shelters being full, more people without a job, and people losing family because they can not take care of themselves. Society needs to step back and realize what is really important in life and make smarter choices when it comes to ones money spending habits. In the commercial, Road to Happiness, it shows the company ING Direct, a place where you can save your money. There are many other companies and banks out there where they will help you save your money the right way. They have plan’s that only allow you to

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