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Essay On Type 2 Diabetes

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Within the past two decades, the United States has faced a battle like no other: the fight against chronic diseases. The burden of chronic diseases, particularly Type 2 Diabetes, has become especially prevalent as lifestyle shifts in poor diet and lack of physical activity are dominating urbanized communities.1 Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic condition that affects the way the body process blood sugar.2 In this condition, the body’s cells are resistant to hormone insulin, which is responsible for allowing glucose to enter the cells to be used for energy.2 As a result, the individual has high blood sugar, which can lead to health problems such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease.2 In the United States, 29.1 million adults are living with diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes.2 However, adults are not the only population affected by this disease; 208,000 children are currently living with diagnosed diabetes.2
The prevalence for children diagnosed with Type 2 …show more content…
The consequences of having a chronic disease affects the psychological and social wellbeing of a child. Family history and poor diet are the highest risk factors for T2D among Hispanic youth.11 Due to T2D, these youth experience stress and poor metabolic control which have been found to affect the child’s school attendance.12 In a public health study, researchers Milton and Holland examined the long term social consequences of having diabetes as a child and determined whether consequences were more severe for disadvantaged children.12 They examined over 2,248 electronic databases and found that chronic illness and serious hypoglycemic events were associated with poor educational performance.12 Overall, diseases such as T2D could impact the child’s educational status and academic achievement.12 These could affect the child’s chances of future success in the labor

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