...Layoff the Sadness for Layoffs Do layoffs make people happier in the long run? Do they give people the opportunity to finding the meaning of true happiness? All of these questions that don’t typically come up in our heads we hear of people bring laid off. Our initial reaction is to feel sad and solemn for whoever was laid off, but what if it isn’t the end of the world? Of coarse it sets you back, especially if you aren’t expecting the layoff. You don’t know what to do in the moment, because you’ve relied so much on this singular career. However, getting laid off gives you the chance to open brand new doors that you never knew existed. Closing old doors always gives the opportunity of opening new ones and possibly even better ones. Sometimes you never knew that your new door was a better possibility and option for yourself....
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...Re-organization and Layoff: Decision Making Evaluation Paper Learning Team D PHL/320 07/20/15 Scott Phillips Decision Making: In our Decision Making Evaluation, we as a group most commonly agreed that the biggest factor to easing the “Layoff” would be to have a trained individual handle the situation. This would solve issues for all classes of individuals that are being relieved of their duties in a business setting while keeping the professionalism present in the process. Through other research there were other options available to remove the “Layoff” issues and it was best shown in Daniel Panger’s, “Alternatives to Employee Layoff.” Panger explains how the amount of money and time put into training an employee gets wasted when the employee gets laid off and expresses other ways to approach situations that demand change. The idea of reducing workdays and weeks is brought up to save money and escape the Layoff (Panger, 1971). The issues seen with this technique is in the long run it would seem to simply prolong the issue and still lead to a layoff. That leads us to the decision of having a prepared and educated person handle the laying off process. Implementing the Decision: For a businesses to use this solution there is many things that must take place and the most important would be to establish a formula and fundamentals that will be present in the process. There are fundamentals from others studies that have already been used and a...
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...Impact on Employee Morale during Company Restructuring The worldwide economic crisis has caused too many companies to restructure their corporate setting in order to survive and meet their financial challenges. If you turn on the TV or browse internet these days, it is almost impossible to avoid the bad news of more and more massive layoffs in United States as well as the rest of the world. As this financial crisis deepens, one can’t help asking “Is downsizing or more job cuts our only way out? What is the long term effect of these massive job cuts to our corporation employees? Will we need even longer time to recover from this emotional and morale crisis if the downsizing wasn’t done right?” In this paper, impacts of corporate restructuring on employees’ morale have been explored by reviewing several research papers. Figures were illustrated, strategies were suggested. It is not the question why companies have to downsize or cut jobs, it is how they should do it strategically right to reach the expected goal of benefit and continue to retain the trust and loyalty of the surviving workers. “Trust is one of the most valuable yet brittle assets in any enterprise. So over the long term, it’s far better for companies to downsize in a humane way.” - Robert Reich (Mishra and Spreizer, 1998) During the economic recession, many companies started to restructure their legal, ownership or operation structure in order to be more profitable, competitive and...
Words: 1971 - Pages: 8
...could be shaped to encourage people to search more. Similarly, leisure is an indispensable component in people’s life. Understanding how people allocate their time on leisure could have implications on policies on improving people’s welfare. In this paper, time spent on job searching is defined as all the time spent by an individual searching for a job. This includes time spent on job interviewing, sending out resumes and waiting associated with interviewing etc. Time spent on leisure is all the time spent by an individual on TV watching, socializing, eating and personal care, other leisure activities like reading, and listening to music. Using data from American Time Use Survey between 2003 and 2013, I conduct my research revolving around the question “How do the unemployed female and male differ in their allocation of time on job searching and leisure before and after the financial crisis in the US”. Using the Heckman selection model, I find out that for unemployed individuals, they spend 92 minutes less on job searching during weekend than during weekdays; those on layoff are less likely to spend positive amount of time on job searching compared to those actively looking for jobs, however, if those on layoff do search, they spend roughly 3 hours...
Words: 529 - Pages: 3
...g Downsizing: Layoffs/Closings [pic] | | | | |Top of Form | |[pic][pic][pic] | |Bottom of Form | | | | | |Introduction | |Leadership Examples | | | |Business Importance | |Sample Policies | | ...
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...Position Christine M. Thomas ACC/260 5/18/2014 Donna Adams CEO's Position The Kardell Paper Company has been presented with a situation to be taken under advisement. It has been brought to my attention by Mr. Green and a report he has prepared regarding their testing of the water quality of the Cherokee River in and around the plant. The tests have shown high readings of the industrial chemical Sonox near the plant’s discharge pipe and small trace amounts of the chemical farther away and on the opposite side of the shore from the plant. In recent years Kardell has begun using this chemical in the manufacturing of a line of bleached Kraft paper (Brooks, 2007). Along with Mr. Green’s report and impact statement from parties concerned; Kardell Employees Union Representives, Kardell Investors, City of Riverside and its citizens, and Kardell’s Legal Counsel. I will be analizing each groups concerns and present my final decision. The impact statement from the Kardell Employee Union Representatives bring the following concerns; the plant’s part in the discharge of the chemical Sonox into the river water, is Kardell complying with all government environmental regulations, worries with regards to the rising health conditions in the community with possible connections to Sonox, feel further testing on the effects of Sonox, possible alternatives to the retro fit proposal to prevent layoffs that would have a devastating impact on the communities economy. Our employees are the biggest...
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...Employment Downsizing and Society Student name Student University Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to present the implications of the downsizing to the former employees and the social environment around this individual. The author presents the theoretical implementations of the downsizing and provides the implications to the laid of employee, his/ her family, and the employee who kept his/ her work. Later, the author discusses about ethical questions related to the downsizing. Keywords: downsizing, social impact, business ethics Studying Business Ethics and examining real life situation an individual starts to see the world from a different angle. The one starts to see the other side of a dilemma and begins to realize that sometimes decision made might affect both his/ her life and the environment around them. Most of the times, the decision is like a scale of wrong and right. Therefore, understanding the consequences – both negative and positive – is an essential part of decision making process where personal benefit or strong relationship might contradict individual’s worldview or belief. In my paper, I will discuss the problem of making decision of the top managers to pursue economic benefits when restructuring the organizations and potential ramifications, such as impact of employment downsizing on employees, communities, and families of the employees. To start with, employment “downsizing refers to a company's decision...
Words: 1961 - Pages: 8
...Abstract The HR practices of Aflac were examined in the context of its effect on employee satisfaction. In 2015, Aflac made the list of 100 best companies to work for as it has done for the past ___years. The team examined the benefits provided to the employees and the workplace culture at Aflac in order to determine why the organization enjoyed a low-rate of employee turnover and why surveys showed that its employees were highly satisfied with working at Aflac. Aflac “strives to deliver quality services to its 4,500 employees while staying competitive in the insurance market” (Reed, 2015). The team determined that part of the employee satisfaction resulted from Aflac’s decision to not lay off its employees during economic downturns. Furthermore, employees are provided with growth opportunities because Aflac promotes from within. We also explored the salary structure and opportunities to earn a higher income Employees are positively impacted by policies that helps them balance their personal and work lives. Aflac has made it very easy for its employees to have a growing professional life while at the same time, enjoy their personal life. Aflac understands the importance of keeping its employees happy and has implemented policies that pushes the company towards those goals. In return, it has an employee base that considers it a great place to work and who works hard to maintain the company’s positive image to its customers. Introduction For 17 consecutive years...
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...CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION This research is conducted on the topic, “Employee Health and Safety”. Under this topic we have managed to cover many aspects of employee protection. This chapter contains the introduction to the research conducted, the basic research objectives and the importance and logical basis of the study carried out. 1. INTRODUCTION Employee Health and Safety is a very vast topic that comes under human resource management and is a very important one at the same time. Every organization now a days is looking forward to make more and more improvements in this sector if human resource development in order to be more competitive. This research paper has some excellent information from very well known resources on the required topic and is thought to provide very useful information and facts to the reader. 2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES • To develop and implement appropriate environmental, health and safety programs, and activities associated with those programs • To make aware, to ensure the adherence to health and safety policies and practices applicable to the instruction, research and work environment in which the employees participate. • To promote personal security and overall safety Programs • To promote a safe and healthy workplace while encouraging proactive stewardship on behalf of the environment. • To empower employees to effectively manage their health and well-being. Train, and require individuals to take personal responsibility for...
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...Fundamental of Macroeconomics Paper Jacqueline Castro ECO/372 February 28, 2013 Laurence P. Hagan Fundamental of Macroeconomics Paper Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Colander (2010) stated that gross domestic product (GDP) is “the market value of final goods and services produced in an economy, stated in the prices of a given year. When people produce and sell their goods, they earn income, so when an economy is growing; both total output and total income are increasing (p. 155). My understanding of GDP is a way for the country to gauge the value of the goods and services that the country itself produces, whether to export or to sell within the country’s own borders. Real GDP Growth is measured by the change in real gross domestic product (real GDP) and by the change in per capita real GDP. Per capita real GDP is a real GDP divided by the total population. Real GDP is nominal GDP adjusted for inflation (Colander, 2010). Personally I found the explanation in our book to be a bit confusing therefore I did some additional research and found out that real GDP is an inflation-adjusted measure that is used by the government to determine the value of all the goods and the services that have been produced within a specific year. Nominal GDP According to Colander (2010), nominal GDP is % change in real GDP = % change in nominal GDP – Inflation. Doing that subtraction is what economists mean when they say that real GDP is equal to nominal GDP adjusted for inflation. My understanding...
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...end to end networks IP solutions for the construction of 3G/4G wire and wireless technologies. Alcatel-Lucent Technologies have unique research environment; Bell Labs. Employments benefits and multi-cultural environment are key merits at Alcatel-Lucent Technologies. Workforce reduction process and lack of strategic business decision are the main drawbacks of Alcatel-Lucent Technologies. With Nokia acquiring of Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, a new giant company is formed to better compete with infrastructure telecommunications as Cisco, and Ericson. Keywords: Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs, Business, Multi-cultural Assignment 1: Business Analysis Alcatel-Lucent is leading converged IP networking, ultra-broadband access, and could technologies company. On November 30, 2006, Alcatel-Lucent Technologies merge occurred by 25-billion-euro balance. It employed about 80,000 people worldwide and has annual revenue of about 16 billion euros. Alcatel-Lucent technologies combined two giant companies - Alcatel and Lucent Technologies. Lucent Technologies was spun off from AT&T while Alcatel parent company was CGE (la Compagnie Générale d’Electricité). Alcatel-Lucent Technologies Business Performance Three factors, either economic, social, or both, impacting the performance of the organization you selected Bell labs innovations have a unique research environment where scientists have the freedom to think and come up with emerging technologies that can be developed at Alcatel-Lucent...
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...of workers productivity. This literature reviews focuses on affective organizational commitment among survivors of organizational restructuring and downsizing. It focused on middle level managers and employees in supervisory positions because survivors of this group are often called upon to assume expanded roles, functions and responsibilities in a post restructuring and downsizing environment. This paper also explores the impact of recession for those still in employment by looking at a key indicator of employee wellbeing, work pressure staff reductions and company reorganization both increase work pressure, as does current job insecurity. Other job changes, like large pay cuts, increases in responsibility, autonomy and monitoring also increase work pressure. Keywords: Recession, downsizing, layoffs, economic downturns, organizational behavior, commitment, motivation, loss and grief, leaders, employees, stakeholders. 2 INTRODUCTION The great recession of 2007 started on the month of December. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the prestigious private research institute declared it officially. The government of US acknowledged the NBER's declaration, aware of the downfall since August 2007; the White House did not change its course on coping with the financial crisis. This was the third longest since The Great Depression. The Great recession in the US damaged greatly in 2007 since the 1930s. At least 8 million jobs were lost $10 trillion dollars of...
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...Introduction The Cincinnati Police Department is the primary law enforcement agency of the City of Cincinnati. The primary responsibilities of the Police Department are: Prevention of crime, protection of life and property, suppression of criminal activity, apprehension and prosecution of offenders, regulation of non-criminal conduct, and preservation of public peace. The vision of the Cincinnati Police Department is to be recognized as the standard of excellence in policing. The mission of CPD is to “develop personnel and manage resources to promote effective partnerships with the community to improve the quality of life through the delivery of fair and impartial police services while maintaining an atmosphere of respect for human dignity.†This mission is accomplished through the core values of the department on a daily basis. These core values include: •Integrity – Our actions and relationship with the community are guided by an internal sense of honesty and morality. •Professionalism – Our conduct and demeanor display the highest standard of personal and organizational excellence. •Diversity – Our members recognize differences as strength in our organization and community. •Accountability – Our duty is to promote public trust by upholding our obligations to the department and community. •Vigilance – Our responsibility is to be alert to issues and activities impacting our community. Under the command of the Police Chief, the Police...
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...AT&T: Becoming a Leader in Network Expansion Introduction The American Telephone and Telegraph Company’s (AT&T) history goes back to the year of 1875 when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. In the 19th century, AT&T became the owner of the Bell system company. The bell system was well known for the best telephone service in the country. The first telephone exchange, operating under license from Bell Telephone, opened in New Haven, CT in 1878. Within three years, telephone exchanges existed in most major cities and towns in the United States, operating under licenses from what was now the American Bell Telephone Company. In 1882, American Bell acquired a controlling interest in the Western Electric Company, which became its manufacturing unit (The History of AT&T, 2010). In 1984, bell systems decided to break into eight companies by agreement with U.S. Department of Justice and AT&T. The fundamental principle, formulated by AT&T president Theodore Vail in 1907, that the telephone by the foundation of the new technology of nature and that will operate mainly on the efficiency as a monopoly by providing universal service in the United States. AT& T began restructuring and downsizing in 1995, more than a decade after breaking up the Bell System to settle a Federal antitrust suit (Lander, 1995). Robert Allen aggressively sought to undertake a turnaround of the organization by, among other things...
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...Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS Problem Solution: Global Communications John Smith University of Phoenix Problem Solution: Global Communications Problem-based learning allows the student to develop his or her problem-solving skills by applying them to an authentic scenario that requires them to identify a problem, apply a problem-solving approach to develop and analyze alternative solutions, and recommend and defend an optimal solution (University of Phoenix, 2010, para. 2). The Global Communications (GC) scenario identifies several issues for the student to analyze and solve using the lessons learned from the course. This paper identifies the major issues that GC is facing. These issues will be analyzed and the perspectives and ethical dilemmas of the stakeholders will be identified. An examination of the problem statement will reveal what improvements GC would like to see in three years. Alternate solutions will be presented and analyzed for validity. An appropriate risk will be assessed on the selected solutions and mitigation techniques explored. From this evaluation an optimal solution will be selected and a plan to implement explored. Finally, a plan to evaluate the results will be presented. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification This is a challenging time for GC, the mega-giant telecommunications company headquartered in Centralia, USA. The telecommunications industry is flooded with competition...
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