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German Nurse's Role In The Holocaust

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The invasion of Poland marked a change in how the Nazi government of Germany went about its business. Before September 1st, 1939, the Nazi government was very methodical when it came to prosecution of the Jewish population; however, following the invasion and occupation of Poland, the world saw a much faster moving takeover of day to day life. Even though change came faster, the Nazi’s wished to prevent uproar and maintain some normality within persecuted populations. By sustaining as much of ordinary life as possible, the Nazis were able to gain more success when prosecuting the unwanted populations of conquered lands. The Nazi’s did this by allowing schooling, employment, and other aspects of day to day life to continue in areas they occupied. …show more content…
German nurses, secretaries, and even wives helped facilitate some of the most heinous actions of the Holocaust. Specifically, nurses played instrumental roles in the euthanasia programs and medical experimentation. Although their actions appeared completely typical in day to day life, Nazi secretaries assisted in the expansion of Hitler’s genocidal regime. These women held influential posts in the Nazi regime despite only occupying auxiliary positions. Wendy Lower displays the importance of Nazi secretaries very clearly, “Besides the nurses, the largest contributors to the day-to-day operations of Hitler’s genocidal war were the German secretaries and office aides…” Everything that was done in these positions was done with a belief of it being ordinary. The German women who took these jobs partook in extremely terrible actions, yet from the outside it appeared they were only doing their job. The image of customary action carried out by these women made committing crimes easier. No one expects terrible things to come out of situations that look completely mundane. Therefore, the appearance of normality assisted the perpetrators that Wendy Lower depicts throughout Hitler’s

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