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Gut Microbiome

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The gut microbiome consists of over a hundred trillion bacteria. Kochhar & Martin (2015) explained that apart from digestion, the pathogenesis of various metabolic diseases implicates the involvement of certain changes in the composition of the gut microbiome, one of which is diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which patients are unable to regulate their blood glucose levels. It is usually of two types. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, caused by lack of insulin secretion in the body, is usually because of autoimmunity against the β cells of the pancreatic Islets of Langerhans. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is the most common, is a combination of insulin deficiency as well as insulin resistance in the peripheral tissues (Swift …show more content…
The normal natural human diet contains a lot of fiber. As digestive enzymes cannot break down dietary fiber, gut microbiota ferment it producing short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs stimulate secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1, an incretin hormone. Glucagon-like peptide-1 inhibits glucagon secretion, improves insulin sensitivity and impedes gluconeogenesis in the liver; results being increased glucose uptake and thereafter weight loss. SCFAs also directly downgrades the local inflammation due to bacterial migration to mesenteric adipose tissue and blood. Therefore, any gut microbiome alterations through ways such as antibiotic treatment or highly decreased intake of dietary fiber lead to decreased insulin secretion after meals and decreased insulin sensitivity, paving way for diabetes mellitus (Matthews, …show more content…
Knowledge on the relationship will make it possible to formulate a cure to type 2 diabetes mellitus that will utilize gut microbiome to effect intended physiologic actions, as demonstrated by the research done so far on mice and human subjects. The current treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus is the use of the drug metformin, which causes microbiome shifts while using gut microbiota to exert some of its effects, and has numerous side effects. Other non-insulin pharmaceuticals, peritoneal insulin administrations, and relevant modifications to dietary and lifestyle habits may complement metformin therapy (Swift & Clark, 2015). Current treatment methods are not fully effective and coupled with the side effects, render diabetes treatment not fully effective. Diabetes mellitus treatment is a good thing, but it can be improved for more effective outcomes and prolonged lives of patients with the

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