...Assignment 1 for MCB 3020L Spring 2014 (due 2/24 or 2/26) Instructions: * Your answers have to be typed and double spaced. * Put the date, your name and your TA’s name on the cover page of this assignment. * “Give a detailed explanation” means don’t just give a one sentence answer. * Don’t forget to include your calculations and references! Late assignments are not accepted for grading. Questions: 1) Assume that you measure the OD of two E.coli cultures: culture A and culture B. The spectrophotometer gives you a reading of 2.2 for culture A and 0.02 for culture B. What would you do to determine the concentration of culture A and B and why? Give a detailed explanation! For culture A the OD reading is 2.2. This must never exceed 1, so a dilution is required. For culture B the OD reading is 0.2. You would calculate the reading by the factor 1x10^8 cells/mol of E.Coli 2) The OD of an E.coli culture is 0.46. You transfer 60µl of this culture into 5.94ml of medium. You continue this same dilution one more time. You transfer 25 µl of your last dilution onto an LA plate. After 24 hours of incubation, you observe 12 colonies on this last plate. A) Did you expect this result? If not, name at least three reasons for this result giving a detailed explanation for each reason. B) What would you do to prove your theory and why? A) 3) A friend of yours asks...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
...I. Title Page A. Title 1. Does your title include something about what we did in the experiment? 2. Does your title include the full scientific name of the organism involved in the experiment? B. Authors 1. Did you include your lab mates' names on your paper? 2. Did you put your name first? II. Introduction A. General background information 1. What general information can you provide about E. coli? 2. Why should we care about gene transfer in bacteria? 3. Types of gene transfer? Which one was used in this experiment? B. What is the objective of the experiment? C. What is your hypothesis? Predictions? Variables? III. Methods A. Did you provide detailed steps? 1. Temperatures 2. Volumes 3. Incubation times B. Did you cite the lab manual? IV. Results A. What happened on your plates? B. Did you include a table with your results in it? 1. Did you reference the table? C. Did you only state results but not explain them? V. Discussion A. Did your results support or reject your hypothesis? 1. Give details. If your hypothesis is not supported, what could have caused your outcome? B. What is the importance of your findings? C. If you could change the experiment, what would you do? D. Did you incorporate your answers to the questions on page 4 & 5 of the lab packet? E. Did you bring this back to the "big picture" that you described in the introduction? VI. Literature Cited A. Are your sources listed in alphabetical order? B. Are all sources that were cited...
Words: 271 - Pages: 2
...Main purpose of Lab: This lab is mainly emphasizes on how we collect water sample from three different locations such as paddle boat, fish dock and finally from Gees area. The sample analyzed in the lab measure the turbidity and also measures the bacterial colonies (Escherichia Coli and Coliform bacteria). Introduction: E. coli (Escherichia coli) are an adherent of the coliform group of bacteria and are present simply in the warm-blooded animal’s intestines, counting humans. When present in drinking water, E. coli specifies the water has been polluted with animal or human wastes (feces). Conceivable sources of pollution comprise leaking septic systems, pipes to the household, surface water leaking into structural faults (claps) in the well’s exterior and overflow from agricultural tons. Meanwhile it is too expensive to test water trials for each probable organism measure appropriateness for drinking water objectives. Coliforms are a cluster of bacteria present in the humans and other animal’s intestines. Coliforms also happen certainly in the environment, containing in mud, on vegetation and in ground waters such as streams, lakes and rivers. Maximum members of the coliform cluster do not produce ailment. When present in drinking water, coliform bacteria specify that pollution of the drinking water resource has happened, and that other ailment causing bacteria could likewise get into the water resource. Material Used: * Gloves * Three water samples bottles * Disk...
Words: 986 - Pages: 4
...Minimal ANN (MANN) model for Data Classification Gunanidhi Pradhan, Bhubanananda Orissa School of Engineering, Cuttack gunanidhi_p@rediffmail.com Gadde Vyshnavi Kalyan,Final Yr IT,ANITS vyshv.sanjana@gmail.com Suresh Chandra Satapathy, MIEEE, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences (ANITS), Vishakapatnam Dist sureshsatapathy@ieee.org Bhabatosh Mitra,FM University, Balasore bhaba_mit@yahoo.co.uk Sabyasachi Pattnaik,,FM University, Balasore spattnaik40@yahoo.co.in Abstract- Data Classification is a prime task in Data mining. Accurate and simple data classification task can help the clustering of large dataset appropriately. In this paper we have experimented and suggested a simple ANN based classification models called as Minimal ANN ( MANN) for different classification problems. The GA is used for optimally finding out the number of neurons in the single hidden layered model. Further, the model is trained with Back Propagation (BP) algorithm and GA (Genetic Algorithm) and classification accuracies are compared. It is revealed from the simulation that our suggested model can be a very good candidate for many applications as these are simple with good performances. Keywords- ANN, Genetic Algorithm, Data classification I. INTRODUCTION Data classification is a classical problem extensively studied by statisticians and machine learning researchers. It is an important problem in variety of engineering and scientific disciplines such as biology, psychology, medicines, marketing...
Words: 4028 - Pages: 17
...DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF LEGAZPI S.Y. 2013 – 2014 VINEGAR BATTERY RESEARCH DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF LEGAZPI IN PARTIAL FULLFILMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENTS FOR RESEARCH (Application of Chemistry to Chemical Industry) THE RESEARCHER : PATRICIA GIAN A. NATO MARCH 2014 APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment for the requirements for Research Work, this research entitled VINEGAR BATTERY has been prepared and submitted by Patricia Gian A. Nato who herby recommended for acceptance and approval for examination. MR. GEROMEL MARCOJOS SCIENCE MENTOR INTRODUCTION We say that Vinegar is useless because it is just used in the kitchen but Vinegar can be made from almost anything which contains sugar or starch. It is made from many different things; fruits, grains, roots even wood. In the technique called FERMENTATION, it can be made directly from sugar but is best made by first converting the sugar into alcohol and then turning the alcohol into vinegar. The conversion from starch is a little trickier, but the process shares a lot of similarities. We all know that the world is now facing an energy crisis and everyone is trying to do something about that. Now you can show everyone that electrical energy or electricity can be made from air and vinegar. After all, vinegar are freely available everywhere. If you wanted to save money from paying large amount of bill , this product will assure you That even a small amount of vinegar will not be...
Words: 651 - Pages: 3
...Minimal ANN (MANN) model for Data Classification Gunanidhi Pradhan, Bhubanananda Orissa School of Engineering, Cuttack gunanidhi_p@rediffmail.com Gadde Vyshnavi Kalyan,Final Yr IT,ANITS vyshv.sanjana@gmail.com Suresh Chandra Satapathy, MIEEE, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences (ANITS), Vishakapatnam Dist sureshsatapathy@ieee.org Bhabatosh Mitra,FM University, Balasore bhaba_mit@yahoo.co.uk Sabyasachi Pattnaik,,FM University, Balasore spattnaik40@yahoo.co.in Abstract- Data Classification is a prime task in Data mining. Accurate and simple data classification task can help the clustering of large dataset appropriately. In this paper we have experimented and suggested a simple ANN based classification models called as Minimal ANN ( MANN) for different classification problems. The GA is used for optimally finding out the number of neurons in the single hidden layered model. Further, the model is trained with Back Propagation (BP) algorithm and GA (Genetic Algorithm) and classification accuracies are compared. It is revealed from the simulation that our suggested model can be a very good candidate for many applications as these are simple with good performances. Keywords- ANN, Genetic Algorithm, Data classification I. INTRODUCTION Data classification is a classical problem extensively studied by statisticians and machine learning researchers. It is an important problem in variety of engineering and scientific disciplines such as biology, psychology, medicines, marketing...
Words: 3994 - Pages: 16
...they knew how the animals are treated and what they're being fed, I believe they would reconsider what they're eating. Chickens are being fed antibiotics to make them grow faster and fatter. The slaughtering conditions are many times horrendous with workers treating the animals with no respect and abusing the animals. The reasons for much of this mistreatment is due to the fact that the workers themselves were unhappy with the way they were being treated and would get revenge on the animals. In many instances the conditions of the animals are unsanitary with them standing in their own manure. This means if one animal has a diseases chances are high that the rest will get it. Ecoli was found in foods in 2006 except, before the plants knew about this way before 2006 when the meat was exposed with Ecoli. Again, I believe the meat industry and the food industry...
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...Microbiology Final exam Study reference 1. Gram Stain * Verify if bacteria are present or not. * Controls – positive (purple) – S.aureus * negative ( red/pink) – E.coli 2. Endospore Staine Positive controller – B. magneterium Green spore- Positive Pink (vegetative ) – Negative 3. Acid fast Positive control – M. smeagmatis Blue – negative Pink /red- positive 4. Motility Positive control - P.vulgaris A. non motile is negative test B. motile is a positive test 5. Carbohydrates fermentation (test for gram -) ( glucose , manitol, lactose) Positive control – ecoli (yellow) Red- no color change – negative test Yellow – color change – positive test 6. Mae Conkey’s Agar Ecoli – positive control Selective for negative gram stain Differential for organism that could ferment lactase Growth pink – positive No growth – negative 7. Gelatin Hydrolysis ( Gelatinase) Positive control – P.aeruginosa Liquid –positive test Solid - Negative test 8. Blood agar Positive control – S. aureus A. Betahemolysis B. alphahemolysis C. gammahemolysis 9. FTM *broth – O2 relationship with 10. MRVP (mix acid fermentation) MR- methyl red (PH lower than 4.4) Positive control – e.coli red color- positive test no red – negative test 11. Voges Proskauer ( acetone) –precursor for those who fermented butane Positive control- E. aerogenosa Red color – positive test No color...
Words: 413 - Pages: 2
...Escherichia Coli People eat food every day typically without a problem. Although generally this is the result, in certain instances food poisoning develops. According to the Center for disease control (CDC), “in 2008 there were 1, 034 food born disease outbreaks” (CDC, 2011, para. 2) that resulted in sickness. Usually an individual will know if food poisoning develops. Food poisoning can cause excruciating stomach pain, uncontrollable vomiting, and annoying diarrhea. In some cases can even lead to death. In 2008 CDC statistics stated that “22 people died” (CDC. 2011 para. 2). In regard to good sense this is a relatively small number of deaths, striking is the number of reported illnesses from the outbreaks. According to the CDC “more than 23,000 people got sick during these outbreaks” (CDC, 2011, para. 2). Undoubtedly numerous food poisoning cases go undocumented. Escherichia coli (E. coli) are one bacteria agent responsible for food poisoning. So what is E. coli? What are the clinical symptoms of E. coli? What happens in an outbreak? Certainly all these questions need to be understood. Above all else Escherichia coli is preventable by taking individual and precautionary measures. All E. coli share a similar anatomy and residences prior to infection. An E. coli bacterium is approximately three microns in length excluding the flagellum. Also featured in E. coli anatomy is D.N.A, cytoplasm, and the cell membrane. Usually E. coli can be found in the intestinal track humans where...
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...BACTERIA AND ANTIBIOTICS LAB REPORT Bryan Bennett Ms. Johnson Biology 09 period 8 March 12, 2013 Introduction: 1. Eubacteria -Has cell wall with peptidoglycan -They can live nearly anywhere on earth (sky to underground) -Unicellular -Prokaryotic -Reproduce Asexually Archaebacteria -Cell wall without peptidoglycan -Live in environments without oxygen (anaerobic) -Prokaryotic -Unicellular -Reproduce Asexually -Oldest bacterial form -Unique lipids in their cell membrane -DNA sequence is more like other Eukaryotes than other bacterial types (eubacteria) 2. Bacteria are classified into four groups: * PHOTOAUTOTROPHS * PHOTOHETEROTROPHS * CHEMOAUTOTROPHS * CHEMOHETEROTROPHS 3. 4. Many bacteria are heterotrophic which is to thrive off other organisms. The type of bacteria that causes disease are heterotrophic parasites. There are also many harmless bacterial parasites, many of which can be helpful to their hosts. Autotrophic bacteria manufacture their own food by chemosynthesis and photosynthesis. In aerobic respiration a series of reactions convert glucose to carbon dioxide and water and give off energy. Free oxygen is required as the final acceptor for electrons and hydrogen to form water. Bacteria, able to grow in the presence of oxygen, are called aerobic bacteria. Pseudomonas is an example of aerobic bacteria. In anaerobic respiration free oxygen isn’t required. Organic compounds are the final electron acceptors in anaerobic...
Words: 1569 - Pages: 7
...beef a healthy alternative to regular ground beef. The total calories in lean ground beef are170. Health lean beef can also help prevent colon cancer. The down side to lean ground beef or any kind of ground beef is that it can be contaminated very easily, just as any meat can. That is why first you must store the meat properly. That is way you must keep it refrigerated or freeze it within one to two days of purchasing it. Second you must make sure you cook the ground beef the right way. Ground beef should always be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit. If not cooked to this temperature the meat can contain deadly bacteria that can be life threatening. Ground beef can contain bacteria such as Salmonella and Ecoli. ...
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...positive organism. The most resistant organism I found while comparing data with my fellow classmates was P.aeruginosa. When looking at the data found under the results it is clear that Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most resistant. It only had three zones and those were found as 2 resistant and one sensitive and had seven no zones. I think this is so resistant because it is a gram negative pathogen. It might have something to do with how the layer in gram negative is sort of like protection because the antibiotic might affect it but won’t get to the inside. The other two pathogens were E.coli and P. Vulgaris. P. Vulgaris was resistant to five antibiotics and sensitive to five, for a more detailed look refer to chart under results. While the Ecoli pathogen was resistant to four antibiotics, and sensitive to six antibiotics. For a better detail on which ones refer to the chart under results. Broad spectrum is defined as effective against a large variety of organisms. The antibiotic that would be considered broad spectrum would be Gentamicin; this is because all of the pathogens that we have tested turned out to be sensitive to this specific Antibiotic. From the most sensitive S.aureus to the most resistant P.aurues this all could be backed up from the charts found by me and my fellow class mates under my results. Narrow spectrum is defined as only working on specific things. The antibiotic that would be considered narrow spectrum is Vancomycin. While looking at the data collected it...
Words: 618 - Pages: 3
...Bio 15 – Microbiology Final Unknown Report Sheet Unknown # ___90___ Genus and species of unknown _______Escherichia coli_________ Gram reaction and morphology ____Gram Negative reaction/Translucent and Shiny___ Other stains performed and results: Results: Please list the test results for all tests that were performed on the unknown. For tests not performed, write ND. |Carbohydrates: |IMViC Tests: | |Glucose |AG |Indole |+ | |Lactose |+ |Methyl Red |+ | |Mannitol |AG |Voges Proskauer |_ | | | |Citrate |ND | | | |Additional Biochemical Tests: | |Oxidase |_ |Lysine decarboxylase |+ | |Catalase |ND |Ornithine decarboxylase |ND...
Words: 393 - Pages: 2
...restrooms a lot anyways. We fluff our hair, we powder our faces, and we just want to look beautiful at all times. Woman tend to see the restroom more frequently than men do. (N.p., 10 Nov. 2014. Web. 7 Mar. 2015.) The man’s point of view on this subject is completely different. When a woman goes into the restrooms, they think we just party in there. Men have urinals, where they are free to stand and pee wherever they choose. A man’s bladder is three times larger than a woman’s. Men are built differently, and we tend to like different things. Another point I would like to make is that flushing the toilet with the seat up is completely gross. The bacteria from the swirling vortex goes everywhere. A few disease that a person could catch would be ecoli, shingle bacteria, streptococcus, and even the common cold. Secondly; the shower, toothbrush,...
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...* Interdepartmental Committee On Physical Deterioration * British Committee * Deemed the country unfit to defend itself the eve of the boar war * 38% of the men in Britain were physically unfit to fight * Due to poor diet * Working class boys in the beginning of the 20th century were on average 5 inches shorter than their private (known as public schools) counterparts * During WWII * Children had better teeth * Had a more robust sense of health * Left them in better shape than before the war * Processed meats are regarded as a threat to health * Linked to heart disease, cancer, etc. * Death rates were elevated by the amount of red meat consumed by the American Public * Deemed by the Harvard school of Health * 12% greater (not on exam!) * Each extra serving of red meat that you have a day * Is tied to a 16% increase of dying from a cardiovascular disease * Translates into a 10% increase of dying from cancer * Concluded that red meat is responsible for 1 in 10 deaths * Contamination in Food * Honey is the one food that doesn’t spoil * To some degree everyone suffers from food poisoning at some point * About 25% - 30% of Americans and Canadians will experience food poisoning each year * 76 million Americans get sick each year * 5,000 people a year die from some food born hazard * Center for disease control and...
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