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Gun Safety In Schools

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In January 2016 a child named Bryson Mees-Hernandez shot himself with a .22-caliber Derringer on accident. Sadly this is not an usual event either as so many kids around the world die from accidental shootings whether it is of themselves or shooting other people. Nobody truly knows how to fix this issue but some things we can do are take precautions. Gun control or banning guns can be very controversial topics so it’s hard to make decisions on whether we should do either but one thing that most people do agree on is gun safety. The reason gun safety is a such a widely accepted topic is since it can only do good. By teaching gun safety to kids you might be able to avoid them from accidentally hurting people with guns while also teaching them …show more content…
Kids need to understand what to do when they see a gun for obvious reasons. Gun safety classes would be just like sex education or drug education which are both programs used to prevent future issues with children. The Eddie Eagle program, for example, teaches underage children to tell an adult when they see a gun and to not for any reason grab or try to use the gun. This can reduce the amount of accidental shootings since kids now know not to touch a gun without the supervision of an adult. Of course many kids already know this as common sense but they usually wave it off as not important but when a new voice tells them this and the dangers of not following this rule they are more likely to follow. Besides there are also many other programs like STAR (Straight Talk About Risks) to combat this issue. STAR talks about the danger or risks of handling a gun along with roleplaying stuff and videos. This is one other reason gun safety is something that could be beneficial to kids’ …show more content…
This is a big problem that gun safety programs face because there is no guarantee that it will work. Although this is an issue it shouldn’t matter because even if the program saves only a few kid’s lives, which it has, that is more than enough. Results have already shown that fewer kid’s are bringing guns to school. If the programs were mandatory then that would only help those results too. Another problem that comes up when people talk about gun safety is what should be taught and if guns will be in school with the children for demonstration. First off the programs have made sure that there will be no guns needed for their classes. Lastly the program will be tailored to your community such as small hunting towns requiring different education than big cities. With this info those counter arguments are now proved to be for the most part untrue or

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