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Should Gun Laws Be Strict Essay

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Although people some people don't want to make gun laws stricter, it needs to be strict. Anyone that owns a gun can easily walk outside and go to to a school or just decide to shoot someone. Someone that want to hurt someone or make it on the news about something can easily go to a person that is gun running(1). People that are mentally ill can still go out there a buy guns from any store because they don't know that they are mentally ill. Over thousands of people die from gunshot wounds in the U.S. There has been more than one school shooting(2). Every day in the U.S, 14 children die from a gunshot wound or killed instalinty(3). In 1987-1888 Highland Hospital had more the 700 patiens com in with gunshot wounds, Which the cost …show more content…
Gun control shall be more strict and shall be harder to get guns so we don't have to live with a doubt that we might get shot or we might have a school shooting one day

Although people some people don't want to make gun laws stricter, it needs to be strict. Anyone that owns a gun can easily walk outside and go to to a school or just decide to shoot someone. Someone that want to hurt someone or make it on the news about something can easily go to a person that is gun running(1). People that are mentally ill can still go out there a buy guns from any store because they don't know that they are mentally ill. Over thousands of people die from gunshot wounds in the U.S. There has been more than one school shooting(2). Every day in the U.S, 14 children die from a gunshot wound or killed instalinty(3). In 1987-1888 Highland Hospital had more the 700 patiens com in with gunshot wounds, Which the cost was 10.5 million. Two percent of the people that came in took most of the hospitals donated blood(4). The percentage of the people that buy guns and hav guns, Is so that they can have it

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