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Essay On Career Shadowing

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Before reading the books, The Recruiting Snitch, Career Mapping, and specific chapters in This is Who We Hire, I never contemplated finding job employment in such detailed steps. These books aided me in learning techniques to help in informational interviews, shadowing, networking, and resume writing. They will further help me during the interview process for internships and future employment.
As a part time student at UCF, my plan is to complete the pre-requisite courses and the Primary Business classes needed in order to be admitted into a specific business major in the College of Business. I plan to continue informational interviews, shadowing, and expanding network contacts through social media and direct outreach. I will develop a preliminary draft of my resume and have it reviewed by various sources. I will contact, meet personally, and send out resumes to companies of interest to secure an internship. I will continue reviewing companies of interest, so that at the appropriate time, I can send a personal letter, email and/or call until securing employment.
I have two pre-requisites and five Primary Business Core classes remaining before requesting admissions to a specific business major. I plan on taking one class this summer and two or …show more content…
Observing someone in their day-to-day role can increase my knowledge in an area of work I have an interest. It can also help in building my network of contacts. During the past two semesters, I have been able to shadow various executives giving me exposure to different work environments and businesses. I have shadowed CEOs in the healthcare industry, a party supply company, and a spine instrumentation company. Based on “Evaluating Relevant Sources of Hire”, this could lead to internships, so shadowing benefits are high. I will continue pursuing shadowing opportunities, narrowing my specialty, focus on securing internships, cultivating references, and securing a

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