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Essay On Columbus Day

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Columbus’s day is celebrated on October 10 this year and recently I have been thinking a lot on this question “Should Columbus day be celebrated.”

There are many sources debating on whether Columbus’ day should be celebrated or not for example in the textbook. “In August 1492, Columbus found land and that land was where the Native Americans originally lived. Columbus was so thrilled to find land and named it El Salvador, which means “Holy Savior.” The text here had no explanation on the Native Americans slavery or how they suffer at all. This was only Christopher Columbus’s perspective.

Something that was interesting is Christopher Columbus writings, “I implore you to recognize the King of Spain as the lord of this lane and obey his …show more content…
As a evidence to show this from Dr. Warren H. Carroll “In all of history, only the Europeans and the Polynesians of the South Pacific have been true discoverers, sailing for the explicit purpose of finding new lands, trading with their people, and colonizing them. And of all discoverers, Christopher Columbus was the greatest, because he accomplished the most against the highest odds.”

The one thing that was most hated about Columbus is his use of people. For example every Indian of 14 years of age or upward was to pay a large hawk’s bell of gold dust. Whenever an Indian delivered his tribute, he was to receive a brass or copper token which he must wear around his neck as proof that he made his payment. Any Indian found without such a token was to be punished. Columbus’s son neglected to mention how the Spanish punished those whose tokens had expired and they cut off their hands. This shows how he punish other human beings who had done nothing to him and even welcome to their home but Columbus didn’t even care.

Columbus was indeed a hard-working and a noble man in his own rights and loved his family and country and wanted to make it better. Even the hate that was given towards him are true, he is still the one who made America popular. In a way, he does deserve a day for him in some countries that felt his presence and love his will of

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