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500 Word Essay For College

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College Essay Most college scholarships ask you to write a 500+ word essay, which isn’t that bad, but what is the reason behind it? Do most people that require an essay ever read them? Seriously, who has time to read a 1000+ word essay and chose from the best. Personally, that doesn’t seem to be fair because most people have trouble writing a paragraph, and then we are expected to write a huge essay telling about something in our life or respond to a weird question with a topic that most people won’t even think about. With topics such as, “Explain how your life changed with a death of a parent,”or “How would college affect your career,” or even “Why I deserve this scholarship.” Well, I’m going to explain everything I possibly can. The death of any parent would make anyone change, because no one is the same; we are all unique. With my dad’s death I didn’t know how to act for the longest time, and I still don’t; I say this because the day my father died, the doctor called all of my family back where he lay, hooked up to life support, lifeless. Just looking at his body, I didn't feel anything; however, I looked at the situation as is he wasn’t really dead because I was 12 and didn’t know …show more content…
College is a place where I can better educate myself and learn everything from cooking methods, to the history of food, to knives skills. With all of that there is one-two colleges I know that offer everything that I want to know, plus more. One of the colleges is Columbus Culinary Institute, which is an eighteen-month school, but it has everything from the basics to expert-level cooking skills.I would have to move from Collinsville, Mississippi, to Columbus, Ohio, to attend it, which won’t be that bad since my mom’s side of the family lives there. The only major change is going to be the change of the

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