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Essay On Homeless Veterans

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The veteran unemployment rate is three percent higher. One third of the adult homeless population is veterans, and 70 percent of these suffer from substance abuse. This list could go on till the dead due us apart. We, citizens and patriots of America should be diminishing and demolishing these issues that our cherished and appreciated what veterans did for us. Veterans defended and stood up during the war, and been a great role model for young citizens to look up. In return is this the right way to treat them? No. War. It is something that we hear about everyday, but we fail to comprehend the meaning and its cause. When war began everyone is horrified and intimidated even our veterans. Though they do their duty and go to their designated …show more content…
They believe America is a "sui generis" and honorable country. In further examination this means you can help everyone and be a helpful person yourself. Never more, following footsteps is the greatest way to cherish the ones who lead us. For example, Roger Ferland lost his legs in Vietnam war on 30 April 1975, as a platoon sergeant, which hasn't slowed him down much to help the country. Now retired lawyer has organized free law clinics to assist his fellow veterans. This shows how he help the community now and fight in Vietnam war. "These are the times that try men’s souls…but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman…that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” These are the amazing and true words of Thomas Paine which explains gloriously why we should appreciate our veterans. Veterans dedicated their selves to many hardships as to leaving their families and fighting for us. They also set a glowing example to our youth who a rise in their shadows and follow their footsteps to another generation of our country. So we have seen the ordinary, but strong heroes who have shielded us from great troubles. Now and forever let us remember and cherish the ones who led us to this great

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