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Essay On If I Were A Soldier At Valley Forge

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You’re running through a tiny little winter camp, and you see people everywhere you go, throwing up, and that look like human frostbite. Well, you most likely just passed Valley Forge. A little town in Pennsylvania just 18 miles outside of Philadelphia. In a winter camp called “Valley Forge” in 1777-1778. You are cold, hungry, and can barely see through the smoke. If you were a soldier at Valley Forge would you have re-enlisted? I have decided to re-enlist for three reasons. Everyone is trying so hard to live, and save my country. Why don’t I? I should also re-enlist because I am from America, I will fight for my country. And people are getting sick , they need healthy soldiers.

Everyone is trying so hard to live, and save my country. Why don’t I? Washington's army is going through hard times(Roden 141). 4000 people died or got sick in 2 months (Busch 147). They seriously need my help. This guy from Prussia just came a week ago, his name is Friedrich Von Steuben, he is trying to teach us how to fight. Which just shows how desperate we are, we hired a guy from Prussia. Washington is trying to get help from the colonies(Powell 149). They need my help.The army is getting very sick(Waldo 151). I don’t know how much longer we can keep this up, but as for me, I will try my hardest to fight for my family and country until we win this battle. …show more content…
I will re-enlist because I am a Patriot to my country, America. You are re-enlisting with the American Army(Roden). I am going to re-enlist because I am an American. They need more help and support from Americans. I will join. I will fight for my country, even if it means death! My family needs me too, I’m not even thinking about dying right now. I just want my family safe and free from war, battle, and disease. I will fight for my

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