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Essay On Mexican American Culture

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There are many different amazing cultures in this world and many of them live within just a couple miles from my home. Islamic, African American, Hispanic, and Indian all live right here in West Virginia. Each culture is different in so many ways and it is very important to be able to distinguish the differences between them, especially when it comes to healthcare. A person’s culture can affect their healthcare in so many ways. Some cultures prefer no treatment for illnesses and others prefer not to have a male nurse taking care of their wife and vis versa. Every culture is unique and as a healthcare provider, it is very important to know.
Literature Review
Nurses are taught to respect different cultures when it comes to care and support the patient with their decisions. A nurse is who listens to the patient’s needs when it comes to physical, emotional, religious, or spiritual needs. Each person is unique with their culture and it is important for the nurse to realize that and respect it. They are taught to look at the culture from the patient’s perspective and respect it in order to give culturally competent care.
Diversity has many definitions, although most are put into categories such as gender, physical, environmental, spiritual, and culture, …show more content…
Mexican-American health care beliefs are derived from cultural and historical perspectives that may influence an individual’s inclination to seek medical attention or comply with a prescribed health regimen (Eggenberger, Grassley, Restrepo, 2015). In this culture, they believe that illnesses are caused by an improper balance between hot and cold related to what is involved. It is believed that something thought to be created by cold should be treated with something hot and a disease believed to be created by something hot should be treated with cold. These ideals have been handed down from generations, therefore, the Mexican-American person may not know exactly what the treatments are being used

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