...Alicia A. Smith October 29, 2014 Eng.4705/Essay #2 Beauty Complex The word beauty has many negative connotations for African American women. Over the years African American women have been subjected, misrepresented and also dehumanized by the exemplification of beauty and identity. This pattern of internalizing the perception of beauty to coincide with European standards have caused many African American women in the process to alter their physical appearances and personify a culture that has disregarded the uniqueness of being “ black and beautiful”. The cultural aesthetics of being “black and beautiful” has been distorted in literature, movies and television shows to appease an acceptable standard of beauty that in reality is unrealistic....
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...Being an Ex-felon in America Jay Wainwright Axia College of University of Phoenix Being an Ex-felon in America There are many people in society who are still being treated unfairly. There is still a major disconnect from mainstream society and ex-felons. There are many people with opinions on how to help the ex-convict to become a productive member of society, except for the voice or better said by the rhetoric of the ex-felon, the one who has paid his or, her debt to society by doing harsh and terrible prison time. Yes, ex means nothing when it comes to a person from a criminal past. Everyone has already heard the rhetoric about “everyone is created equal” but, this rhetoric has been tested before and still being tested today. This is just some of the topics that will be presented in this paper. Ex-felons are underprivileged and treated unfairly because people of society are unforgiving and ex-cons are barely given any opportunities to change. Some ex-felons are underprivileged in many aspects of society due to one’s criminal past or better said mistakes. Ex-felons are not permitted to obtain a firearms license after one is convicted of a felony. One cannot conceal a firearm to protect one’s place of residence and most places ex-felons live, a firearm is needed. There are burglars everywhere but majority of them live in the same places as an ex-felon. How are ex-felons supposed to protect his or, her home...
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...is inseparable from beginning less and universal consciousness. | Nature of God/Creator | Buddhism is a nontheistic religion, which means they do not believe in any supreme being or God. Many People believe that Buddhists worship Buddha; this, however, is not the case. The Buddha was a human being; he is revered by Buddhist because he achieved what all Buddhists wish to achieve someday, enlightenment.Buddha’s name was Siddhartha Gautama, meaning “wish fulfiller” or “he who has reached his goal.” It is said that he lived for over eighty years during the fifth century BCE. At the age of 29 Siddhartha renounced his wealth and went on a search to find liberation from suffering. Siddhartha spent many years searching, learning and wandering on his journey and one night of the full mon in the sixth lunar month, it is said that he sat in deep meditation beneath a tree, and finally experienced supreme awakening. He spent decades walking and teaching ever-increasing groups of followers all over northern India. Out of the abundant and varied scriptures later attributed to Shakyamuni Budda, historians agree on the validity and centrally of a core of teaching that became known as the Dharma that he taught: the Four Noble Truths and The Noble the Noble Eightfold Path, the Three Marks of Existence, and other guidelines for achieving liberation from suffering.(Fisher, 2013 pp. 138-140) | View of Human Nature | Buddha taught that one should not focus...
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...she has entire websites devoted to her. Is Jessica being objectified, degraded, and having her rights taken away? Logically, no, because Jessica is merely ink-and-paint, a figment of someone’s imagination brought to life only by the mechanical and visual trickery of animation. As she said, it’s not her fault she was drawn to represent a stereotypical male conception of an idealized woman. Why should we care if people have changed her from a children’s animated figure into an adult porn star? The purpose of this essay is to answer just that: the reasons we should care, and why research should not ignore cartoon porn, and in particular hentai, when it studies pornography. According to anime scholar Mark McLelland, hentai is the Western label applied to Japanese anime, manga and games that depict sexually explicit and pornographic images and narratives. While not used in Japan to...
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...The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregister The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1361-2026.htm JFMM 8,4 ACADEMIC PAPER 362 Fashion change and fashion consumption: the chaotic perspective Ka Ming Law, Zhi-Ming Zhang and Chung-Sun Leung Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Hong Kong Keywords Fashion, Consumers, Young adults, Social change Abstract Previous researches have considered that the impact of fashion change and fashion consumption is linear. Therefore, one reason was found as the ultimate source to explain why a fashion style/ trend was spread to the mass market. However, the existing market is complex and difficult to find out the holistic reason to explain fashion consumption. In this study, the chaotic perspective is taken into account to investigate the relationship between fashion change and fashion consumption. By using the grounded theory method, 33 in-depth interviews were conducted. A chaotic fashion consumption model is developed from the findings to explain how different fashions are consumed and rejected while fashion changes. It is found that the interaction of being fashionable, perceived fashionability and system participation affects the ultimate decision on fashion consumption. It is also found that a pattern can be traced to forecast the degree of fashion consumption even when...
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...a. Crime/pg. 198: The violation of norms written into law. Crime is a big aspect in the life of the slums. Pretty much everything they do is illegal by law. The sweatshops they work in and the people who are in charge of them is all done illegally, but this is looked past because it’s their way of life and the only way they can survive. There is a total of 18 million Indians who live in Mumbai, India, and out of those 18 million there are 1 million people living in Dharavi. This is a city of one square mile that is full of trash and people. The people have no other option to work illegal jobs for little pay, because if not they would not have a job and their families would starve. The story in the documentary about Babu, a thirty-two year old...
Words: 1977 - Pages: 8
...most societies, with men generally being in a more dominant position in society than women. Men have traditionally been seen in a wide range of active and creative roles – as warriors, hunters, and workers, as political leaders or successful business executives, as scientists, engineers, inventors, and great artists. Women have traditionally been seen as housewives and mothers confined to the home and caring for their husbands and children. Even when working outside the home, women's jobs often seem to be an extension of their caring role in the home, looking after others as receptionists, secretaries, nurses, teachers, and social workers. Are these differences simply an extension of the biological make-up of males and females, or are they a product of the ways that males and females are brought up in society? (Nature vs. Nurture) SEX AND GENDER • Sex: (whether someone is male or female) refers to the natural or biological differences between men and women, such as difference in genitals, internal reproductive organs, and body hair. • Gender: (whether someone is masculine or feminine) refers to the cultural, socially constructed differences between the two sexes. It refers to the way a society encourages and teaches the two sexes to behave in different ways through socialization. • Gender role: is the pattern of behavior and activity which society expects from individuals of either sex – how a boy/man or girl/woman should behave in society. Gender...
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...DAVID SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE AND GENERIC STRATEGIES INTRODUCTION Keeping the strategic window open involves maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. In consequence, we argue that competitive advantage should be market led. Next we examine the nature of core competencies and interpret their importance as the basis of gaining a sustainable competitive advantage in the market place. Along with these core competencies are a number of generic strategies that an organization can seek to follow or implement. We will look at each of these generic strategies in turn. First we will look at low-cost, focus and pre-emptive strategies and differentiation strategies. The latter leads us to consider product and service quality, customer focus and relevant issues relating to brand management. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE SHOULD BE MARKET LED The literature on the subject is dominated by Porter (1980a and b, 1985, 1987), though his propositions are not without its critics (viz. Cronshaw et al., 1994; Speed, 1989). Some see the firm’s outputs or offerings as the main focus of competitive strategy, with the primary aim of strategy being to compete effectively in particular markets by offering a competitive bundle of benefits, or value, to the consumer. It is the positioning of one firm’s offering relative to another that is of prime importance (Mathur, 1992). An alternative view concentrates on the resources of the organization and maintains that superior resources, and processes...
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...11:44 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gred20 Scared Straight: Hip-Hop, Outing, and the Pedagogy of Queerness Marc Lamont Hill Available online: 20 Jan 2009 To cite this article: Marc Lamont Hill (2009): Scared Straight: Hip-Hop, Outing, and the Pedagogy of Queerness, Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 31:1, 29-54 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10714410802629235 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/termsand-conditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly...
Words: 11001 - Pages: 45
...9/14/2012 Table Of Content Development Across The Life Span Social Clock: Ravena Helson Social And PD In Adulthood : Daniel Levinson Intimacy Vs Isolation: Erik Erikson Relationship Development: Bernard Mursntein Triangular Theory Of Love: Robert Sternberg Selecting A Partner Marriage Conflict Divorce UNIT 4 EARLY ADULTHOOD PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Career Choose And Embarking On Career Identity During Young Adulthood Career Development Holland’s Theory Ginzberg’s theory Gender And Career Choice Why People Work Career Transition Learning Unit Objectives Development Across the Lifespan Discuss about the personality development of early adulthood. Explain Social clock: Ravena Helson, Social and PD in adulthood : Daniel Levinson, Intimacy vs Isolation: Erik Erikson, Relationship development: Bernard Mursntein and Triangular Theory of Love: Robert Sternberg Discuss on issues about selecting a Partner as well as Marriage, Conflict in marriage and divorce Discuss issues related to Career. What makes people happy? Money? Materials? Objects? According to research, happiness in young adulthood is usually derived from feelings of independence, competence, or self-esteem (Sheldon et al, 2001). Therefore, the components of happiness: Fulfillment of psychological needs. Building relationships in Early Adulthood: Liking and Loving During early adulthood, romance,...
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...The company overview Three ambitious friends, Richard, Adam and John graduated from Cambridge University into professional employment. In the summer of 1998, they spent six months testing various juice recipes on friends, trying to find a successful product. They spent £500 on fruit and tested their recipes on individuals at a London music festival, marking two bins ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and placing a sign next to them reading: “Do you think we should give up our jobs to make these?”. At the end of the day the yes bin was full. They gave up their jobs the following day and Innocent Drinks was formed (innocent, our story) The creation of this company was difficult for the three friends who had no money, they asked their friends for rich contacts and were introduced to Maurice Pinto, a wealthy American who lent them £250,000 after seeing the potential of their plan. After six years, Innocent operates from Fruit Towers in Shepherd’s Bush, an office block with faux-grass walls and trendy young staff. They produce 5 product ranges totalling 17 varieties and are the market leader in Smoothies in the UK (innocent). Innocent is a British beverage producer that makes and distributes a range of natural fruit drinks in the UK. The products of the company include smoothies, thickies, juices, and fruit-enhanced water. Innocent sells its products through coffee shops, grocery stores and department stores. Innocent smoothies contain over three-quarters of a pound of pure and fresh fruit...
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...She has been celebrated as an English embodiment of feminine strength and was patron to Shakespeare and Marlowe Elizabeth strayed from being the traditional women figure, and became a brave and rebellious leader. Of course Elizabeth did not act this way for fun, she did it as she felt it was the necessary action to take. Today, females in books and movies have strayed further from traditional roles in order to lead successful lives. Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games trilogy faces the pressure of the capital and wishes to fight to make change. Hanna, from the 2011 film Hanna, is raised through the teaching of her father to become an assassin in order to avenge a murdered mother. Beatrice, in the Divergent trilogy works to hide her true identity of being divergent as she knows the consequences if her truth be revealed. Later, of course, she too becomes an agent for change. Each character, then, coming from different backgrounds and lifestyles, must break away from tradition and take action to bring balance to their worlds and take revenge on those who have harmed them. All three women must learn the actions, attitudes and ways of what is known as the avenging angel. They must rise out of their traditional female roles in order to become great fighters so that they can continue to live their lives. The traditional view and role of women was to be considered second to the male head of household and do no more than look after domestic and family affairs. They were a man’s servant...
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...IN CAIRO - MARKETING DEPARTMENT Antecedents To Consumerism The Role Of Marketing By Nabila Youssri El-Assar 22-3384 To Dr. Noha El-Bassiouny On 10/12/2012 1 Literature Review Outline 1. Introduction 2. Consumerism in perspective 2.1. Definitions 2.1.1. First stream of thought: Benign Definitions First definition: Manipulative Techniques Second definition: Customer is King Third definition: Globalization 2.1.2. Second stream of thought: Destructive Definition Evolution Of The Consumer Culture 2.2. Implications Of The Benign Consumerism Definitions On Marketing Strategy 3. The Consumer Culture And The Consumption Society 3.1. Distinguishing Definition 3.2. Conditions For A Consumption Society 3.3. Unhealthy Pillars/Consequences Of The Consumption Society 3.3.1. Materialism 3.3.2. Compensatory consumption: The "Shopaholic" Phenomenon 3.3.3. I Shop Therefore I Am 3.3.4. Living Beyond Your Means 4. Antecedents To The Unhealthy Consumption Pillars 4.1. Intrinsic/Personal Influences 4.1.1. Personality Characteristics: Self-Monitoring Personality Trait Innovativeness, Fashion Orientation And Opinion Leadership Ethical orientation 4.1.2. Psychological characteristics Co-morbidity and the Joint cycle of compulsive consumption Obsessive thoughts and Risk Taking Propensity Low self esteem Dealing with Negative Emotions and life challenges 4.2. Societal Influences:...
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...Table of Contents What are the consideration in Brand Management? 1 1. Definition of Brand Management from various perspectives with references. 1 Brand as a logo 1 Brand as a legal instrument 1 Brand as a company 2 Brand as a shorthand 2 Brand as a risk reducer 2 Brand as an identity system 2 Brand as value system 2 Brand as a personality 3 Brand as relationship 3 Brand as adding value 3 Brand as an evolving entity 3 2. Main consideration in Brand Management. 4 The People Factor 4 Cultural Factor 4 Economic Factor 5 Political Factor 6 Legal Factor 6 3. Main benefits of branding. 7 Preference 7 Identification 7 Extension 7 Growth 7 Greater company equity 7 Barrier 7 4. Brand differentiation of one company from its competitors. 8 Differentiate by Audience 8 Differentiate by Focusing on the Experience 8 Differentiate by Product Features 8 Differentiate by Geography 8 Differentiate by Product Attribute 8 Differentiate by Design 9 Differentiate by Doing Good 9 5. Brand loyalty builds by the company. 9 References 11 What are the consideration in Brand Management? Guidance; 1. Definition of Brand Management from various perspectives with references. A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes products and services from competitive offerings. A brand also represents the consumers' experience with an organization, product, or service. According to Wikipedia, “Brand...
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...UNIT I INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------- Understanding Brand - What is a Brand? Brands are different from products in a way that brands are “what the consumers buy”, while products are “what concern/companies make”. Brand is an accumulation of emotional and functional associations. Brand is a promise that the product will perform as per customer’s expectations. It shapes customer’s expectations about the product. Brands usually have a trademark which protects them from use by others. A brand gives particular information about the organization, good or service, differentiating it from others in marketplace. Brand carries an assurance about the characteristics that make the product or service unique. A strong brand is a means of making people aware of what the company represents and what its offerings are.To a consumer, brand means and signifies: * Source of product * Delegating responsibility to the manufacturer of product * Lower risk * Less search cost * Quality symbol * Deal or pact with the product manufacturer * Symbolic device | | Brands simplify consumers purchase decision. Over a period of time, consumers discover the brands which satisfy their need. If the consumers recognize a particular brand and have knowledge about it, they make quick purchase decision and save lot of time. Also, they save search costs for product. Consumers remain committed and loyal to a brand as long as they believe...
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