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Essay On Sapphira And The Slave Girl By Toni Morrison

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Pages 4
After reading Toni Morrison I gathered many views and ideas that will greatly improve the story I plan to tell. To summarize I plan to write about an up and coming black actor moving to Los Angeles for a part in a film during the late 60’s or early 70’s. He comes from humble Southern roots and has a chance of a lifetime thrust upon him. Once he arrives in Hollywood his hopes are dashed, he is met with racial stereotypes and his artistic talent is thrown out due to his race. After trying to overcome the these hardships he realizes it is futile and chooses to go back to his quiet home where he can live in a world that accepts him and allows him to flourish. Toni Morrison touched on many important things in her book, but the parts that I saw as most influential to my story are the areas where she discusses how creations from the black members of American society are snuffed out or kept separate n their own category away from the work that is considered meaningful. The other part that I saw as important was when she talked about the novel Sapphira and the Slave Girl, the black characters are kept in set …show more content…
Hemingway’s story of the African nurse comes to mind as the most obvious instance of this event within literature. When the main character calls the woman an animal it sets the standard for black people as sub-human. Throughout it and other similar works the main characters, who are most likely white, refer to the black characters in derogatory terms that give them identities as …, brutish, cowardly, and inferior.2 In my story I want to show this, not as a positive, but something people perceive intentionally or unintentionally. My character will be met by opinions that will set him in a place where he is unable to succeed, not because he is hated, but rather that the people around him believe he is physically and mentally

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