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Reflective Essay: How Democratic Is The United States

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In this course, I have learned a lot of knowledge of political. Democratic is a type of a government of a country. To answer the question that how is democratic is the United States, we need consider several aspects.
First of all, in our week 3, 4, which are The Constitution and Federalist paper. We can see how is democratic the Constitution. For example, In Federalist No.10. Madison saw the Constitution as framing an "happy combination" of a republic and a democracy government and with "the colossal and total interests being alluded to the national, the neighborhood and specific to the State councils" the power would not be brought together, along these lines making it "more troublesome for unworthy possibility to rehearse the horrendous expressions by which decisions are over and over again conveyed"(Federalist No.10). Moreover, according to the Chapter 2 power point, we can know that the Constitution is the basic law of society, It is society’s rule book, provides a general vision, creates political structures and how those structures will function and it places limits on power and establishes rights(Chapter2 power point). Furthermore, …show more content…
Let us image a situation, if we talk about political, I think the words “civil rights” and “democracy” must be the topics. In chapter 3 Civil liberties, we talked about civil liberties, according the power point, we can know that civil liberties is an absolute freedom in some activities that people may want to perform, speech and so on. Liberty is the capacity of a person to seek after their own particular objectives with negligible obstruction from outside powers. Democracy is run by the general population, where there is a decision of law that enables all individuals to choose responsible pioneers. The connection between the two standards is a compound arrangement of governing rules, where neither can become too big without debilitating the other

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