Premium Essay

What Does My Mom Mean To Me

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Cancer is a life sucking disease, a phenomenon which quickly consumes its victims. This power, one which can devastate the life of one individual, can just as easily devastate a family. At the early age of four, my mom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, and at the age of ten, my father was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. This bizarre atrocity was the foundation on which my early childhood was built, two life altering events which affected all aspects of my life. I can vividly remember the way my dad would sit in his rocking chair, the way my mom would wear her bandanas to hide her bald head, and the masks I wore whenever I wanted to hug my parents. Yet what tears one life apart cell by cell was what wove my life together. Through this struggle, I was able to gain important life lessons from my parents strength, my families undeniable connection, and the positive influences I felt at school, all of which impacted the way I want to be seen, and the future I hope for myself. …show more content…
In their life, both have managed to live through the worst experiences and have grown because of it. Through their fight, they have sought a better connection to God and to each of my siblings and I. Because of this, I have a wonderful relationship with my parents. My mom is always there to provide advice, and my dad is there to inspire my creativity. Cancer also caused my parents to lead more purposeful lives. They now look at each day as a gift, a new opportunity to grow in their love of those around them. Without their battle, I would never have learned the importance of strength and courage in times of trouble. In response to the values seen through my Mom and my Dad, I have molded my life to reflect their love and their

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