...If for some reason I could no longer become an athletic trainer and had to change my career path, I would become a physical therapist because it is the next thing close to it. Athletic Training has been what I wanted to do for such a long time, I love the sports aspect and being able to interact with people, so the next best thing for me would be physical therapy. I would still be able to help people with sports related injuries, and many other injuries at that, and still be able to have that sense of helping people and making their lives just that much easier, which in the long run is all that I want. I do not see it as such a career change since they are very similar, I would just have to cope with the idea that I cannot work hands on with a team or school, and have to work at an office with my patients. This is something that might take a while for me to cope with, having a dream for so long and then having it taken away and being told to go down a different path cannot be easy. It would be a big transition, depending on how far down the AT track I am that I have to switch. If the switch is happening near the beginning, then I will eventually be okay with it because I will have the time to get over it. But if the transition were to happen later on in my college...
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...Living in a world where there are many occupations that need to be fulfilled, but without a degree, you are not guaranteed to fill those positions. As kids, we were often questioned: “ What do you want to be when you grow up ?”In response, the answer would be realistic or unrealistic depends on our imagination, where we grew up, and etc. As I, Adriana Thomas, grew up I was interested in working in multiple occupations. Now that I realize that you must have some type of education for each I have reconsidered. After graduating, I have come to a decision on what I want to be successful doing. I wanted to be an Obstetric Gynecologist (OBYN), but that's not the route I will like to take. After completing college, I will be a licensed Physical Therapist with my doctrines degree....
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...I want to be an Occupational Therapist who not only helps heal the body but the mind and spirit as well. I know I can only do so much, but I want my patients to feel comfortable in my care. I want to make a difference because even the smallest action can change a life. Currently, I want to learn more about dealing with children and adolescence. My motivation comes from various people including my mother, myself, and my family. Since day one, my mother has encouraged me to be the best person I can be. She has challenged and guided me to overcome every obstacle placed in my way. I am also a self-motivator. I am always trying to improve rather it’s with my GPA or something as simple as eating more vegetables. Sometimes your greatest motivator is yourself. My family is also a great motivator. They are always encouraging me to strive for goals that I believe I can't reach....
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...child, very few people could understand what I would say. I could not properly form sounds, and for this I had to go to speech therapy throughout elementary school. This also affected my ability to read. My mother would not accept this for me, so each night we would read a book together. She would read a page, and then have me read the next page. By doing this every night, I slowly began to improve in both my speech skills and reading. My speech therapist at school also played a vital role in helping me to overcome this challenge. Her desire to help children like me left a large imprint on my life. It was considered that I would continue to go through speech therapy in middle school, but my speech therapist fought so this would not happen. I was so awkward...
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...When I grow up as a child, I was setting goals for a future and what to do in life. I choose to pursue Physical therapist assistant which it is a reason why I want to help people, be more responsible, give good attitude to the patients. Next 5 years I will be working in different states at hospital or clinic. I may change to undecided major whether if I want to pursue different major. According to Occupational outlook handbook” Physical therapist assistant observe the patients before, during and after therapy; making notes patient’s status and report it to a physical therapist.’’. Patients were using the variety of techniques by physical therapist assistant and physical therapist use equipment for a therapy. The treatment helps educate patients and family members what to do after being treated. It is important for patient’s exercises every day and loses little bit weight. Physical therapist assistant always keeps updated with their patients to see how they doing. I want to pursue physical therapist assistant as my career and...
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...others. I formed this viewpoint from several different areas. The first is from the different selections in our textbook. While reading the text selections I identified most with Carl Rogers' theories of therapy. Rogers' approach to let the client feel responsible for their treatment allows the client to take responsibility for the changes that they make. Person-centered therapy does not look to the past, as more Freudian therapies do. Person-centered therapy focuses on the present and asks the client to take ownership of their own wellbeing. In combination with person-centered therapy I believe that focusing on the present with a client is very important and letting the client discover their own willingness for change. Once the client decides that they have the desire to change, they then need the skills to make those changes in their life, which is where behavioral theories are implemented. Giving the client the skills to personally implement the changes is very powerful. It gives them ownership of their treatment and teaches them how to continue their recovery even after they have ended therapy. It is akin to the Chinese proverb of, "if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime" (Author unknown). Giving a client the skills to continue to help themselves long after they have left the safety of their therapist's office helps them for much longer then if you simply tell them what you, as the therapist, think...
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...Becoming a Physical Therapist Oakland University Jonathan Jarvie Becoming a Physical Therapist Ever since I could remember, I always wanted to be a professional football player. Growing up from middle school to high school, I trained everyday to finally get there someday. Everything was going good, became captain on my high school’s varsity football team, began to win awards for being one of the top players in the Macomb area and later in the entire east side of Michigan. I was blessed with a scholarship to Wayne State University to play football after my senior year. Short into my freshmen year, I suffered a serious back injury involving two herniated discs and a fractured vertebra. I was told by some it’s impossible to play with and was told by some that I could come back and continue playing after rehabilitation. Months and months passed with rehab everyday and it still wasn’t getting better. I had to make one of the biggest decisions in my life which was to give up the sport I love for my future health. This is how I became interested in Physical Therapy. Throughout my high school career I had minor injuries such as a fractured ankle, tendonitis in my shoulders, broken fingers etc. For these injuries I went to the same physical therapist named Ryan. He also played football and baseball so he was very educated when it came to sports injuries. Being in physical therapy multiple times in my day, my knowledge grew from being there all the time about different methods...
Words: 1598 - Pages: 7
...chronic problems have periods or times when the difficulties do not occur or are less intense. By studying these times when problems are less severe or even absent, we discovered that people do many positive things that they are not fully aware of. By bringing these small successes into their awareness and repeating the successful things they do when the problem is less severe, people improve their lives and become more confident about themselves.And, of course, there is nothing like experiencing small successes to help a person become more hopeful about themselves and their life. When they are more hopeful, they become more interested in creating a better life for themselves and their families. They become more hopeful about their future and want to achieve more. Because these solutions appear occasionally and are already within the person, repeating these successful behaviors is easier than learning a whole new set of solutions that may have worked for someone else. Thus, the brief part was born. Since it takes less effort, people can readily become more eager to repeat the successful behaviors and make further changes.Solution-Focused Brief Therapy has taken...
Words: 7795 - Pages: 32
...are affecting quality of life by hindering one's functionality to exercise. While observing an acute care rehabilitation center, I encountered patients whose diseases effected their strength, flexibility, and endurance, which further hindered and demotivated patients to climb stairs, walk, run, or lift items. Many patients lack the physical and mental motivation to exercise simply because it may hurt beyond the usual fatigue. Columbia University's 32 week clinical rotation criteria highlights an opportunity for...
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...is not surprising that many clients want religion and/or spirituality included in their counseling sessions. Some practitioners believe that it is appropriate to pray with their clients, but most providers believe that it is inappropriate. Currently, research is lacking in client expectations with regards to prayer being included in counseling. This study particularly surveyed Christian clients and their therapists. The therapists were chosen because they advertised themselves as Christian counselors. Two instruments were created, Prayer Survey and the Brief Therapist Prayer Survey. The Prayer Survey was for the client to complete to assist in determining their preference in regards to prayer to in counseling. The Brief Therapist Survey was used to find out about beliefs and prayer practices of the therapists. The therapist survey was also used to help determine if therapist factors are related to their client expectations. The study found that eighty-two percent of clients wished to have audible prayer in their counseling sessions. Those that were less likely to want audible prayer are those that had not received prior Christian counseling, Catholics, and religiously liberal individuals. Despite the difference among the groups, a majority and in some instances almost all Christian clients of Christian counselors wanted and expected audible prayer as a part of their counseling services. Interestingly, the surveys showed that the therapists use of...
Words: 1286 - Pages: 6
...providing licensing for professional counselors, mental-health counselors, and marriage and family therapists that are licensed in another state in certain circumstances and have the right to declare an emergency. This means that counselors and therapists from one state can practice in in other states if there is an emergency or in an instance falls under a certain circumstance. I was interested in this bill because I hope to become a family therapist. The importance of this bill shows that counselors and therapists may be in an emergency where they need to take action, but they are not licensed in that particular state. Certain instances like school shootings may draw in therapists and counselors from other states...
Words: 764 - Pages: 4
...Introduction For this assignment I am going to be looking at the process of the initial consultation when you first meet with your client and the importance of gaining the relevant information to be able to make an accurate diagnosis to be able to help the client. I will be discussing the importance of the initial consultation in understanding the client’s goals and targets. I will also look at the ethical factors we may come across. initial Consultation As part of our initial consultation it is important to gain relevant knowledge about the client including the reason they seek help, what they want to achieve by attending the sessions and understanding the best way forward through gathering the right information from the client. Firstly, once the client contacts the therapist to request an initial consultation or they are referred by a medical practitioner, I feel it would be resourceful if the documentation, known as the Notation, is forwarded to the client prior to meeting face to face; allowing the therapist to gain relevant personal details, about the client including their background, occupation and family details plus any medical history and details of any previous sessions. Also what is the purpose of the latest request for attending hypnotherapy? This information gained prior to the consultation can give the therapist an idea of where the client’s state of mind is and where they want to be. However the first meeting there are many more questions which need...
Words: 1804 - Pages: 8
...Everyone wants to make the most out of the time they have in their life and want to be able to indulge in the pleasures of it. Movement is key to this and without it, well; we would not experience much of anything. Could you imagine not being able to climb a mountain, run through the park or even play catch in the yard with your child? Movement allows us to fully utilize the amazing bodies we been given. When you lose mobility in an area of your body whether it be your shoulder, back or legs you lose the joy of moving. You lose the freedom and happiness it gives you. Movement is crucial to someone’s quality of life. As a physical therapist, your job is to help manage their pain and improve their movement. That is the simplified version, but a physical therapist does a lot more than what is in their job description. Being...
Words: 452 - Pages: 2
...for a therapist to be authentic and client centered? According to Wampold (2010), authenticity refers to communication to the client that the therapist truly wants to know how the client is doing. While Rogers (1980) described client centered is primarily about relationship. He also shared that the more authentic the therapist is, the more they are engaged with clients and the more beneficial it will be for the client. The first most essential personal characteristic is empathetic. An empathetic therapist will be able to understand him or herself in another person's situation and truly want to know how client is managing. It refers to the therapist’s...
Words: 991 - Pages: 4
...Have you ever had a pulled muscle on the football field, the baseball field, or even on the job? The doctors have given up, so many have told you there is no chance of you walking again. Who do you go to, who can you run to in your time of need? You can call a physical therapist to guide you through your situation. Physical therapists keep the world going around. “Physical therapist examine, evaluate, diagnose, develop treatment plans, and provide a prognosis patient on a daily basis” (Inverarity, What is a Physical Therapist). By helping the human body rebuild physical function in those that have been injured, have birth defects, or any other reasons.This career will always be needed throughout society. The profession of physical therapy intrigues me mainly because it has had a positive impact on my life and I want to be able to have a positive...
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