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Failure To Thrive, Adult Essay

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Failure to Thrive, Adult

Failure to thrive is a group of symptoms that affect elderly adults. These symptoms include loss of appetite and weight loss. People with the condition may do fewer and fewer activities over time. They may lose interest in being with friends or may not want to eat or drink. This condition is not a normal part of aging.

This condition may be caused by:

A disease, such dementia, diabetes, cancer, or lung disease.

A health problem, such as a vitamin deficiency or a heart problem.

A disorder, such as depression.

A disability.


Mistreatment or neglect.

In some cases, the cause may not be known.

Symptoms of this condition include:

Loss of more than 5% of your …show more content…
Your health care provider will ask about your health, behavior, and mood, such as:

Has your activity changed?

Do you seem sad?

Are your eating habits different?

Tests may also be done. They may include:

Blood tests.

Urine tests.

Imaging tests, such as X-rays, a CT scan, or MRI.

Hearing tests.

Vision tests.

Tests to check thinking ability (cognitive tests).

Activity tests to see you can do tasks such as bathing and dressing and to see if you can move around safely.

You may be referred to a specialist.

Treatment for this condition depends on the cause. It may involve:

Treating the cause.

Talk therapy or medicine to treat depression.

Improving diet, such as by eating more often or taking nutritional supplements.

Changing or stopping a medicine.

Physical therapy.

It often takes a team of health care providers to find the right treatment.

Take medicines only as told by your health care provider.

Eat healthy, well-balanced diet. Make sure to get enough calories in each meal.

Be physically active. Include strength training as part of your exercise routine. A physical therapist can help set up an exercise program that fits

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