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Essay On Self Awareness

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Humans have complex emotions that makes us much different from any other species. The ability to think and have a conscious can even make every single one of us different just by the way we act and process information, but when emotions become unstable or unyielding people become sightless of one’s true self. Emotions operate human actions and drive making them arguably the most important function of the body. Certain emotions can cause problems for human life such as anger, sadness, and fear. Too much of any of these is an awful thing that causes violence, depression, and insecurities for most people today. Unlike other emotions, these emotions have a negative connotation that shows us the importance of emotional intelligence, emotional skill, …show more content…
For instance, my self-awareness is phenomenal especially while under pressure. School creates a lot of pressure and stress time to time like when I was adjusting to high school as a freshman, when I was trying to figure out my whole future plans as a sophomore, when I was applying to scholarships and figuring out which college I would go to as a Junior, and when I was having to meet several deadlines for colleges and scholarships as a Senior. Not only was their pressure, but there was a lot of studying for the ACT, SAT, and ASVAB on top of my classes that created stress with the subtle pressure of being a young adult who knows nothing of the real world knowing that once I got older that I would only look back on my high school years, and not regret a single decision I made. Being able to control stress and everyday emotions like anger and fear allowed me to keep pushing through high school while keeping great relationships with my friends and family even when things overwhelming. Emotional-awareness means being able to catch yourself cracking in any situation and being able to effectively fix the situation appropriately. Thankfully, Emotional awareness is one of the greatest emotional skills that can make everyone a better

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