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Essay On Shackleton Journey

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Key Insights and Future Thoughts
This week I am reflecting back on The Great White North Adventure, weighting decision on Shackleton’s Journey and the Making Box’s improvisation workshop. Staring with the outdoor adventure, my biggest take-away was honestly that it was seriously difficult to be mean/disrespectful to my classmates! I was given the “dysfunction personality” of someone who is non-trusting. I constantly questioned my leaders’ authority, judgement and credentials. It was quite entertaining the first half of exercise, since we all didn’t know what we were doing it was acceptable to question things. After some time, I began to feel annoying and like I was bringing the morale of the group down (with some help of the others). My leaders, Danielle and Sarah, stayed super positive and really tried to keep us motivated and on task, which was amazing. This is why I felt so bad, having to be a terrible follower with great leaders. Moving forward, I have learned that I need to be a really positive leader, which may make it difficult for any followers to be problematic. More specific to my personality, I can completely see how trust is needed in a team and is imperative to have a trustworthy leader. …show more content…
Of course, there were obvious necessities such as items for hunting and shelter but there was a large stress on the mental well-being of the travelers. I was completely surprised by the need for a happy crew, especially in the 1910’s, when that was not a common belief. Now, mental health is widely talked about and thought of, so I found his thinking very progressive. In the future, I am going to be extremely aware of the mental wellbeing of teams, as I find this fundamental for everything else. I should put more importance on checking up on all team members to make sure they are doing okay mentally, to have successful collaboration and produce solid

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