...young Charles Darwin aboard His Majesty's Ship Beagle, during the years 1831-36, is one of the best known and most neatly mythologized episodes in the history of science. Darwin visited the Galápagos archipelago in the eastern Pacific Ocean, and there beheld giant tortoises and finches. The finches, many species of them, were distinguishable by differently shaped beaks, suggesting adaptations to particular diets. The tortoises, island by island, carried differently shaped shells. These clues from the Galápagos led to conclude that Earth's living diversity has arisen by an organic process of descent with modification or evolution, as it's now known, and that natural selection is the mechanism. His theory developed slowly, secretively, and his book, The Origin of Species, didn't appear until 1859. Many scientists, along with some Victorian clergymen, resisted its evidence and arguments for decades afterward. The reality of evolution became widely accepted during Darwin's lifetime, but his particular theory, with natural selection as prime cause, didn't triumph until about 1940, after it had been successfully integrated with genetics. Apart from those clarifications, the most interesting point missed by the simplified tale is this: Darwin's first real clue toward evolution came not in the Galápagos but three years before, on a blustery beach along the north coast of Argentina. And it didn't take the form of a bird's beak. It was a trove of fossils. For a fresh view of the Beagle voyage...
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...shown in the movie; how God created the Earth, how Adan came into life and how Eve was created from his ribs, as then God said to them: “go and multiply”. This was the Theory of Creation, but a hundreds of years later, a man was born to explain this astonishing diversity of life, which revolutionized the way everyone sees the world—Charles Darwin. On 1931, HMS Beagle, set off to tour around the world, on board was Charles Darwin, in his 5years journey he was amaze by the diversity he was able to witnessed, that in 1 day he was able to collect 69 different kinds of beetles, enough to disturbed the composure of entomologist’s mind. In addition to that, Darwin also noticed the distinction of plants and animals in the Galapagos Islands and Cape Verde Islands. There came the dilemma: “could it be that species were not fixed at all time, could it be in fact slowly change?” Problem of natural history: how could one species turn to one another? Key: only the fittest survive hence, “natural selection”. In a moment of insight he had solved the species question. Darwin illustrate this in his collection of birds which has same characteristic except their beaks of finches, which shows how this birds evolved as their way of adaptation for survival. In his notes Darwin sketched: how single ancestor species might give rise to several different ones and wrote a tentative “I think” (theory). For 22 years he continued accumulating mountain of evidence to defy his theory. June 1858...
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...for their cultural symmetry. Their similarities are further demonstrated by them sharing similar geographical exploration and travel experiences and their mutual appreciations of their marvels of nature and overwhelming desire to comprehend them…” (Browne 2010: 357). The two theorists examined the concepts of natural selection independently until its publication. By the 1958, Darwin had already developed his idea on natural selection but had not published it as he was still collecting more evidence. After his previous research had been destroyed in his journey back to England from Brazilian Amazon, Wallace resumed his research on natural selection while at Archipelago which was marked by his famous “letter to Darwin” that contained an essay discussing a theory very similar to Darwin’s. The situation was very challenging as these two theorists had been independently studying the same topic with almost similar outcomes. These events led to...
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...Tanner Pardue #16 Video 1 essay: Is it correct to say the evolution is just a theory? Is Gravity just a theory? Many people would argue about weather Evolution is a fact or theory. There are certain characteristics that make a theory a theory and a fact a fact. A theory is something that is thought to have happened or why something happens etc. but a theory is something that hasn’t been proven. When someone’s theory is proven it is considered a fact. So with knowing this I must agree that Evolution is just a theory because there is no complete proof or evidence to prove support or back up the theory of evolution. Therefore due to the definition of a fact and theory evolution must be a theory. Too me Gravity is not a theory. I believe this because gravity has laws; each law explains how gravity works. When these laws are tested in both environments with and without gravity the laws are proven to be true and work. Therefore due to the definition of a Fact in my personal opinion gravity would be a fact since the laws of it can be proven to be true. Video 2 essay: Why was Darwin considered to be a “revolutionary”? Charles Darwin is one of the most famous biologists in history. With a Theory called Natural selection he helped prove that biology makes since and how all species evolve to be designed how they are over time. As he studied the Galapagos Islands off South America he observed many different species of animals. He looked at how they reacted around each...
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...ology Chapter 13 Lecture Outline Introduction Clown, Fool, or Simply Well Adapted? A. Review: Evolution is the central theme of biology. Evolutionary adaptation is a universal characteristic of living things (see Module 1.6). NOTE: More than any other idea in biology, evolutionary theory serves to tie the discipline together. T. Dobzhansky: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” B. If you look at any organism critically, you are first struck by the differences from other organisms. 1. Further observation often reveals that an organism’s features show some relationship to where the organism lives and what it does in its environment. 2. The blue-footed booby has enormous webbed feet, an oil producing gland that keeps the booby afloat, a nostril that can close under water that prevents water from entering the lungs, a gland that secrets salt from consumed sea water, and a torpedo-like body—all adaptations that make life on the sea feasible. I. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Module 13.1 A sea voyage helped Darwin frame his theory of evolution. A. Awareness of each organism’s adaptations and how they fit the particular conditions of its environment helps us appreciate the natural world (Figure 13.1A). B. Early Greek philosophers held various views. Anaximander (about 2,500 years ago) suggested that life arose in water and that simpler forms...
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...Brittany Dupin ENG 102 Ethnography Essay Professor Flynn April 10, 2013 Fitness Subculture Fitness has became the new look around the globe, as it helps to enhance the looks of the body, mainly targeting young adults, by giving those a toned shape. In the recent years, America’s obsession of “the perfect body” has been spread to the minds of others across the nation. The culture within the United States in particular, has placed a heavy emphasis on the drive towards leading the fittest, healthiest lifestyle - mainly with women. Today, many people have joined the fitness subculture to have the life style of being fit and healthy. Unfortunately in the societal culture today, there shows to be a high rate of obesity due to the lack of exercise in a person’s lifestyle. Recently, a researcher took a survey at a community college, located in the downtown metro area of Louisville, Kentucky. This survey was taken anonymously; giving a total number of twenty-five students being surveyed. The topic of this survey, fitness, helps to gather the questions and answers that are collected to receive information from the different age groups. With the given age groups, it was to help the researcher to break down the data based on age and gender. It is important to remember that fitness is an individual quality that varies from person to person as age and gender influences this reasoning. The older that we age, it is very coincidental, that the body becomes less active as it was. The...
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...CHAPTER 6 ECOSYSTEMS AND ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT ______________________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1) _____ A set of interacting species that live in the same area Answer: a 2) _____ A species upon which the entire ecosystem depends Answer: c 3) _____ The simplest environmental unit that can support life Answer: d 4) According to the case study in the Environmental Science textbook(“The Acorn Connection”), the incidence of lyme disease among humans increases in years when the gypsy moth population is low because: a) an abundant acorn crop draws deer into the woods b) during these years, small plants and seedlings grow particularly fast c) gypsy moth larvae are eaten by mice d) there are “bumper years” of lyme disease e) ticks like to feed on human blood Answer: a 5) The Environmental Science textbook outlines the relatively simple food chain that exists in hot springs such as in Yellowstone National Park, including the following organisms: (A) herbivorous flies (B) carnivorous flies (C) decomposers (D) photosynthetic bacteria What would be the correct order of these organisms from lowest trophic level to highest trophic level: a) C, A, B, D b) B, A, D, C c) D, A, B, C d) B, A, C, D e) C, D, A, B Answer: c 6) Which of the following is an example of three different species on three different trophic levels, listed from lowest level to highest: a) shrubs, trees, giraffes ...
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...Session 1.3: The Evolution of Cellular Life Exam review view in a separate window In this session we focus on the natural history of cells and the evolutionary timelines of their appearance. The modern phylogenetic classification of domains is used to categorize the different types of cells: bacteria, archea, and eukarya. The names of periods and organisms and certain dates are often helpful in remembering or understanding events that occur in the natural history of evolution. However, we do not expect you to know the names of all organisms mentioned nor all dates (you may find some of the sound attachments on complicated figures useful for review). Those names and dates mentioned below are the ones to key on. The focus in this session is macroevolution which looks broadly at the time lines and changes over long intervals of time. Remember that small changes over millions of years are the framework for evolving complexity from simplicity. Summary of concepts and idea An initial step in covering this material is an understanding of the different types of cells (prokaryotic, eukaryotic animal and plant), their differences, and their place in the phylogeny of life. 1. Information from pre-class reading, Bioflix animations and briefly summarized in class discusses the fundamental components of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. You need to know the differences and understand the basic functions of the cellular components as cells as they are the fundamental...
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...The Allegory of the Cave is Plato's explanation of the education of the soul toward enlightenment. He sees it as what happens when someone is educated to the level of philosopher. He contends that they must "go back into the cave" or return to the everyday world of politics, greed and power struggles. The Allegory also attacks people who rely upon or are slaves to their senses. The chains that bind the prisoners are the senses. The fun of the allegory is to try to put all the details of the cave into your interpretation. In other words, what are the models the guards carry? the fire? the struggle out of the cave? the sunlight? the shadows on the cave wall? Socrates, in Book VII of The Republic, just after the allegory told us that the cave was our world and the fire was our sun. He said the path of the prisoner was our soul's ascent to knowledge or enlightenment. He equated our world of sight with the intellect's world of opinion. Both were at the bottom of the ladder of knowledge. Our world of sight allows us to "see" things that are not real, such as parallel lines and perfect circles. He calls this higher understanding the world "abstract Reality" or the Intelligeble world. He equates this abstract reality with the knowledge that comes from reasoning and finally understanding. On the physical side, our world of sight, the stages of growth are first recognition of images (the shadows on the cave wall) then the recognition of objects (the models the guards carry) To understand...
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...8 Creolization in Anthropological Theory and in Mauritius Thomas Hylland Eriksen A great amount of intellectual energy has been invested in cultural mixing during the last decades. Reacting against an idea of boundedness, internal homogeneity, and stability that has been associated with mainstream twentieth-century anthropology, hundreds—possibly thousands—of anthropologists have tried to redefine, reform, revolutionize, or even relinquish that abhorred “C” word—”culture.” The range of engagement is suggested in the apparent congruence between postmodernist American anthropologists (for example, Clifford & Marcus 1986) and their now classic critique of the Geertzian notion of cultural integration, and the older European critique of the structural-functionalist idea of social integration, which was led by people such as Barth (1966), whose rationalism and naturalism is everything but postmodernist. In both cases, presuppositions of integrated wholes, cultures or social structures, have been debunked. From being a discipline concentrating its efforts on understanding nonliterate societies, often implicitly positing the uncontaminated aborigine as its hero, anthropology increasingly studies cultural impurity and hybridity, and the dominant normative discourse in the field has shifted from defending the cultural rights of small peoples to combating essentialism and reifying identity politics. While this development has been important and necessary for a variety of reasons,...
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...Introduction to Primary Research: Observations, Surveys, and Interviews by Dana Lynn Driscoll This essay is a chapter in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2, a peer-reviewed open textbook series for the writing classroom. Download the full volume and individual chapters from: • Writing Spaces: http://writingspaces.org/essays • Parlor Press: http://parlorpress.com/writingspaces • WAC Clearinghouse: http://wac.colostate.edu/books/ Print versions of the volume are available for purchase directly from Parlor Press and through other booksellers. This essay is available under a Creative Commons License subject to the Writing Spaces' Terms of Use. More information, such as the specific license being used, is available at the bottom of the first page of the chapter. © 2011 by the respective author(s). For reprint rights and other permissions, contact the original author(s). Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Writing spaces : readings on writing. Volume 1 / edited by Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-60235-184-4 (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-60235-185-1 (adobe ebook) 1. College readers. 2. English language--Rhetoric. I. Lowe, Charles, 1965- II. Zemliansky, Pavel. PE1417.W735 2010 808’.0427--dc22 2010019487 Introduction to Primary Research: Observations, Surveys, and Interviews Dana Lynn Driscoll Primary Research: Definitions and Overview How research is defined varies widely from...
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...Practice Test #1 Sentence Correction 1. To meet the rapidly rising market demand for fish and seafood, suppliers are growing fish twice as fast as they grow naturally, cutting their feed allotment by nearly half and raising them on special diets. 2. Organized in 1966 by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Breeding Bird Survey uses annual roadside counts along established routes to monitor changes in the populations of more than 250 bird species, including 180 songbirds. 3. Less than 35 years after the release of African honeybees outside Sao Paulo, Brazil, their descendants, popularly known as killer bees, had migrated as far north as southern Texas. 4. Excited about the prospects of harnessing Niagara Falls to produce electric power, Nikola Tesla, the inventor of alternating current, predicted in the mid-1890's that electricity generated at Niagara would one day power the streetcars of London and the streetlights of Paris. 5. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing service, announced that it was eliminating jet service to nine cities, closing some unneeded operations, and grounding twenty-two planes. 6. The list of animals that exhibit a preference for using either the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates. 7. Obtaining an investment-grade rating will keep the county's future borrowing costs low, protect its already-tattered...
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...COLLAPSE HOW S O C I E T I E S CHOOSE TO FAIL OR S U C C E E D JARED DIAMOND VIK ING VIKING Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Group (Canada), 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England Penguin Ireland, 25 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) Penguin Books Australia Ltd, 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi—110 017, India Penguin Group (NZ), Cnr Airborne and Rosedale Roads, Albany, Auckland 1310, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England First published in 2005 by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 13579 10 8642 Copyright © Jared Diamond, 2005 All rights reserved Maps by Jeffrey L. Ward LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Diamond, Jared M. Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed/Jared Diamond. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-670-03337-5 1. Social history—Case studies. 2. Social change—Case studies. 3. Environmental policy— Case studies. I. Title. HN13. D5 2005 304.2'8—dc22...
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...Edited by Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Edited by Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22202 USA Tel: +1 703-341-2400 www.conservation.org Editors : Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Cover design Paula K. Rylands, Conservation International : Layout: Kim Meek, Washington, DC Maps [except where noted otherwise] Kellee Koenig, Conservation International : Conservation International is a private, non-profit organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ISBN 978-1-934151-39-6 © 2010 by Conservation International All rights reserved. The designations of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Conservation International or its supporting organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers, and do not necessarily reflect those of Conservation International (CI). Suggested citation: Walker Painemilla, K., Rylands, A. B., Woofter, A. and Hughes, C. (eds.). 2010. Indigenous Peoples and Conservation: From Rights to Resource Management. Conservation...
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...University of Tennessee, Knoxville Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange Masters Theses Graduate School 5-2010 Bharati Mukherjee and the American Immigrant: Reimaging the Nation in a Global Context Leah Rang University of Tennessee - Knoxville, lrang@utk.edu Recommended Citation Rang, Leah, "Bharati Mukherjee and the American Immigrant: Reimaging the Nation in a Global Context. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2010. http://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/655 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact trace@utk.edu. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Leah Rang entitled "Bharati Mukherjee and the American Immigrant: Reimaging the Nation in a Global Context." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, with a major in English. Urmila Seshagiri, Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: Lisi Schoenbach, Bill Hardwig Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) To the Graduate Council:...
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