...What are plans? Why do we need plans and working on it? How important can someone life with a plan? These are the questions when we want to plan something. We hesitate our self and set our mind into failure. In order to be what we want we have to build our own stairways to our goals. In this paper, I would like to share about what am I going to be in the next Twenty years, and what are the obstacles I have to go through. What weapon will I use. Of course it is my plan that became my weapon. However, is it even true that we have to reach what we want rather than just following the current nor the flow that other made? It is clear as a future leader I should create my own flow and strive through any kind of problems. Introduction Personally,...
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...Small Business Plan The Toddler Warehouse will be afull-service child care/development facility in the city of Perth that caresfor toddlers from age three to five. The Toddler Warehouse will beconcentrating on the upper end of the market, two income professional parents.These personally ambitious parents are typically eager in terms of theirchildren's development and are willing to pay to have their children attend thebest facilities. Through specialized training of the supportstaff and innovative learning systems, The Toddler Warehouse is cutting edge interms of child development. This curriculum, coupled with a custom designedfacility and a low teacher/student ratio ensures a top-shelf service for thechildren and the parents. The Toddler Warehouse expects to become profitable bymonth 11, and has projected $43,000 as the revenue for year three. Situation Analysis The Toddler Warehouse is a start-upbusiness. A comprehensive marketing plan and effort will be instrumental indeveloping visibility and generating sales. The Toddler Warehouse offers Salem, Ore. a full-service child care and child development facility for toddlers. Theseservices will be differentiated from the competition through advanced trainingand learning systems [1]. Market Summary Through a lot of research, The ToddlerWarehouse has accumulated good information regarding the market and is aware ofmany common attributes of key customers. The Toddler Warehouse will leveragethis information to continue...
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...Word Count 942 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to do a case analysis of Satyam computer Services present the key facts of the paper, identify the main issue that management had and theorize a solution to the main issue. Key Facts Satyam Computer Services Limited was an indispensable part of Indian IT Industry. The company was the fourth biggest software company in India, which was founded by Mr. B. Ramalinga Raju. Raju started his career as an entrepreneur after obtain degrees in commerce and a Master of Business Administration in Ohio University America and he later became the Founder-Chairman of Satyam Computer Services. Listed on both the Indian stock exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. The company had major global US and Australia companies as clients. Over 20 years, Satyam was stating employing 53,000 people with operations in 66 locations world wide. Satyam Computers lost its brand image on January 8, 2009 when Mr Raju who had resigned earlier as CEO announced to the Indian stock exchange that financial fraud had been committed to the tune of over US$1 billion dollars over a number of years. He said that he was trying to cover up losses that the company had. In latter court proceedings prosecutors alleged that Satyam had 13,000 fictionist employees and these salaries were being siphoned off to front companies and two family owned companies to fund land purchases. Mr Raju brother was a managing director. Management Problem. Corporate geed was at the...
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...With close reference to Act 3 scene 1, explore the language and stage directions used to present the theme of conflict in Romeo and Juliet. A guide to writing your essay: This is simply a suggested structure. Remember to use the PEE structure in each paragraph. Use the title to focus your essay. Introduction • How important a theme is conflict to the play? • Where else in the play have we seen conflict? • Link these ideas to how conflict is presented in Act 3 Scene 1. Paragraph one • Irony- before this scene R&j marry. The Friar hopes this will reunite the two families! • Pathetic fallacy- repetition of words to do with heat- something is going to happen, tempers will be lost! • Warnings about the Capulets. • Mercutio tells of all the fights Benvolio has been in- words to do with conflict- foreshadows (predicts) the future fight. • Structure of a tragedy- this is the mid-way point. Paragraph Two • Tybalt’s entrance- highly dramatic. Think about what we know of Tybalt’s character. • Tybalt uses false politeness- looking for Romeo- tension, fight will ensue. • Tybalt and Mercutio fight with their words. • Does Mercutio draw his sword? How would the audience react? • How does Benvolio take control of conflict? (lines 49-52) - Are there any issues raised regarding a public/private conflict? (Lines 49-54). Paragraph three • Romeo’s entrance- dramatic tension, effect on audience...
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...How to Write an Essay Plan 1. Before you can begin to select material for your essay, you need to make sure that you understand the exact requirements of the question. The following method of title analysis encourages you to break the question down into clearly identifiable elements so that you can accurately see what the question requires. 2. What is your answer to the essay question? 3. What main points will you discuss in order to support your argument? 4. In what order will you discuss your main points? 5. How long will you spend discussing each main point? 6. What information will each paragraph contain (i.e. what information will you use to discuss each of your main points)? 7. What references will you use to support your argument? Many students make the mistake of thinking that, having read around their subject, they can immediately start writing. Essays written in this way are sometimes poorly structured and poorly organised, resulting in lower marks. You will ultimately save time and effort, as well as maximise your chances of success, if you write a good essay plan. Planning takes place at a number of different levels which reflect the structures within an essay. Every essay has a macrostructure, that is, the overall organisation of the written material into major components. Essays also have a microstructure, that is, the way in which particular points are argued within sections, and the way in which one point should lead on to the next. Ideally, you...
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...ELS Effective Learning Service Essay Writing For appointments contact: els@qmu.ac.uk or elsinternational@qmu.ac.uk web: www.qmu.ac.uk/ELS Contents Page What do tutors want to see in an essay? 2 What are the key stages in writing an essay? 2 What is an essay? 3 The structure of an essay 4 Analyse the task 5 Make a structure plan 6 Reading and researching 7 Reflect and evaluate – refine your plan 8 Writing the first draft 9 What is a paragraph? 10 Signalling words within paragraphs 11 Linking ideas between paragraphs 12 Writing the introduction 13 Writing the conclusion 14 Academic writing style – a very brief guide 16 Planning an essay – a mindmap with an overview 17 1 What do tutors want to see in an essay? • that you have understood the question • that you have structured the work clearly and logically • that you show evidence of relevant reading What are the key stages in writing an essay? • analyse the task • ask yourself what you know and need to know about the topic • make a plan of the structure of essay • read and research and note-take • reflect on and refine your plan • write the first draft – main body, then introduction and conclusion • plan your time and set goals This leaflet will outline the key stages you need to go through and will also show you how to write a good paragraph, an introduction, and a conclusion. Subject preferences may vary. It is always a good idea to check the preferred format for your...
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...NU2278 Developing Quality Practice Assignment 1 Guidelines: Teaching Plan Using the Teaching Plan template on WebCt you must plan a 20 minute teaching session, that you will perform in clinical practice with a patient of your choice, during the teaching activity your mentor or patient will complete the Teaching Activity Proforma (available on WebCt). ------------------------------------------------- Step 1 - Plan ahead – You need to manage your own time. Make an appointment to meet your module supervisor well in advance. At your meeting your module supervisor will expect to see a plan of what you want to discuss, they will provide advice and guidance, but they will not proof read your work or correct your grammar as this is your responsibility. Your work should reflect an understanding of: * the evidence base supporting your chosen activity and teaching patients * the need for confidentiality and sensitivity when interacting with patients, clients and carers * patient equality, peoples’ equality, diversity and rights ------------------------------------------------- Step 2 – your plan should consist of a title; introduction / background to the session; teaching plan, reference list and appendices (if applicable). Title – every essay should begin with the title written out in full Introduction / Background to the session (500 words) – this section should include your rationale for selecting the activity and a clear identification of the patient / client...
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...What Does a Good Essay Need? • An academic essay aims to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence. • An academic essay should answer a question or task. • It should have an argument. • It should try to present or discuss something: develop a ‘thesis’ or a set of closely related points - by reasoning and evidence. • An academic essay should include relevant examples, supporting evidence and information from academic texts or credible sources. 1. Starting Your Essay Although there are some basic steps to writing an assignment, essay writing is not a linear process. You might work through the different stages a number of times in the course of writing an essay. For example, you may go back to the reading and notetaking stage if you find another useful text, or perhaps to reread to locate specific information. Start work early You can’t write a successful essay unless you give yourself enough time to read, research, think and write. Don’t procrastinate or leave it until the last minute; start as early as possible. Define the question and analyse the task Writing down everything you know about a topic is not enough to make a good academic essay. Analysing, then answering the essay’s question or task is central. • Be sure that you understand exactly what the question requires you to do. • Identify the key words (like discuss or analyse) and clarify the approach you are required to take. See The Learning Centre guide ‘Answering Assignment Questions’ 2. Researching...
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...Tips for Scholarship Applications and Personal Essays* Getting Started Before you start filling out your scholarship applications, you need to spend some time thinking about how to write a scholarship essay that will get the results that you want. For many students, the hardest part of writing a scholarship essay is getting comfortable with highlighting your accomplishments. Students often see this as bragging about themselves. But this is exactly what you need to do in order to convince the judges that you should receive the scholarship instead of the other applicants, you have to tell the judges what makes you a better candidate. Therefore, one of the most important things you have to do when getting ready to write your college scholarship essays is to spend some time reflecting on just how wonderful you really are. When you write down all of the great things you have accomplished, it will be much easier for you to create an essay that conveys your strong points to the judges. Tips for getting ready to write a strong essay: 1. Make a list of all your accomplishments. 2. Develop a list of your extracurricular activities. 3. Write down the three accomplishments of which you are the most proud. 4. Think of a problem that you have faced and write down how you were able to overcome it. 5. Put in writing your career goals, or your reason for wanting to attend college. 6. Pretend that you had to write a letter of recommendation for yourself. Write down the three most important things...
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...How to Write Distinction Essays Every Time: The Six Steps to Academic Essay Writing There are six steps to writing an academic essay. If you follow each of these steps correctly, you will find that you can write university essays that will earn you a distinction (or high distinction) every time. It is simply a matter of understanding what steps to follow, and then completing each of them thoroughly. This article provides an outline and brief description of each of these steps. It is an introduction to a series of articles that will examine each step in more depth. Reading just this article alone will provide you with assistance in learning how to plan, research and write your essays. However, reading all the articles in the series (available on this blog and on our website at http://www.eliteediting.com.au/support.aspx) will allow you to gain a more sophisticated insight into essay writing, and to improve your grades even further. These are the six steps you need to follow to write high quality university essays: 1. Analyse the Question There are generally two types of essays: argumentative essays and explanatory essays. In an argumentative essay, you are expected to put forward an academic argument in answer to the essay question and support your argument with academic sources (references). In an explanatory essay, you are expected to explain or describe a process or topic in answer to an essay question and support your argument with academic sources (references)...
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...【Essay Draft】 How effective has the strategy of expanding its food range turned Marks and Spencer into success since 2000. * Introduction In the late 1990s, Marks and Spencer had a sudden decline in its sales. Since then, M&S has devoted itself to expanding their customer base by a range of strategies. In this essay, the strategy of expanding its food section will be focused since 2000. * In the first section: I will focus on what food sector strategy after M&S losing its billions. * Basing on its core values: Quality, Freshness, Value, Standards of innovation, Ethical Sourcing and Healthy eating. * Branded food: reduce the non-M&S branded lines, and introduce another 100 exclusive international food brands. * Plan A sustainability strategy: Since 2007, M&S launched Plan A to inspire their customers and to improve things for the better and act with integrity. * E-Business: encouraging people to buy their products online by developing knowledge and confidence in them. * In the following section: I am going to analyse how these strategies work to M&S. * SWOT analysis: I will operate this analysis to find out the following points of the organization in the market: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threat. * Stakeholders, Board of Directors, suppliers, customers, employees * Conclusion * Reference 1. Plan A Report 2014 http://corporate.marksandspencer.com/plan-a/b6867fa1340d482da1ebde62c099dd69 2...
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...Week 4 Essay Questions Essay Question #1: What is your total budget for this project? Was the project within the budget as set forth by the board of directors? In the Microsoft Project that I have compiled it gives an estimated total budget of $2,631,468 which is $118,562 dollars less than the total approved budget for the Huntsville Project of $2,750,000 as set forth by the board of directors. This amount would be under the approved budget. Essay Question #2: What is your budget for the Planning Phase? What is the Planning Phase duration in weeks? The Budget for the Planning Phase is $283, 882. The planning phase is to be completed in 10 weeks consisting of 1,066 hours. The planning phase breaks down as followed: Task Name Fixed Cost Fixed Cost Accrual Total Cost Recruit and Train Managers $0.00 Prorated $4,608.00 Select Real Estate Consultant $0.00 Prorated $1,096.00 Create Pre-Production Plan $0.00 Prorated $3,272.00 Create Production Plan $0.00 Prorated $3,504.00 Establish Building concept $0.00 Prorated $4,312.00 Create Building Design $32,000.00 Prorated $34,568.00 Procure Site $216,000.00 Prorated $221,952.00 Select General Contractor $0.00 Prorated $1,732.00 Obtain Permits & approval $3,200.00 Prorated $7,574.00 Essay Question #3: What is your budget for the Preparation Phase? What is the Preparation Phase duration in weeks? The Budget for the Preparation Phase is $1,282,442. The planning phase is to be completed in 47 weeks consisting of...
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...1840s and explain why the measures proposed to solve these problems were not popular. Is there anything today which we can learn from this period in developing current public health policies”? Preparation Writing is a process. In order to write my essay topic effectively, I will need to prepare how I want to go about the task. Good preparation will mean that I am able to focus on what and how I am going to write. My preparation will involve having an essay plan. As stated in his book, (Greetham, 2008, p. 145), “The plan gives the essay a clear structure for examiners to follow as they navigate their ways through ideas and arguments that are unfamiliar to them”. The structure, and how I organise my piece of writing, is just as important as the content. As pointed out by (Cottrell, 2008, p. 182), “What matters is not just what you know but the way that you organise it”. My plan will therefore present an essay based on an introduction, main body and a conclusion. This will be significant in how I will collect and collate information about the essay question. As a student, I will read and make my own notes, trying to include information from other sources but with my own interpretation. The Introduction In this essay, I will attempt to identify the important aspects of public health issues in 1840s. Firstly, I intend to define public health then identify and discuss briefly the public health issues during the period of 1840s. I will also talk about when and why the...
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...situations described in previous chapters can be used to organize essays. An essay arguing a decision is organized in a different way from one offering a problem diagnosis.The structure of problem, decision, and evaluation essays is described in chapters 10 through 12, respectively. The chapters also include cases and sample essays about them. The essays are based on the writing of MBA students. To convince a reader that a conclusion about a case is valid, the writer must offer credible evidence linked directly to the conclusion. This fact helps explain the characteristics case-based essays have in common: 1. Answers two questions—What? Why?—and often a third—How? 2. Makes a position statement (What?) OT C CHAR ACTERISTICS OF A PERSUA SIVE C A SE ESSAY OP riting about a case is very different from talking about it.You collaborate with others in a discussion, bringing to bear everyone’s background and case preparation along with the instructor’s knowledge and facilitation skills. But you usually work on your own when writing about a case.You have to perform the entire analysis yourself as well as organize and express your thinking for a reader. However, the difference between talking and writing about a case runs deeper still.Audiences have much more exacting expectations of a text than they do of spoken comments. Logical gaps and the back-and-fill tolerable in a discussion are a major problem in an essay, confusing readers and undermining the writer’s credibility. Audiences...
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...Essay writing Writing skills are particularly important for management students. Once statements are made in writing, they are much more difficult to retract or change so the meanings of sentences need to be concise and clear. It is therefore vitally important to develop your skills in this more formalised and rigorous form of communication. The following suggestions should help in preparing your essay: Planning: Before you start writing it is important that you know enough about the topic to form an argument in response to the question set. Make sure you have read enough – not just textbooks or lecture notes. Planning your essay is very important. Another key step before you put pen to paper, or finger the keyboard, is to work out a structure for your essay. Making the structure explicit will help you be clear about your overall line of argument. Equally, being clear about your line of argument will help shape your sense of structure. For these reasons IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO DECIDE THE THEME AND ARGUMENT OF YOUR ESSAY BEFORE YOU START TO WRITE. However many of you will also find it useful to try writing parts of the essay in order to work out your structure and plan your argument. Writing a structure plan does NOT mean writing a list of everything you want to include in the essay – the ‘shopping list’ approach. Rather you need to think through the logical steps of the argument. What information or points do you need to make before you can argue a certain line...
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