...SAJ DEVSHI (C) AQA Psychology (A) Psya2 A* Students Model Essays The A* Students Handbook For More Psychology Resources visit: www.Loopa.co.uk C HAPTER 1 A little about me Firstly thank you for purchasing this book for AQA Psychology Psya2 (Paper 2). A bit about me: My name is Sajan Devshi and I was a private student that self-taught myself AQA Psychology from 2011-2012 and I received my certificate in January 2013 Achieving an A* Grade. The certificate you can view on my website http://www.loopa.co.uk - You can also get my other A* model essay answers from there too for the other topics I did. I achieved an A* grade overall scoring two A’s in Psya1 and Psya2 as well as 100% in both my A2 exams (Psya3 and Psya4) My final score was 373/400 ums points. (You only needed 90% in A2 and 320 for an A* grade). So basically I didn’t just beat the boundary - I absolutely smashed it. How did I do it? It wasn’t easy and I am by no means some savant genius. I made great notes and essays that simplified things for me as I had no teachers and it is these notes I share with you now for Psya2 and the essay questions that can be asked for it. If your curious to know more about me you can visit my website at http://www.loopa.co.uk There it tells you more about me, how I self-taught myself as well as contact me directly for help and advice as well as get my other essay answers there instantly. Theres also great resources there too with more added on a weekly basis...
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...The Higgs Boson’s conflict with Theology Klynton Rhodes Georgia Southern University The Higgs Boson’s conflict with Theology A scientific discovery is also a religious discovery. There is no conflict between science and religion. Our knowledge of God is made larger with every discovery we make about the world. –Joseph H. Taylor Jr, God Evidence According to Steve Paulson (2010) “The debate over science and religion is like catnip for anyone wanting to spout off about the improbability of God or the arrogance of scientists”(p.1). Since I was young I remember being told that no matter what I learned in science class about evolution, or the big bang, that God was real. According to Dr. Agustin Fuentes of Psychology today “There are some factions of Christianity whose leaders (and thus their followers) express adamant opposition to “evolution” and this is often used as the key example in the science vs. religion conflict.” Examples of controversial scientific discoveries such as cloning, and genetic manipulation, are considered to be inhumane. In my opinion God created science for humans to better understand the world he created, and according to Steve Paulson (2010) Albert Einstein shared my belief demonstrated when he stated “ Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind” (p.3). It is well known that some people believe that the universe was started with the big bang as well as the subsequent reactions that followed. This brings into the discussion...
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...Coach carter has always left a ever lasting impression on me because of the hard work and dedication displayed by coach Ken Carter. In 1999, Carter became a coach in his old high school located in Richmond, CA. The high school is surrounded by poverty and violence from gangs in surrounding areas. Little did Carter know he became a coach for a basketball team that was very de-motivated, and lacking the grades required to get into College/University. Carter wanted the maximum commitment from his team, he decided to create a contract that states that the boys will have to do things that they were never used to. The contract entails that the boys will have to show respectful behavior, dress in a professional manner, and obtain sufficient grades in order to stay apart of the team. He realized that his team was failing to meet the requirements of the contract in regards to grades and takes immediate action and cancels all team activities and locks the court until the grades prove otherwise from all members of the team. Carter was determined to better the future of every single boy on that team as long as they showed dedication to improve. He wants the boys to not only be the best in basketball but also the best in their future by making sure they do everything he asks of them listed in the contract. The amount of passion and dedication Carter displayed, has made this movie the best sports...
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...What Does a Good Essay Need? • An academic essay aims to persuade readers of an idea based on evidence. • An academic essay should answer a question or task. • It should have an argument. • It should try to present or discuss something: develop a ‘thesis’ or a set of closely related points - by reasoning and evidence. • An academic essay should include relevant examples, supporting evidence and information from academic texts or credible sources. 1. Starting Your Essay Although there are some basic steps to writing an assignment, essay writing is not a linear process. You might work through the different stages a number of times in the course of writing an essay. For example, you may go back to the reading and notetaking stage if you find another useful text, or perhaps to reread to locate specific information. Start work early You can’t write a successful essay unless you give yourself enough time to read, research, think and write. Don’t procrastinate or leave it until the last minute; start as early as possible. Define the question and analyse the task Writing down everything you know about a topic is not enough to make a good academic essay. Analysing, then answering the essay’s question or task is central. • Be sure that you understand exactly what the question requires you to do. • Identify the key words (like discuss or analyse) and clarify the approach you are required to take. See The Learning Centre guide ‘Answering Assignment Questions’ 2. Researching...
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...OH 1 Essay Questions: Forms They represent a continuum in how much freedom of response is allowed, ranging from restricted-response essays on one end to extended-response essays on the other. Restricted-response essay limits content and response to be given can limit via how narrowly question is phrased (e.g., as specific as a short-answer question) can limit via scope of the problem posed (e.g., with introduction like that of an interpretive exercise) therefore, can approach the objectivity of short-answer and interpretive exercises Extended-response essay great freedom so that allows problem formulation, organization, originality therefore, shares similar scoring difficulties with performance-based tasks OH 2 Essay Questions: Uses Represent a continuum in complexity and breadth of learning outcomes assessed, with interpretive exercises on the left end, restricted-response essays in the middle, and extended-response essays at the right end. Restricted-response essays For learning outcomes not readily assessed objectively Compared to extended-response questions, they target narrower learning outcomes, such as more specific mental processes (e.g., draws valid conclusions) Extended-response essays For learning outcomes not readily assessed objectively or with restricted response essays Compared to restricted-response questions, they assess broader learning outcomes, such as integrating a set of mental processes...
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...Testing with success series The Essay Exam Organization and neatness have merit Before writing out the exam: ▪ Write down their key words, listings, etc, as they are fresh in your mind. Otherwise these ideas may be blocked (or be unavailable) when the time comes to write the later questions. This will reduce "clutching" or panic (anxiety, actually fear which disrupts thoughts). Set up a time schedule to answer each question and to review/edit all questions ▪ If six questions are to be answered in sixty minutes, allow yourself only seven minutes for each ▪ If questions are "weighted", prioritize that into your time allocation for each question ▪ When the time is up for one question, stop writing, leave space, and begin the next question. The incomplete answers can be completed during the review time ▪ Six incomplete answers will usually receive more credit than three, complete ones Read through the questions once and note if you have any choice in answering questions ▪ Pay attention to how the question is phrased, or to the "directives", or words such as "compare", "contrast", "criticize", etc. See their definitions in "Essay terms" ▪ Answers will come to mind immediately for some questions Before attempting to answer a question, put it in your own words ▪ Now compare your version with the original. Do they mean the same thing? If they don't, you've misread the question. You'll be surprised how often they don't agree...
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...The Essay Exam Organization and neatness have merit Before writing out the exam: Write down their key words, listings, etc, as they are fresh in your mind. Otherwise these ideas may be blocked (or be unavailable) when the time comes to write the later questions. This will reduce "clutching" or panic (anxiety, actually fear which disrupts thoughts). Set up a time schedule to answer each question and to review/edit all questions If six questions are to be answered in sixty minutes, allow yourself only seven minutes for each If questions are "weighted", prioritize that into your time allocation for each question When the time is up for one question, stop writing, leave space, and begin the next question. The incomplete answers can be completed during the review time Six incomplete answers will usually receive more credit than three, complete ones Read through the questions once and note if you have any choice in answering questions Pay attention to how the question is phrased, or to the "directives", or words such as "compare", "contrast", "criticize", etc. See their definitions in "Essay terms" Answers will come to mind immediately for some questions Before attempting to answer a question, put it in your own words Now compare your version with the original. Do they mean the same thing? If they don't, you've misread the question. You'll be surprised how often they don't agree. Think before you write: Make a brief outline for each question Number...
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...A2 Sociology ASSESSMENT PACK 2015-16 A2 Level Sociology Student Tracking Sheet | |Current Grade |Target Grade |Lates |Attendance | |September | | | | | |November | | | | | |January | | | | | |March | | | | | |May | | | | | | |Families |Education | |UMS | | | |Grade | | | | |Handed in on |Mark |Grade |What is the target for my next piece of work? |Above/ On/ Under Target | |Assessment/Homework |time...
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...Short Essays Instructions You will write four Short Essays in this course. The goal of these essays is for you to think over and analyze information biblically and theologically to articulate a case for your own views. Follow the steps below to successfully complete each essay. Step 1: Familarize yourself with the general expectations of the Short Essay assignments as described below. You must use the Short Essay Template to compose your essay; this will ensure that you adhere to proper formatting (double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12-pt. Times New Roman font). In addition, you must follow Turabian style and include a Bibliography after each essay. The body of your essay should be 600–800 words in length, this does not include your name, course and section number, essay title, and Bibliography. For each essay, you will be reading articles from the Elwell text and then answering various questions about a theological topic. Use the Short Essays Template in which to compose your essay; this will ensure that you adhere to proper formatting (double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12-pt. Times New Roman font). In addition, you must follow Turabian style and include a Bibliography after each essay. Each essay should be 600–800 words in length, not including your name, course and section number, essay title, and Bibliography. Thus, you need to be concise yet...
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...discussion questions are due by the end of the announced time period. Answer the questions below, and type your answers in the “answer box.” Copy and paste the answer box into the discussion board forum titled “My Mother Never Worked.” If you are working with a partner or in a small group, type the full name of each group member into the subject line of your post. Answer Box 1. Answer question one under Purpose and Audience. Write the thesis IN YOUR OWN WORDS. I believe that the point that the writer is trying to prove is that her mother was a hard worker throughout her whole life who never once stopped working regardless of the circumstances or obstacles that she came across. I think that her thesis was never explicitly stated because the telephone conversation stated her thesis well. She stated her essay with the telephone conversation and in the pause between the response of the lady from the Social Security Office she goes back in time and gives a little background of all the jobs her mom had. The writer had a specific question and the lady had a solid answer. At the end of the passage the lady answered her question and gave her the news that she wasn’t eligible for death benefits because her mother never worked according to their records. In my opinion the thesis was in some way written throughout the whole essay when she was explaining all the jobs and task her mom actually had because at the end of the essay you don’t question the answer the Smith-Yackle...
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...MODULE 7 MODEL ANSWER Evaluation Approach To learn the most from your experience of writing this essay, with an eye towards improving both your essay-writing skills as well as your knowledge of the relevant substantive law, please compare your essay to the model answer provided below using the following approach: (1) Score: Find the score the essay received in the grading rubric (below), and note the description of why an essay would receive that score. The score tells you in general terms how the way the essay was written correlates to the expectations for the assignment (note that when taken by themselves, some parts of the essay might by themselves be of higher or lower quality, the score the essay received is the overall score for the essay taken as a whole). Grading Rubric Score 50 55 60 65 70 75 Description Essay identifies subject area and makes some attempt at answering the question. Essay spots at least one major issue but is mostly conclusory. Essay spots several main issues and attempts to answer the question. Essay weaves some of the facts in with the main issues, but falls short of identifying all major issues or misses some important facts. Essay sees almost all major issues and does an adequate job of weaving in important facts. Essay is generally well-written in addition to identifying all major issues and weaving in facts. (2) Issue-Spotting: Next, compare the essay to the model answer, to make certain that it spotted all of...
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...How to Write an Essay Excellent essays answer the set essay question with a complete and clear Thesis. You should use theoretical arguments and empirical evidence from the literature to support your answer where necessary, but avoid lengthy summary of the readings. A good way to write a strong essay is to think of it as made up of three main sections: Introduction, Main Body Paragraphs (3+), and Conclusion. Below is an explanation of what each of these main three sections should achieve. To write a strong essay, you need to do the assigned readings and take notes. The next step, before you start writing the essay, and which is just as important, is to think about how you want to organise your thoughts in your essay. Planning the structure and organising your thoughts are central processes for writing an excellent essay. You should already have an outline of what you will say in your essay and the way in which you are going to structure it before you start writing. In Short A good way to write an excellent essay is to think of it in the following way. (1) What is my answer to the essay question? (Thesis) (2) Why do I think this? What is the evidence? Which theories support my argument? (Main Supporting Arguments) You should state your Thesis and your Main Supporting Arguments in the Introduction; you should explain and develop your Main Supporting Arguments in your Main Body Paragraphs (one paragraph for each Main Supporting Argument); you should paraphrase and restate your...
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...|Analysing an Essay Question | 1. Introduction Common criteria of undergraduate essay writing focus on the following requirements: students need to be analytical and critical in their response students need to structure their writing logically students need to be persuasive writers | students need to answer the question | This booklet looks at, how to analyse your essay question. Other Learning Centre booklets in this series deal with the other aspects: • Analytical Writing deals with the difference between analytical and descriptive writing • Planning and Structuring an Essay deals with logical structures • Developing and Supporting an Argument deals with persuasion Expectations of student assignments One of the difficulties experienced by students, particularly in first year, is understanding what standard is expected in essays at tertiary level. As well as this, each subject discipline has its own ways of doing things and its own conventions about essay structure and writing style. For instance, in some subjects it is acceptable to write very personally and put forward your own opinions and feelings on a topic and in others such a personal response would not be appropriate. You need to find out the expectations and conventions...
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...Timed Test, Short Answer Test, Analysis Test, and Personal Essay Test. Each of them has different range of difficulty, based on how long the time needed to finish them. Let us take a look of these brief explanations about the four types of assessment, before we decide which one is the easiest to do. TIMED TEST Timed test is the type of assessment in which you will be given limited time to answer the questions. The test does not care how many questions you get wrong, but rather how many you get right. Many students don’t do well on timed tests because they get stuck on a question or spend too much time on each question, as they want to make sure it is correct, but they end up running out of time. Timed Test will actually help students to manage their time well. Let’s say, students are given 100 questions in 100 minutes. It means they have one minute at the most to answer each question. They have to make sure they don’t exceed one minute time otherwise they will get less time to finish the next questions. In this kind of test, students are expected to work fast, and not doing too much thinking on the same question. The goal is to finish the test no matter what. SHORT ANSWER TEST Short answer test are open-ended questions that require students to create an answer. They are commonly used in examinations to assess the basic knowledge and understanding (low cognitive levels) of a topic before more in-depth assessment questions are asked on the topic. Short answer tests do not have...
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... | | | | | |Thursday, January 16th | |In class we’ll read the poem, “My Papa’s Waltz” by Roethke (274), practice textual analysis, and work on an | | | |outline. | | | |Homework: Pg. 276, questions 14-16, and “making an argument” 4; | | | |Read the poem, “Those Winter Sundays” by Hayden (13) and answer | | | |questions 1-6. | | | | | |Tuesday, January 21st | |In class we’ll re-read the poem, “Those Winter Sundays” by Hayden, look at an earlier draft, practice textual | | | |analysis, and work on an outline. ...
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