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Essay on Death Penalty


Submitted By missmariahelena
Words 697
Pages 3
English essay Topic: capital punishment
The causes, effects and solutions to the problems of serious crimes are causing a big debate all over the world. Should ‘capital punishment’ be restored?
Capital punishment (also called death penalty or execution) is a way of punishing an inmate on the death row, who is accused of committing crimes.
Everybody knows the expression “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” - but is this really how we want to live our lives? Is capital punishment all about getting revenge, or is it more about getting rid of the guilty prisoners - and how do we know whether they are guilty or not? And should one even be able to decide another one’s destiny, and whether they have a right to live or not?
Either you punish, because there will be a beneficial outcome, or else you punish because the prisoner has deserved it. But the big question is: where do we draw the line of whether it’s right or wrong - which criminal actions deserve capital punishment, and which does not? The text “Capital punishment in the US” reads: “An argument often made by opponents of the death penalty is that innocent people are sometimes executed.” p. 31 ll. 8-10
A big problem could be, that if the prisoner is acquitted of the charge, they hand the prisoner some money, to make up for the “lost years”, but how is a human’s life even measured in the value of money? Perhaps it’s not, it’s just a way for the government to show that one actually is able to escape the death row, if you are proven innocent, and adding up with a bit of money to show the outside that they are truly sorry for what they have done to the person who has been released. But the fact that innocent people sometimes are executed due to the fact that advocates of the death penalty just want to:
“… stress its deterrent effect on crime and they claim that it is an important weapon against criminal

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