...strong position for enhancing athletic life style. It’s the number one sports manufacturer in the world design by Nolan Breitbarth in the 1970s with Phil knight founder of Nike Inc. It is the leading sporting goods Company in the United States and hundred and ten countries. However, it has become the passion for everyone to use its brand products that create the Nike Just Do It feeling for the competition. The consumer’s perception of brand influences their buying decision in sports industry, so Nike always has been able to position to customer’s expectation and athletic fantasy that is endorsed by real athletes. Its Products offer a wide range of choices for the individuals; from sports equipment, athletic shoes, to clothes. But this paper focuses on Nike athletic shoes- how it has created a distinct impression in consumers’ mind and differentiated its products from its competitors. Promotionally, it has continuously tried to target the world’s youth population through basketball most popular game around the world. Nike partnered with Michael Jordan to have his name Jordan shoes for basketball and designed Jordan I, Jordan II and followed by many more. Nike's marketing strategy is accepted to be an important component of the company's success. Nike is positioned as a premium-brand, selling well-designed and very expensive products. As same time Nike tries to lure customers with a marketing strategy centering on a brand image which is attained by distinctive logo and the advertising...
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...Groups and Teams Kit Sumpter MGT/307 May 2, 2011 Randall Voss Groups and Teams Each and every individual is important to their company and every company delegates different individuals to different tasks, groups, or teams. Many people do not emphasize the difference between a group and a team; in fact they often do not think about it or even realize that there is one but in business there is a great difference. The following pages will go into more detail to explain the differences and their importance and how workplace diversity plays a key role in teamwork within the workplace. There is no doubt that more often than not, an objective is more easily reached if there is more than one individual is working towards it. According to Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn ( 2008), “A group is a collection og two or more people who work with one another regularly to achieve common goals.” In essence you could say that the entire company is a group. They don’t necessarily all work on the project of the company itself (for example the janitor), but they all work within the group to ensure the process runs as smooth as possible and each member is important to the whole. A group does not always pertain to a company though; it can be reading groups or even a non-profit organization such as those for the disabled. The latter is considered a formal group (Schermerhorn et al., 2008). “A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who work actively together...
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...it extend my sincere thanks to all of them. We are highly indebted to Sir Adnan Anwarfor his guidance and constant superior as well as providing necessary information regarding the project and also for his support. Thank You. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Cadbury is a British multinational confectionery company owned by Mondelēz International. It is the second largest confectionery brand in the world after Wrigley's. But its sub brand Perk is not that much successful as other sub brands. Due to its wrong and unstable positioning its market share 15%. We have made a marketing plan for Cadbury Perk. In our plan we have looked on Cadbury Perk Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning strategies and 4p’s. We have also looked around its competitors’ i.e. Kit Kat strategies and analysed SWOT. After looking through weaknesses and opportunities he have identified problem statement and made marketing objective. By following marketing objective we have launched a new product i.e. Cadbury Perk LOL. It is new innovative look of Cadbury perk in the form of chocolate balls. It contain oats which help in reducing calories. This new product has segmented a new market i.e. diabetic market. Hope this plan work and Cadbury Perk may be able to increase its shares. INTRODUCTION TO CADBURY: Cadbury is a British multinational confectionery company owned by Mondelēz International. It is the second largest confectionery brand in the world after Wrigley's. Cadbury is headquartered in Uxbridge in Greater London and...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 WHAT IS BRIGADA ESKWELA? Brigada Eskwela, also known as the Bayanihan Para Sa Paaralan, is a nationwide voluntary effort of teachers, parents, students, community members, and other organizations to do minor repairs and clean-ups on their schools in preparation for the start of the school year. This week-long event began in 2003 as part of the Oplan Balik Eskwela Program and National Maintenance Week of the Department of Education(DepEd). It encourages volunteers give out their time, effort, and even donate materials such as paint, cement, lumber and other materials, which could be used for minor repairs and building. Donations from local corporations and businesses are given in kind. Minor repairs are usually done before the opening of classes. Maintenance work such as the repainting of the roof and exterior walls, repair of leaking water pipes, ceiling boards, broken furniture and windows, cleaning of toilets, and gardening are done by volunteers with the help of donations in kind from non-government organizations and corporations. As early as February, school heads recruit volunteers who would participate in the brigade, by March, they would approach local businesses for donations, then organize work groups by April. It is usually held two weeks prior to every year's opening of classes. 1.2.1 EFFECTS OF BRIGADA ESKWELA As a positive effect of Brigada Eskwela, teachers can start their classsroom instruction on the first...
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...Individual Assessments: Study Block 3 Individual Assignment: Leadership Reflective Practice Paper 1 Question 1: Reflect on key opportunities for development that you have identified for yourself over the course of the program me. Discuss how you will benefit as a leader if you are able to develop the identified skills or capabilities. How will you practically go about creating your own opportunities for development in this respect? Reference the content and experiences that you have been exposed to thus far on the program me as part of your answer. The key opportunities for development that come out for me as a leader in this course has been somewhat in abundance but for the purposes of this assignment I have shortlisted a few which is...
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...Not Everything is Within our Control The afternoon knows what the morning never expected. – Swedish (Swedish, "Nature Sayings and Nature Quotes | Wise Old Sayings") It is an irrevocable fact that we are not in control of everything that happens. We would like to believe that we are and we do everything in our power to get as close to full control as possible, but the truth of the matter is that as the starting quote say’s “ The afternoon always knows what the morning never expected”. There are many things in our lives that are out of our control, like other people’s feelings and unforeseen unmanageable circumstance, for me this inability to always be in control is a difficult concept. You see, I am an ex-professional athlete in a high-risk sport, motocross. In motocross we like to believe that as we train and prepare we gain control of all situations and when things go north this preparation will allow us to control the uncontrollable. The difficult truth to accept is that although preparation diminished unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, it doesn’t eliminate them and when something goes wrong. It goes really wrong. I, like many people will never come to accept that we can’t control certain circumstances and will continue to prepare ourselves and to train ourselves in hopes of controlling the uncontrolled. As crazy as this may seem however, it is people like us that develop equipment, strategies, movements and technology to get us closer to control. It is...
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...growing pace of globalization, companies’ marketing departments are faced with a substantial challenge of designing successful marketing strategies promoting their products and services (Keller, 2010). The ongoing academic debate has pointed out the tension between standardization and localization practices (e.g. Whatley, 2012). While the benefits frequently associated with the standardization practice revolve around the promotion of a single consistent message to the global market (Aaker, 1991), the localization paradigm emphasises the particular differences between individual markets and thereby the need to adapt marketing strategies to suit the needs of the local population (Gillespie, Jeanner & Hennessey, 2010). The aim of the presented paper is to critically investigate the promotion and branding strategies pursued by global organisations. The key focus is put on the examination of their relative effectiveness and two case studies are used to demonstrate the validity of the theoretical underpinning. Nike Inc., a sportswear and footwear retailer, and PizzaHut, a chain of fast-food restaurants, are therefore used as examples of companies in a...
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...joumal of Marketing Management 1999, 15,43-51 Kevin Lane Keller Brand Mantrais: Rationale, Criteria and Examples hi this paper, we consider how marketing managers can benefit from the concept of a "brand mantra." We examine how brand montras relate to brand positioning and a related concept, "core brand associations." Our focus is on how brand mantras can be used to improve intemal brand management We consider design and implementation issues in temi of characteristics of good A/nos Tuck School of brand mantras as well as process issues in developing Business brand mantras. It is noted that brand mantras, as with Dartmouth College Nike's "authentic athletic perfonnance" and Disney's "fun family entertainment" often consist of three words that combine brand functions with descriptive and emotional modifiers. Procedurally, brand mantras are developed at the same time as brand positioning. At tlwt time, brand mantras would then be judged on their ability to effectively communicate, simplify, and inspire, as reflected by employee research. Organizational Brand Management Through Brand Mantras Introduction An increasing number of firms have embraced branding as a business priority and marketing imperative. Despite that fact many firms are unsure as to exactly what they should do to effectively manage their brands and maximize their equity. Much of the branding literature has taken an extenial perspective to focus on strategies and tactics that firms should take to build...
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...performed at the laboratory. Where they are hardly fed, often forced to live in filth, and sometimes have their vocal cords removed to keep them quiet (CAAT). We are systematically cutting down the last forest that provides their shelter to farm cattle; we dump toxic chemicals and sewage into the waters in which they live; we wear and display the tusks of the last few of their species in our homes, and we pour cosmetic products into their eyes and body parts to determine the harmful effects they might cause on humans, even though the physiological differentiation between humans and the animals they use is drastic. On a daily basis most people do not see their own degree of unintentional support towards this global dilemma, but when compiled on paper one must question how mankind can, with conscience, commit these acts which shame us as human beings. Animals possess the same kinds of feelings and emotions as human beings, and without anesthesia, they are subjected to the pain as well. Mankind often fails to give animals the respect and rights they deserve, they are treated as lifeless, unfeeling scientific specimens and items that we may manipulate at our own convenience and for vanity’s sake. The Facts of Animal Tests - Laboratory research involving animals is cruel and merciless treatment of helpless creatures. No law requires that...
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...Global Branding of Unilever and Nestle | Report Analysis | ] | Global Branding of Unilever and Nestle | Report Analysis | | 1. Executive summary 4 2. Introduction 4 3. Overview of Unilever and Nestle 4 3.1. Company Facts-Vision and Mission 5 3.2. Company Facts-Core Business Sectors 5 3.3. Company Facts- Business Strategy 5 4. Global branding 6 4.1. Standardization vs. regional adaptation 6 4.1.1. Language 6 4.1.2. Cultural differences 7 4.2. Advertisement 8 4.2.1. Religious issues ...
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...AngularJS Starter Kit Copyright © 2013 Hakin9 Media Sp. z o.o. SK Table of Contents Angular: The DOM API You Have Been Waiting For Brad Davis 08 11 16 26 34 43 Angular.js, a javascript library and framework created in Google, is a fresh view into building great web applications. You can read a lot of articles on how it separates the concerns of the application, improves testability, and keeps to web app best practices, but I want to highlight a feature that is not shown off as regularly, extending the document object model API. Introduction to AngularJS Dylan Stamat You will learn about some of the core concepts that make AngularJS shine, including binding data to you views, built-in filtering, and some of the interesting architectural decisions behind this MVC framework. We will build a very simple application with local data that show some of these concepts. Diving into Angular Josh Kuhn In this tutorial we’re going to create a barebones Twitter-like application called Pipr. Pipr allows you to create “pips” which are short 100 character or less “pips” that show up on the page in reverse chronological order. You can add tags to your pips, and you can post them with any name you like. In addition, you can delete your pips. AngularJS 101: A Beginner’s Tutorial Karmen Blake This tutorial on AngularJS will guide you through the fundamentals of the framework. You will explore the exciting benefits of using a client-side JavaScript framework to create...
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...BIO INSPIRED NEURAL NETWORKING AMONG MULTI-ROBOTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Transportation is one of the most important economic activities of any country. Among the various forms of transport, road transport is one of the most popular means of transportation. Transportation has an element of danger attached to it in the form of vehicle crashes. Road crashes not only cause death and injury, but they also bring along an immeasurable amount of agony to the people involved. Efforts to improve traffic safety to date have concentrated on the occupant protection, which had improved the vehicle crash worthiness. The other important area where research is currently being done is collision avoidance. Technological innovations have given the traffic engineer an option of improving traffic safety by utilizing the available communication tools and sophisticated instruments. Using sensors and digital maps for increasing traffic safety is in its infancy. Systems are being developed to utilize the available state of the art facilities to reduce or possibly prevent the occurrence of crashes. Total prevention of crashes might not be possible for now, but the reduction of crashes could easily be achieved by using the collision avoidance systems. 1.1 NEED FOR COLLISION AVOIDANCE The development of collision avoidance systems is motivated by their potential for increased vehicle safety. Half of the more than 1.5 million rear-end crashes that occurred in 1994 could have been prevented by...
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...American Political Science Review Vol. 105, No. 1 February 2011 doi:10.1017/S0003055410000523 Bribes, Lobbying, and Development BARD HARSTAD Northwestern University JAKOB SVENSSON Stockholm University hen faced with a regulatory constraint, firms can either comply, bribe the regulator to get around the rule, or lobby the government to relax it. We analyze this choice, and its consequences, in a simple dynamic model. In equilibrium, when the level of development is low, firms are more inclined to bend the rule through bribery but they tend to switch to lobbying when the level of development is sufficiently high. Bribery, however, is associated with holdup problems, which discourage firms from investing. If the holdup problems are severe, firms will never invest enough to make lobbying worthwhile. The country may then be stuck in a poverty trap with bribery forever. The model can account for the common perception that bribery is relatively more common in poor countries, whereas lobbying is relatively more common in rich ones. In India, as elsewhere in the developing world, the old business of corruption is meeting a new rival: the Washington-style business of persuasion — –International Herald Tribune, May 31, 2006 ◦ W L obbying and corruption have been the subject of tremendous public interest and research. Surprisingly, these two means of influencing regulation have either been studied separately or viewed as basically being one and the same. The question of...
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...Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 New Product Development of SK-II 3 2.1 Strategy 3 2.2 Idea Generation 4 2.3 Screening 5 2.4 Concept development and testing 6 2.5 Business analysis 7 2.6 Product Development and Testing 8 2.7 Test Marketing 8 2.8 Commercial and launch 9 3.0 Critical Issue of SK-II 9 4.0 Conclusion 10 References: 12 1.0 Introduction The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) is the world's top manufacturer that produces of household products courts market share and billion-dollar names. The company divided into three global units which are household care, beauty and grooming, and health and well-being. P&G also makes pet food, water filters and produces a soap opera. P&G's many famous brand are under P&G Multinational Corporation which included Febreze, Fusion, Always, Braun, Bounty, Charmin, Crest, Downy or Lenor, Gillette, Iams, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, Pringles, Tide, SK-II, and so on. Their market capitalization is greater than the GDP of many nations. They penetrate more than 180 nations of the world. Their purpose is to come out with the branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumer. In return, the consumer will reward the P&G with leadership sales, profit and value creation (P&G, 2011). SK-II is a one of the Procter & Gamble Beauty brand. This product has been launched in Japan market since 1980. SK-II can be considered as the one of the most...
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...COVER FEATURE 28 TRAPS TRAPSMAGAZINE.COM Boy Country BY CHRIS WELCH WITH ANDY DOERSCHUK JON COHAN JARED COBB & KAREN STACKPOLE autum 2007 TRAPS 29 City Man Country City THE JOHN BONHAM STORY JOHN BONHAM PREFACE A SLOW NIGHT AT THE MARQUEE As a Melody1960s, I Maker reporter during the The venue wasn’t full on the night of the Zeppelin show, so we could wander around and chat to other club goers. While Page and Plant dominated the stage, we edged over to the side to check out the drummer. Among those watching with me was Mark Ashton, curly haired stickman with the group Rare Bird. “He’s so fucking heavy!” Ashton shouted in my ear. We stared in disbelief at the aggressive, beefy guy who seemed intent on breaking the heads on his toms. 30 TRAPS TRAPSMAGAZINE.COM PREVIOUS PAGE PHOTO BY JAN PERSSONS/REDFERNS The first time I saw Bonham up close was in December 1968, at The Marquee Club on Soho’s Wardour Street. While The Marquee has long held a mythical status in the rich history of the London rock scene – hosting early appearances by such legendary bands as The Who and The Rolling Stones – it was actually a dark and rather cramped facility with a tiny stage that fronted an even stuffier dressing room. vividly remember the moment when a review copy of Led Zeppelin’s eponymous debut album arrived at the office. My colleague and fellow scribe Tony Wilson had secured the precious black vinyl LP and dropped it onto the turntable, awaiting...
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