...Hannah Keller Professor Thompson REL 2013 31 October 2013 Esther The book of Esther is a beautifully written piece of biblical literature that tells a story of faith and trust. It shows that when you put your faith in The Lord, He will see you through according to His plan. This story is an exciting account of an unlikely hero named Esther, who with amazing bravery saves her people. The story takes place in a huge Persian empire ruled by King Ahasuerus. The capital city of Susa in particular. The king held a feast for all of his officials and servants to show them his riches and glory. This continued for 180 days. Once these days were over the king held a small feast for those present in Susa, which lasted seven days. The queen at this time was Vashti, and she held a feast for the women in the palace. At the end of the seven days, King Ahasuerus sent for Queen Vashti to be shown to the princes since she was so beautiful. After Queen Vashti refused to comply with the king’s wishes, he got angry and took the crown away from her. He then sent officers to gather beautiful women so they could come before the king. One of these women was a Jew named Esther. When Esther’s mother died, a Jew named Mordecai took her as his own daughter. Esther was very beautiful. She quickly won the king’s favor and eventually was made queen. Meanwhile, there was a man named Haman who was promoted by King Ahasuerus to sit on the throne above all of the officials. Everybody bowed down to Hamas...
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...Esther Raab and Her Story Esther Raab was born on June 11,1922 in Chelm ,Poland to a middle class jewish family.She had one older brother (two kids was unusual in Europe) who was born in 1917, named Yidel. Esther had a comfortable childhood.To reseave a education she went to public school and after that she went to a catholic school for two hours(jewish all payed school).Esther lived in a varry strict and righish jewish household.Her fauther was a bissess man who had many non-jewish clients who he got along with(one even helped her and Yidel hide from the nazis).Esther had many friends from the street (jewish and non-jewish). All was good, but what her and her family didn't know what Hitler was doing to the other jews.Esther's dad...
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...Assignment: Esther David Laylock Humanities 102 Dr. Meng April 16, 2014 Intro Esther is about the girl who came to be the queen of Persia. It is a book that gives her story of how she became sovereign, starting out during a banquet that lasted one hundred and eighty days. This banquet was put on by the wealthy King Xerxes to show off to people the power and fortune that he held. The queen, at the time, denied to appear at this banquet and was ordered to be put to death, because of how angry the King was at this. The pursuit for a new queen is now on. This is where Esther comes into play. Esther was in a Beauty pageant put on by King Xerxes, and the king chose her to be queen. During this time, Mordecai stops an attempt to murder King Xerxes. Recorded in the kings’ book of chronicles is Mordecai’s endeavor, but does not get compensated though. Haman becomes the kings’ viceroy, and Haman is a very selfish individual, always putting himself first. Mordecai refuses to bow down to Haman when all inhabitants of Shushan have to, and this enrages Haman so he issues a decree to execute all Jews, including Mordecai. After all this, Haman then misleads the king into issuing an edict to sentence all Jews. Mordecai tells Esther about the edict, and convinces her to put her life in jeopardy so that she may protect all her people from this. Esther develops a strategy to get the job done. She prepared a fancy banquet for King Xerxes and Haman. The king tells Esther that she may...
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...Esther: Passive Coward or Wise Leader? The Persian name Esther means “star”. Throughout the book of Esther, we see several “star” qualities that reflect the strength and courage of the main character. At the beginning of the book, Esther seems to be a passive, compliant girl, however, as we see throughout the text, she moves from being an object, to a leader, and ultimately, savior of the Jewish people. The name and story of Esther evoke countless thoughts of beauty, strength, character, and courage, which bring her to a leadership role. Although the word “God” is not used a single time throughout this story, God’s hand is clearly over Esther, Mordecai, and the Jews. The story of Esther is set in the Persian Empire, and primarily occurs in Susa, the winter capital of the Persian Court. Esther’s story takes place between 486 and 465 BCE, during the reign of king Ahasuerus, or Xerxes. Prior to the entrance of Esther, King Xerxes had been planning to invade Greece and was having a six month long banquet with his princes and nobles to strategize. Not only was he working on a plan for invasion, he was also demonstrating the fact that he possessed the resources and wealth to wage war (George 13). At the end of this six month period, Xerxes held a seven day long feast. On the seventh and final day, King Xerxes summoned Queen Vashti to appear in her crown, and only her crown, for the people and nobles to witness her beauty. Queen Vashti refused. Xerxes viewed Queen Vashti’s...
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...that the purpose of the book of Esther is to show that God can accomplish his purposes just as easily through "coincidences" as he can through grand miracles of deliverance. Though he works behind the curtain, he is just as much in control. Events that others see as chance or fate, can be seen by believers as signs of God's sovereignty (Hill and Walton 2009, p. 347). Although God was not visible in the book of Esther, Israel knew He was at work. They knew that what was happening was not just a coincidence and that it was really the Lord. When reading a book in the Bible, whether or not it is written as a story is not the most important thing. As Hill and Walton mention, "historical fiction often thrives on authentication details (Hill and Walton 2009, p. 350)." Since the writer used court records when writing the book of Esther, that shows that the writer wanted to show verification and had the intent of being historically rooted. The accuracy of the book of Esther cannot be outweighed because the contemporary sources cannot identify most of the principle players. Esther is a book that is like no other book in the bible. The way that it is written shows that it was not written to have chronicle history. It does have many of the characteristics that a modern short story would have. But having such a blend of literacy features and historical setting puts the book of Esther into a category of its own. The purpose and the message of the book of Esther is clear with or without the historicity...
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...Esther: Strength in Submission Shirley Johnson and Jessica Bogart MidAmerica Nazarene University: Biblical Leadership Perspectives January 19, 2016 Introduction Great leadership takes the form of many different characteristics—courage, wisdom, confidence, determination, faithful, persuasive, and patience. Several of these characteristics become a common theme across great leaders. However, submission is rarely upheld as a competency of outstanding leadership. Esther showed strength in her submission, subtlety, and humility, which led to saving her cousin and the rest of her people. The story of Esther begins with the displacement of Queen Vashti. King Xerxes became displeased with the bold actions of Queen Vashti when she refused a summons of the King. At this point, King Xerxes chooses Esther among many other beautiful women to be Queen. However, Esther does not disclose the fact that she is a Jew to King Xerxes. During Esther’s rise to queen, Mordecai, Esther’s guardian/cousin, uncovers a plot to assassinate the king. Mordecai promptly reports this to Esther, who informs the King, giving credit to Mordecai for sharing the information with her. Shortly after this, a man in King Xerxes service named Haman was given a seat of honor in the King’s court. When all were paying their respects to Haman, Mordecai refuses to bow down before him due to his Jewish heritage. This incited Haman to punish not just Mordecai, but kill all Jews. However, when Mordecai informs Esther...
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...I have 127 provinces and I have a beautiful wife. My 127 provinces stretched as far as India to Cush (Africa). Since I am so wealthy and powerful, I am going to throw a party for seven days. I have my beautiful wife Vashti. Vashti is so beautiful I wanted her to show off. But for some odd reason, she absolutely refused to show off her beauty. I was so outraged and irritable that Vashti could never enter my presence. Now I’m going to give someone who is better than her, her position. One of my personal attendants proposed for a search of the most beautiful women to gather and let me choose who will be my next wife. Mordecai had a cousin named Hadassah. Hadassah had brought up a women named Esther, cause she had no father or mother. Mordecai...
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...Deuteronomy The genre of this book is law. The key themes of the book of Deuteronomy are love and obedience. It teaches man to love and obey God. This is shown perfectly in Det. 6:4, 5 where we also have the greatest doctrinal statement of the Old Testament: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is on Lord.” Deuteronomy means “second law”, but this does not means a repetition of the Law given by God to Moses. The law interprets the experience of the wilderness in the 38 years in the dessert. It is a commentary on the Mosaic Law that emphasizes specific laws and enlarged some of them. Deuteronomy brings the Law of Moses to the new generation that entered the Promised Land. The book gives us amendments on new situations and problems that arose and that were not covered by the Law specifically. The main purpose of the book was to remind the people of what God had done during the 38 years in the dessert and encourage them to come back to God again. The book starts with Israel arriving on the bank of the Jordan River one month before entering the Promised Land. In Hebrew, the book is divided into eight orations in which Moses give Israel the final instructions from the Lord. The generation whom had left Egypt was now dead because of their unbelief and disobedience. They committed sins of commission by breaking God’s law and sins of omission by failing to believe God. The book addresses the following issues: It reviews the dessert experiences, reinstates the law of love and obedience...
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...Due February 9, 2012 The Dictionary of Bible and Religion William H. Gentz The Dictionary of Bible and Religion is an expanded Bible dictionary to include information from four other areas of religious knowledge: the history of Christianity, Christian doctrine, world religions, and contemporary religions. The dictionary is lay-oriented, arranged alphabetically of religious information. Entries vary in length with over 2,800 religious subjects. This dictionary has an extensive cross reference if interested in finding information on related subjects; if duplications of material are needed the reader is referred to another entry. Words in capital letters indicate that there are separate entries for those subjects. You can also “compare” or “see” references at the end of some entries as well as a For Further Study section of other sources of information at the end of the book. The majority of the 28 writers are teachers or experts in the field they are writing about, there was a conscious effort to keep the language easy to read and understand, avoiding technical and complicated terms. Foreign languages are translated when possible. 2 The dictionary is focused on, but not limited to, Protestant, Catholic, Christianity, but also includes articles on Jewish and other non-Christian traditions. It also incorporates liberal and conservative viewpoints from churches and other denominations. This is titled dictionary rather than an encyclopedia or handbook...
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...The In-N-Out Burger has been a want to much of the American society ever since it has opened its doors in 1948. This small business founded by Harry and Esther Snyder focuses on valuing its customers as well as employees. As we learned in Chapter 1 to run a successful business a company needs to create customer value and build strong customer relationships, this is just what In-N-Out does. Freshness, a limited menu, and secret menu codes are just a few ways that draw costumers back to In- N- Out time after time. You will not find Freezers, heating lamps, and microwaves at In-N-Out, for freshness and quality food is one of this restaurants many goals in reaching great customer satisfaction. Having a limited menu of just burgers, shakes, soft drinks, and fries may seem like another downfall that would lower the company’s revenue. Other restaurants in the industry like McDonalds and Burger King are always adding new items to their menu. In- and-Out likes to keep it simple and feels their menu is fine how it is. As founder Harry Snyder quotes “Keep it real simple. Do one thing and do it the best you can.” It appears that customers don’t seem to mind the limited menu options as many go out of their way to visit and eat at In- N- Out. Contributing to In-N-Outs quality food is its well-trained and friendly staff. Each Part-time employee starts by making 10 dollars an hour, receive raises, and has paid vacations. General Managers make over 100,000 a year, receive bonuses, and if requirements...
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...Barbara Barton 25406682 BIBL 104-B34 210240 LUO September 20, 2012 Summary of Old Testament Books LEVITICUS The book of Leviticus is a genre of the law. Moses is the author of this book and it is often referred to as the holiness code. “Do this because I the Lord your God am holy” is often mentioned in the book. Three different sacrificial offerings are presented to the Israelites as well. They consist of Consecratory, Expiatory and Communal. Consecratory being offerings of dedication of people or things to God. Expiatory were acknowledgements of sin and Communal were communities expressing thankfulness to God. God also wanted to establish the fact that the laws were not merely arbitrary but was indeed intended to help them understand the holiness nature of God. No longer would the Israelites be known as a group of former slaves they had become an established nation. This is also where we see the priesthood being established and thus creating a mediator between the people and their God. They now had rules and laws of which to live their lives on a daily basis. Joshua The book of Joshua is written in the style of a narrative. In this book we learn how Joshua led the people into the land of Canaan. We see two very well-known battles such as the battle of Jericho and the battle of Ai. The first battle of Jericho the city seemed impossible for man to conquer but with God we would soon learn that it was indeed possible. The next battle in the city of Ai was not as successful...
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...Jewish Holy Day - Purim The term “Purim” means “lots” and denotes the raffle Haman used to pick the day for the destruction of the Jewish people. The Jewish holy day of Purim commemorates the liberation of the Jewish people in the olden Persian Empire from annihilation in the wake of a scheme by Haman. Purim is one of the most festive and entertaining holidays on the Jewish agenda. The book of Esther conveys the tale of Purim. The story begins with Esther, a beautiful Jewish woman who lives in Persia and Mordecai her cousin, who reared her as if she were his own daughter. Ahasuerus, the King of Persia, took Esther to his house to be a part of his harem. King Ahasuerus fell in love with Esther and made her his queen. He was not aware she was Jewish. Haman, an advisor to the king, plotted to destroy the Jewish people because Mordecai would not bow down to him. The future of the Jewish people was given to Haman by the king to do as he chose and his plan was to eradicate them. Esther was persuaded by Mordecai to talk to the king on behalf of the Jewish people. This was hazardous because no one was allowed in the king’s presence without the king summoning them, and she had not been summoned. She fasted for three days, and went to the king. He greeted her, and she spoke to him about Haman’s plot. The people were rescued and Haman and his sons were hanged. On the day the Jewish people were to set to be executed they were given permission to kill the people who would try to kill them...
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...Inside the Marketing Strategy of the In-N-Out Burger Chain By: Nichole Fitzhugh Ted Watterson Cathy Nguyen Chris Nguyen Kieu Le California State University, San Marcos Marketing 302 Professor George Sharghi May 5, 2011 Introduction While cruising the freeway along the Sothern California coastline, it is becoming increasing possible to spot a giant sign with a yellow boomerang; this brightly illuminated boomerang is most associated with the infamous restaurant In-N-Out. It was founded by Harry and Esther Snyder in 1948, and established in Baldwin Park, California. Since then, the restaurant has continued to satisfy and entice customers from all over, including the East, West, North, and South coasts. Its popularity stems from its simple yet appetizing menu, which consists of three types of burgers: hamburger, cheeseburger, and the Double-Double. They also carry fresh cut fries, and three varieties of drinks, including milk, shakes, and sodas. In-N-Out’s arguably most unique item is its “spread,” also referred to as its special sauce. The Businessweek article, In-N-Out Burger’s Marketing Magic, outlines the restaurant’s marketing strategies. In-N-Out does not advertise on television, but relies on advertising through their billboards, bumper stickers, t-shirts, and satisfied fans. The yellow boomerang is wielded as an arrow to point in the direction of their restaurant. However, their most successful marketing...
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...In-N-Out Burger History and Overview. The history of In-N-Out Burger starts with the company’s founders, Harry and Esther Snyder. Harry was a WWII veteran who worked as a caterer of baked goods. Esther was a surgical nurse in the Navy, and later got a degree in Zoology. They met each other at the restaurant Esther was managing after she graduated from college. Neither had experience in the fast food industry, which was just starting at that time, but in 1948, the couple opened the first In-N-Out in the Los Angeles, California. Harry was the first to allow drivers to make orders over a two-way intercom system, creating the first Drive-thru experience. Snyder had a simple goal for his restaurant, to give the customers “the freshest, highest quality foods you can buy” while providing “friendly service in a sparkling clean environment”. Soon people started to become interested in this idea. Two years later the couple opened the Second In-N-Out Burger. The chain had huge potential to explode but the couple was very focused on quality control. This resulted in only 18 restaurants being opened over the next 28 years before Harry Synder passed away in 1976 from lung cancer. After Harry died his son who had worked in the restaurants all his live, took the role as company president being just 24 years old. While Rich controlled the company it experienced huge growth. In twenty years the company opened over ninety In-N-Out Burgers. Over this time only one new thing was added to the menu...
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...An Old Testament story that foreshadows Christ denying his own human flesh in order to defend us against the wages of sin and death, is the awesome story of Esther. When Mordechai finds out about King Xerxes law to annihilate the Jews, he turns to his cousin. The first time that Mordecai requests that Esther go to the King and beg for mercy, she refuses. She replies saying that she could be killed for simply going before the King without being summoned. And since the King hadn’t summoned for her for 30 days, she probably wasn’t very popular on the Kings list. Also, even if the King allowed her in his presence and reached out his golden scepter, she still wasn’t completely safe. She had kept from him the fact that she was a Jew. What if when he found out, he kept his decree and made sure she was killed even if she was his Queen? The...
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