...Ethical Perspectives The Ethics Game simulations consisted of two ethical dilemmas. The first was called The Mysterious Roses and second dilemma was called Cold Feet. Each dilemma offered difficult ethical issues that needed to be addressed. Like the previous role playing simulation, the reader is in a manager type position and must make decisions that could have an effect on a lot of people. The Mysterious Roses starts by placing the reader in charge as the Marketing Director. As the Marketing Director, you receive a few emails. One email is from an employee who is worried about a co-worker who is having trouble at work. The next email is regarding anti-harassment classes followed by an email from the female who is receiving the roses. This female is stating that the roses are making her uncomfortable and she wishes that she would stop receiving them. There are a few decision making steps that are taken to ethically address these issues. As the Marketing Director it is your responsibility to identify the problem, identify who the problem effects, identify your duties to the people involved and how to solve the problem. The problem with this incident is identified as is the people involved. To solve the problem, the ethical lenses used in this part of the simulation are the Rights and Responsibility Lens and the Results Lens. When looking at the Rights and Responsibility Lens, there are a few tools that are available to assist in the decision making. The Rights and Responsibility...
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...for all parties involved. This summary will review what ethical issues were presented in the simulation, the decision making steps to ethically address the issues, the perspectives and lenses that were used to make the decision, influences in the decision making and concepts that relate to my work place. The first simulation “The Mysterious Roses” presented an issue that could have potentially been a violation of the sexual harassment policy. In this simulation Bill Witherspoon, a research scientist had been sending flowers to Gayle Dornier, a Sales Representative. Bill Witherspoon had been sending flowers anonymously for the last three weeks to encourage her. Joe Williams another employee informed me that this has made Gayle uncomfortable. Gayle has requested a meeting due to a confidential matter that may or may not be related to the anonymous flowers. Due to Gayle’s request that this meeting be kept confidential, I am faced with the dilemma of what to do in this situation. The second simulation “Cold Feet”, presented a problem related to possible falsification of data. In simulation I have received an email from Nicolai Zubanov. The report he has to submit to Phillip Waters has data that is not favorable to their project. To help the situation he will be editing data to make the report look better. Philip Waters asks to review his final report and the results that Nicolai had included in the first initial report are not included. This leads me to believe that Philip...
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...dilemmas. This discuss will address decision-making steps, ethical lenses used to make decisions, and ethical lenses that influence decisions. Ethical issues presented in the simulation The Mysterious Roses and the Case of the Cold feet were two simulation that present different issues with different solution. The Mysterious Roses dealt with a sexual harassment incident with Gayle Dornier a worker with G-BioSport. Gayle was receiving roses mysteriously, and she was clearly perplexed by the mysterious gesture. The suspect in question is Bill Witherspoon. The issue is that Gayle wants to speak about a confidential matter. Initially advising Gayle that the conversation will be confidential; however, if it consists of work related issue it may have to be reported. It was advised for her to prepare better, Gayle will need to read the handbook before the meeting. This leaves her with control of the situation and management’s role in clear view. The issue surrounding the Case of the Cold Feet is that someone in the company falsely reported study data in another division’s work. After a little internal investigation the reports Phillip Waters gave are definitely incorrect. Division Medical Director; Phillips Waters have given false data on an upcoming article on a research study that has been changed and cannot be replicated. The issue is this is a whistle blowing case. Decision-making steps taken to address ethical issues To derive at a decision for the Mysterious Roses...
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...Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethical Leadership C206 April 4th, 2015 Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethics is the guiding force in any respectable organization. With a moral compass, especially in the leadership of organization, a company can become compromised and fall into a quagmire of legal issues, a tarnished reputation, and devaluation of company stock if it is a publically traded company. In pursuit of examine my own ethical lens I will analyze the ethical traits of an admired leader, my own traits as exhibited in the Ethical Lens Inventory, and how I make a decision concerning a particular ethical dilemma. Ethical Traits of President Obama My chosen leader for this ethics review is President Barack Obama. President Obama’s two leading exhibited ethical traits are respect and fairness. According to article Obama's Leadership & Character Traits Obama showed the first trait, respect, when he shared his views concerning diplomacy with Iran before he took office. He believed that we should recommence peace talks with Iran rather than pass a bill that would seek to label a group within their borders a terrorist threat which would lead us to locate troops near the Iranian border and escalate already heated tensions with Iran. Obama showed respect in this instance by believing that the past of an organization does not inherently infer that the organization should be disrespected by using force first rather than diplomacy. (Obama's Leadership & Character Traits...
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...II introduced two situations that needed an ethical decision to be made by management as to the best way to handle the situations. The first dilemma deals with the implication that there might be harassment, by an employee named Bill, going on in the workplace. The employee who may be being harassed, employee named Gayle, requested a confidential meeting to discuss an issue. She did not mention anything about harassment, just a request for a confidential meeting. The second dilemma was in regards to an employee publishing false or inaccurate data based on research that the company had just completed and did not turn out as well as expected. Just like in the first Ethics Game Dilemmas the goals of this game were to: enhance ethical sensibility, increase efficacy in decision making, and increase ability to effectively communicate the course of action needed. The lenses used in the first situation were the Rights and Responsibilities lens and the Results lens. The decision-making steps used in this situation were: Step 1 - Be attentive. The issue in this dilemma was how to answer the employee’s request for confidentiality in the meeting. Step 2 – Be intelligent. The stakeholders that were identified in this issue were the shareholders, the VP of Human Relations, Gayle’s manager (me), Gayle, Bill, and Bill’s manager Step 3a – Be reasonable (Rights and Responsibility Lens). The option that best fulfills the requirements of this lens is to tell Gayle that I can keep a personal...
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...Personal Ethical Statement By being in the Air Force, I lived by our core values of "Integrity, Service before Self, and Excellent in all we do" (1997 ). I thought that by living my life to those standards was all that I need it to make good decisions. I was very surprised with the results of the ethical lens exercise. By doing the ethical lens exercise, I was able to know my preferred ethical lens, blind spots, strengths and weaknesses. According to the ethical lens inventory, my preferred ethical lens is the Rights/Responsibilities Lens. This lens identifies individual duties as well as their rights. The Rights/Responsibilities Lens looks at the reason for acting towards a situation and how clearly my duties can be defined(University of Phoenix, 2012). With the example Mark with the computer plagiarism, I felt that making sure that Mark is treated with respect and dignity was the most important action. Mark should have had the opportunity to explain what had occurred with allegation of plagiarism. Once completing the Rights/Responsibilities Lens section, I discovered that it was my responsibility to report the suspicion to the professor first. The Rights/Responsibilities lens makes an individual aware of their personal responsibilities and you have to think with your brain more than your heart. One of the blind spots that I have is that I tend to only look at ethical issues with only one lens, the Rights/Responsibilities Lens. I was not aware of the other...
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...responsibilities and principles are some ethics roles but also ethics can mean race, gender, age, religion, and culture just to name a few. According to the Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research “Ethics are important for the people from many aspects and at different sphere of the society. It may affect not only the personal life of personnel but also his social life. Many of the employees therefore, imbed their behavior in accordance to the organizational demands. Since his career relates to the achievements of his organizations therefore, people tend to behave in a way that is beneficial to his organization and to himself” (Shah, Farooq, Munir, Mahmood, Saeed, 2011, pg.1385). Unversity of Phoenix students will have to complete an Ethical Lens Inventory in one of their classes when completing...
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...address the following ethical issues: The first ethical concern is regarding a company employee by the name of Gayle Dornier. Gayle has received unwanted flowers from an unknown person, multiple times per week, and to this day Gayle has no idea who is sender of the flowers. Receiving a large quantity of flowers has begun to make her feel uncomfortable. Therefore Gayle is taking the proper Chain of Command to find a possible solution to the problem. After speaking to Rian Brown who is the company’s Ethics Officer, I decided that the most important issue was to maximize complete confidentially during my meeting with Gayle, because her issue seemed to be a very important to her. I also had to figure out key shareholders who were directly involved in this case, as well as who’s directly affected. Decision making steps involved in addressing this issue were mainly to figure out what the issues actually are and to break it down into small parts ensuring proper investigation, as well as proper facts regarding the case were identified. The main issue is to determine if a Sexual Harassment issue is present or not. The Ethical Lens used in addressing this issue was Rights/Responsibilities and the Results Lens. The Rights and Responsibilities Lens is based on the duties that everyone in our community has towards each other, and how we live by certain principles of integrity, for example, treat other the way you would like to be treated. The Results Lens is based on the actual...
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...from. She approaches her boss and asks to speak about the situation in confidence. In the meantime, her boss also receives an email from Bill Witherspoon, an employee in the R&D department. The email suggests that Bill has struck up a friendship with Gayle and is concerned that her performance lately hasn’t been up to par compared to previous quarters, he has been trying to cheer her up to give her encouragement. He also suggests to her boss that this is probably just a slump and Gayle will bounce back soon. The issue at hand is how to address Gayle’s request for confidentiality in the meeting. In the decision making process we have to weigh out the best option for the situation we are confronted with. The rights and responsibility lens cover the duty we have to the company as well as to employees. We have to make sure that we follow protocol to reduce liability to the company as well as providing the employee with information to protect themselves all...
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...Soto The Case of the Mysterious Roses and The Case of the Cold Feet The ethics game simulations in these scenarios took the managers of the organizations through different ethical dilemmas. Until faced with an ethical situation in the workplace you really do not know what your decision would be as a manager. In any situation you have to make the best decision for the organization without compromising your own morals and values. This paper will discuss the ethical dilemmas in these organizations and my decisions of The Case of the Mysterious Roses and The Case of the Cold Feet. The Case of the Mysterious Roses In this simulation I was the Director of Sales in the organization. I received an email from my administrative assistant and a work colleague in the organization telling me of an employee Gayle Dornier, receiving flowers from an anonymous person. The person that sends me the email assumes it is another employee sending the roses. Bill Witherspoon, a Research Scientist who also works in the company sends me an email informing me of him and Gayle’s work relationship and asking me to be lenient on Gayle because of issues she is going through. The next email I receive is from Gayle asking to speak with me in confidence but doesn’t disclose to me the reason for the meeting. The ethical issue is for me to determine how I can ensure Gayle can talk about what happened while still meeting my responsibility as a manager and to treat all employees fairly in an investigation...
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...values, which are nurtured by an individual and are influenced by both society standards and personal experiences. I found the information provided by my Ethical Lens Inventory to be very informative. According to the Ethical Lens Inventory, it states that my preferred ethical lens is the Results Lens. That means I tend to listen to my intuition to determine the greatest good for each individual. My definition of an ethical person is one who makes responsible choices that benefit everyone involved at the same time. I have a tendency to seek “win-win” results for everyone, even in complex situations. My blind spot is being satisfied with too little good, which means that sometimes I fail to be accountable to those who are depending on me when I exercise my free will. If I have satisfied my own needs I have a tendency to become complacent and leaving problems unresolved in the long run. For me, this is completely true. Meanwhile, everyone else is left to fend for him or herself. My strengths are I prioritize the value of autonomy over equality, which I believe is the best way to ensure everyone is treated fairly and I value sensibility over rationality because I believe examining each situation in its own context rather than treating all situations with the same solution achieves results. My weakness according to the Ethical Lens Inventory is becoming too greedy. That means if I fail to exercise free will responsibly, my healthy pursuit of good for all can change into an excuse for...
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...Reflective Journal on Ethics Game Simulation Maria R. Brook HCS/478 Health Law and Ethics January 23rd, 2012 Caroline Etland, PhD, RN Reflective Journal on Ethics Game Simulation In this journal I will write my reflections on two ethical dilemmas presented in Ethics Game's online simulation, which has been designed to teach students how to make ethical decisions through a practical and repeatable decision model. Ethical Issue #1 Presented During my Shift Near the beginning of my shift last night, we admitted a 16-year-old mother, RB. She's in her tenth hour of labor now. Her parents have been with her, and they have chosen to limit the amount of medication and other medical assistance we've administered for personal reasons. Given the length of her labor, however, her situation could worsen. Fetal distress is not currently critical, but it has been increasing gradually, as has RB’s own distress and fear. We have been keeping a close eye on her. I'm not sure her parents understand how dangerous her situation could get because RB and the baby may be moving toward irreversible medical danger if some intervention is not made. Ethical Issue #2 Presented During my Shift One of our ICU's patients, AT, has been unconscious for nearly a day and as yet no definitive diagnosis has been reached by doctors. AT was brought to the hospital by his domestic partner, YM, who was with him while he was in the ER, but was prevented from visiting him in the ICU by CB, the shift supervisor...
Words: 1374 - Pages: 6
...of the Cold Feet G BioSport find themselves resolving serious dilemmas. This discuss will address decision-making steps, ethical lenses used to make decisions, and ethical lenses that influence decisions. Ethical issues presented in the simulation The Mysterious Roses and the Case of the Cold feet were two simulation that present different issues with different solution. The Mysterious Roses dealt with a sexual harassment incident with Gayle Dornier a worker with G-BioSport. Gayle was receiving roses mysteriously, and she was not in favor of the gesture. The suspect in question is Bill Witherspoon. The issue is that Gayle wants to speak about a confidential matter. Initially advising Gayle that the conversation will be confidential; however, if it consists of work related issue it may have to be reported. To prepare better, Gayle will need to read the handbook before the meeting. The issue surrounding the Case of the Cold Feet is that someone in the company has copied another division work. After a little internal investigation the reports Phillip Waters gave are definitely incorrect. Division Medical Director; Phillips Waters have given false data on an upcoming article on a research study that has been changed and cannot be replicated. The issue is this is a whistle blowing case. Decision-making steps taken to address ethical issues To derive at a decision for the Mysterious Roses, and the Case of the Cold Feet identifying the primary...
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...Ethical Perspectives: The Ethics Game Many situations arise in the workplace that require employees (managers and subordinates) to sit down and think about the best solution. Sometimes solutions are unclear and what seems to be the most obvious answer, is not always the best choice. The Ethics Game simulation presented two different cases: the case of the mysterious rose and the case of the cold feet. Both cases bring the “manager” through different thought processes to make them understand the importance of analyzing the situation in different ways. In the case of the mysterious rose, the simulation presented the dilemma of a woman employee receiving flowers from another anonymous employee. I, as her director, know about this situation. The employee sends an e-mail asking for my confidence in a meeting. The problem that presents itself is how I should answer the employee’s request for confidentiality in a meeting. Since I know of the flowers and the possibility of harassment, I know that I cannot give her my word on 100% confidentiality. The simulation goes through a series of steps guiding the user to look at the situation from different ethical lenses. Both the rights and responsibilities lens and the results lens take the first step in identifying the primary stakeholders. The following steps differed for the two lenses. Although the steps I took through the two lenses were different, I actually came about the same decision in the end. End the end, I chose to tell Gayle...
Words: 1057 - Pages: 5
...Ethical Lens Perspective The results of my ethical lens inventory were very informative. My preferred lens was identified as “none”. I was almost right in the middle of the lens grid, but this did not apparently mean I was well balanced. According to the report, I either have a mature ability to use the right tools in a given situation or I am paralyzed in the belief that everyone has a valid point. I would like to think I am a little of both, and because I do have a lot of work experience in various different fields I think I tend to lean more towards the ability to use the right tools. My core values are autonomy, equality, rationality and sensibility; which means I can see how protecting individual rights and the communities well-being are connected. For me, the best solution is both consistent and flexible. My classical values are temperance, prudence, justice and fortitude. I think this means I’m pretty even keeled and that I am pretty calm and fair when dealing with various different situations. My key phrase is “I make ethical choices for myself and others” and my definition of ethical behavior is “Do the right thing”. The descriptions in the report says this best – I define an ethical person as one who does the right thing, but don’t judge others when they fall short as long as their intentions were honorable; when any core values conflict, I look for a way to harmonize them and help others to do the same. My tools for analyzing problems are reason, experience, authority...
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