...styles identify key leadership qualities. The fundamental traits of transformational and servant leadership, focus on the empowerment of others. Ethical integrity is the foundation of leadership character, a critical factor of successful leadership abilities. Successful Leadership: The Aspiration to Inspire Others Purpose of Leadership Often, a common misconception made between leaders and managers. There is a significant difference distinguishing management and leadership. Any person has the ability to manage; however, it takes the very nature and character of an individual to lead others. Kirsten Graham published an article Leading with a Purpose: A Case for Soul Leadership in Development and Learning in Organizations, examining the very principles of leadership (2011). Graham (2011) emphasizes a crucial element of leadership stating that leadership is not acquired through processes and abilities, “but the expression of their true nature”. Leaders have a vision to explore opportunities, empowering others to follow in the same passion for success. The role of leadership is crucial to empower and inspire others to engage in productive change. Effective leadership begins on the inside with a purpose to serve others. Graham identifies the importance of leadership models and theories; however, states often these concepts fail to recognize the principle and character of a leader prior to incentives (2011). The nature of an individual reveals specific qualities to...
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...Values and Servant Leadership I have personally experienced a huge organizational change in the last couple of years. I believe that unethical behavior occurs at all organizational levels. In my organization, senior executives tend to have significantly more positive perceptions of ethics in the organization than do lower-level employees. I have witnessed everyday ethical lapses such as fudging a report, personal use of company equipment, stealing company funds or property, bullying, and lying about being sick. I believe that Servant leadership plays a significant role in changing organizational culture. Servant-leadership focuses on increased service to others rather than to oneself. Because the focus of servant-leadership is serving others over self-interest, servant-leaders are less likely to engage in self-serving behaviors that hurt others (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013). Servant leadership has since 1970 described an entirely different approach to leadership than that derived from a mechanistic and bureaucratic view of organizations wherein workers are thought of as mere cogs in a machine (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2012). Ten characteristics of the Servant-leader are (a) listening, (b) empathy, (c) healing, (d) awareness, (e)persuasion, (f) conceptualization, (g) foresight, (h) stewardship, (i) commitment to other’s growth, (j) building community (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2012). The concept of a servant leader is not such a modern notion, but can be found in the biblical...
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...2.0 LITEREATURE REVIEW The purpose of this study was to examine leadership behaviours especially Ethical Leadership as it impacts the third sector organizations’ performance. This chapter is comprised of reviewed literature regarding leadership, ethical leadership and the third sector organisations. Specifically, this chapter will be broken down into (a) Leadership (b) leadership behaviours (c) ethical leadership in the Third Sector (d) Organisation Performance (e) the impact of ethical Leadership in the third sector’s performance. 2.1 LEADERSHIP Leadership is one of the world’s oldest preoccupation. The understanding of leadership has figured strongly in the quest for knowledge (Bass 1990). Purposeful stories have been told through the generations about leaders’ competencies, ambitions, and shortcomings; leaders’ rights and privileges; and the leaders’ duties and obligations. A review of relevant literature has uncovered many different definitions of leadership. Leadership remains one of the most relevant aspects of organizational context (Nwokocha 2011). For more than five decades ago, the term leadership has been a researchable topic. Mostly, the research work focuses on issues of quality of leadership, ability of a leader, or leadership effectiveness, or leadership styles (Daft 2008, Bass 1990, Erez et al 2001 & Yukl 2006) Stogdill (1974, p. 259) stated that “ there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define...
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...Servant leadership By bagula aganze yves Cornerstone university professional & graduate studies Abstract This paper reviews the existing literature regarding values in leadership. It identifies issues relating to both personal values and organizational values. The literature indicates that values affect leader behavior, as well as organizational performance. The paper also provides an overview of servant leadership theory and extrapolates applications of the values in leadership literature to three aspects of servant leadership: trust; appreciation of others; and empowerment. Values constitute the foundation of servant leadership. Fundamentally, leader values may be the underlying factors that separate servant leaders from all other leadership types. The first followers of Jesus assumed that leadership meant power and glory, positions of honor. One day two of them explicitly requested positions of authority at Jesus' left and right. Jesus used the occasion to clarify to the disciples that greatness is not defined as “lording it over others” but as serving others, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve. . .” (Mark 10:45). Jesus modeled the style of leadership he taught when he washed the disciples' feet and called them to play the servant role for others (John 13:12-17). If the term “servant-leadership” had been born in reflection on the nature of Christian ministry , that should not have surprised us...
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...Chapter 10 – Servant Leadership Discussion Questions and Exercises 1. What is the historical basis of servant leadership? What are the unique, underlying values of his perspective? Originating in the seminal work of Greenleaf, servant leadership is a paradoxical approach to leadership that challengers our traditional beliefs about leadership and influence. Servant leadership emphasizes that leaders should be attentive to the needs of the followers, empower them, and help them develop their full human capacities. They build strong relationships, with others, are empathic, and ethical, and lead in ways that serve the greater good of followers, organizations, and the community. 2. In what ways is servant leadership a paradox? Is servant leadership more of a trait or a behavior? Being a servant leader implies following, and following is viewed as the opposite of leading. Although servant leadership incorporates influence, the mechanism of how influence functions as a part of servant leadership is not fully explicated in the approach. Researchers cannot come to an agreement on the characteristics of servant leadership. There are far too many different opinions. Servant leadership is more of a trait because it comes from the leader, the leader wants to help, the leader wants to improve moral, it is natural and not something learned. 3. Have you known people who, by nature, are servants? In a way we are all servants, we all want to please someone and help...
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...tasked to compare ourselves with a leader in history. We are doing this in order to compare ourselves to specify the theory that best fits our leadership practices. In this paper the leadership style of President Abraham Lincoln will be discussed along with a self-reflection how his style was similar to my leadership methods. Servant Leadership Theory The basis of this leadership style reveals a philosophy that leaders should be servants first. The basis of servant leadership theory in order to be effective the leader has to place the needs of his or her followers, customers, and the community ahead of their own interests. The qualities within this type of leader allows for them to implement their leadership style by allowing them to serve in some capacity. There is a belief that leadership is initiated from within. The distinctiveness of servant leadership is for the leader’s instinctive wish to lead or guide others through serving. It is their desire to raise the level of moral principles of those that are followers. Short of these core characteristics, a leader will not fit the servant leader style. Admired Leader Assessment Abraham Lincoln The element that distinguishes a servant leader is the moral and ethical component. A servant leader leads with a moral conscience which directly affects the behavior of the leader and followers. Unlike the other leadership types servant leaders are able to serve others in a more ethical manner while pushing toward the...
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...ETHICS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE OECD RECOMMENDATION The OECD Council adopted a Recommendation on Improving Ethical Conduct in the Public Service on 23 April 1998. The Recommendation is based on a set of Principles for Managing Ethics in the Public Service agreed in the Public Management Committee, to help Member countries to review their ethics management systems. Although governments have different cultural, political and administrative environments, they often confront similar ethical challenges, and the responses in their ethics management show common characteristics... Member countries need to have a point of reference when combining the elements of an effective ethics management system in line with their own political, administrative and cultural circumstances... Preamble to the OECD Recommendation PUMA Policy Brief No. 4 Public Management Service May 1998 On the proposal of the Public Management Committee the OECD Council recommends that Member countries take action to ensure well-functioning institutions and systems for promoting ethical conduct in the public service. This can be achieved by: • developing and regularly reviewing policies, procedures, practices and institutions influencing ethical conduct in the public service; • promoting government action to maintain high standards of conduct and counter corruption in the public sector; • incorporating the ethical dimension into management frameworks to ensure that management practices are consistent with the values...
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...sagepub.com/ Servant Leadership: A Review and Synthesis Dirk van Dierendonck Journal of Management 2011 37: 1228 originally published online 2 September 2010 DOI: 10.1177/0149206310380462 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jom.sagepub.com/content/37/4/1228 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: Southern Management Association Additional services and information for Journal of Management can be found at: Email Alerts: http://jom.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://jom.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://jom.sagepub.com/content/37/4/1228.refs.html Downloaded from jom.sagepub.com at The Hebrew University Library Authority on June 29, 2011 Journal of Management Vol. 37 No. 4, July 2011 1228-1261 DOI: 10.1177/0149206310380462 © The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Servant Leadership: A Review and Synthesis Dirk van Dierendonck Erasmus University Servant leadership is positioned as a new field of research for leadership scholars. This review deals with the historical background of servant leadership, its key characteristics, the available measurement tools, and the results of relevant studies that have been conducted so far. An overall conceptual model of servant leadership is presented. It is argued that leaders who combine their...
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...com/ Servant Leadership: A Review and Synthesis Dirk van Dierendonck Journal of Management 2011 37: 1228 originally published online 2 September 2010 DOI: 10.1177/0149206310380462 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jom.sagepub.com/content/37/4/1228 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: Southern Management Association Additional services and information for Journal of Management can be found at: Email Alerts: http://jom.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://jom.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://jom.sagepub.com/content/37/4/1228.refs.html >> Version of Record - Jun 8, 2011 OnlineFirst Version of Record - Sep 2, 2010 What is This? Downloaded from jom.sagepub.com at OhioLink on February 1, 2013 Journal of Management Vol. 37 No. 4, July 2011 1228-1261 DOI: 10.1177/0149206310380462 © The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Servant Leadership: A Review and Synthesis Dirk van Dierendonck Erasmus University Servant leadership is positioned as a new field of research for leadership scholars. This review deals with the historical background of servant leadership, its key characteristics, the available measurement tools, and the results of relevant studies that have been conducted so far. An overall conceptual model of servant leadership...
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...Ethical Leadership in Organizations Lisa Hunsucker MGT 380 April 19,2010 Leadership is by all means a special talent that not all people possess. A leader must also have ethics to be effective for the long term in the corporate world. These leaders generally implement ethical programs in order to influence an organizations climate (Yukl, 2010). I will evaluate the importance of ethical leadership and the role it plays into today’s organizations. In addition, I will discuss the repercussions a company may have when its leadership allows and even rewards unethical business practices. Lastly, I will apply my personal leadership perspective. My perspective will include the path-goal theory and ethical practices that I find important to leadership in an organization. Ethical Leadership In the midst of making money in a business, when do ethics come into play? In any organization an effective leader must have people that will follow him or her. Generally speaking people will follow someone that is ethical and moral over a leader that is dishonest and immoral. This is just my observation through years of working. I know for me and many others the leaders I have followed, they were highly ethical in their business practices. The most effective leaders were those who empowered their employees to follow the same model of integrity. Velasquez (2006) states “when employees believe an organization is just, they are more willing to follow the organization’s managers, do what managers...
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...from private business to government entities (Wren, 1995, p. 5). The models of leadership used are dependent upon the individual attributes of the leaders, for example traits, values, self-identity, skills, and competencies (Yukl, 2013, p. 136). A close look at select leadership models and how they compare and contrast with each other provides insight into the types of leadership that might be employed within organizations as they face various leadership issues and challenges. In this paper, we will review four leadership models: charismatic, servant, situational, and transformational. A separate discussion describing similarities and differences between the models as they apply. As similarities and differences are identified, we will discuss how contemporary leadership issues and challenges are addressed within the scope of each leadership model. Leadership Models Charismatic Leadership A charismatic leader has three key dimensions that Weber (1968) identified as concepts of charisma that include vision or mission, extraordinary or exceptional qualities, and recognition (as cited in Avolio and Yammarino, 2013, p. 167). Transformational leadership closely resembles charismatic leadership as both are vision related and empowering; however the main difference deals with the expectations set by the leader. Charismatic leaders typically set unrealistic expectations based on their vision and ability to motivate and energize their followers (Wren, 1995, p. 110). Transformational...
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...Wladislaw Rivkin, Stefan Diestel, Klaus-Helmut Schmidt* The positive relationship between servant leadership and employees’ psychological health: A multi-method approach** Servant leadership is thought to encourage socially responsible and moral behaviors. In the present article, we test the positive relationship between servant leadership and employees’ psychological health. We argue that servant leadership is positively related to employees’ health because servant leaders shape employees’ needs and create work environments that fulfill these needs. We examine the proposed relationship of servant leadership (a) competing for variance with different well-known stressors, (b) in multiple samples, (c) at the within- and between-person level, and (d) in relation to long- and short-term indicators of strain. On the basis of this multi-method approach we seek to demonstrate that our results are invariant across different methodological conditions. In Study 1 (N=443), we simultaneously tested the between-person level relationships of servant leadership and job ambiguity to emotional exhaustion and depersonalization as the core symptoms of burnout. In Study 2 (N=75), we simultaneously tested the relationships of person-level servant leadership and day-level emotional dissonance to day-level ego depletion and need for recovery as outcomes. The results of both studies demonstrate that servant leadership is negatively related to strain and accounts for unique variance in short- and long-term...
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...Managerial Ethics: First Take-home Exam: Individual Project June 16, 2013 Instructor: Fr. Ozzie Mascarenhas SJ Sampad Biswas GMP Section A G13041 Submission – 8/07/2013 1. Are you a leader, born or cultivated or both? How do you characterize your leadership traits based on the leadership profiles presented by Narayana Murthy and Rahul Khosla? In-born Leadership Traits | Leadership Style, Inspirational Style, Imagination, Self Invention, Self- Organization Style, Convincing power, Moral Commitments | I think the my leadership quality is generated from my inherent characters and the from the learning cultivated throughout my professional and personal life. | Cultivated Leadership Elements | Proper Behaviour, Setting up goals and purposes, Moral Sensitiveness, People Accountability, Understanding psychological drift of followers, Use of Leadership powers, Teamwork skills, Ethics of change | | Personal Leadership Traits based on N.Murthy Leadership Profile | Rewarding Meritocracy, Honesty and Loyalty, Encouraging Participative style of decision making, Having own clear Vision and Goal, Creating a Unified Goal for Followers and Leading them towards it, Offering value to customers, Unity among diversity | Essentially Mr Murthy’s style of leadership is more directed to Social commitment and Reward Oriented. This in-turn helps to groom up raw Talents and motivates them to be focused towards...
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...SECTOR AND ETHICAL TRANSFORMATION: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE BUREAUCRACY Introduction Ethics is gaining prominence in the discourse about governance today. There is a perception that standards in public life are in decline. This raises questions about the costs of misconduct on the part of those who have been entrusted with guarding public interest and resources. These costs are losses in trust and confidence in public institutions and losses in precious resources which were meant to support the economic and social development of nations and peoples. There is a move worldwide to restore a measure of trust and integrity in public institutions and officials, to safeguard democracy and promote better governance. It could be argued that the perception of a fall in public standards is linked to the shifting role of the state, which is undergoing tremendous reform. Globalization, technological advances, spreading democratization and fiscal crises are challenging states to deal with strong external forces, be - smart - in serving its citizenry, devolve power, and divest it of obsolete activities. As a result, the public service, as an institution, is under pressure to transform itself to respond to these changes. As public servants are asked to take on new and sometimes conflicting roles, there is a need for a cost-effective structure and an encouraging culture to enforce standards and guide their behavior. Government and society cannot promote and enforce ethical behaviour...
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...Managerial Ethics: First Take-home Exam: Individual Project June 16, 2013 Instructor: Fr. Ozzie Mascarenhas SJ Sampad Biswas GMP Section A G13041 Submission – 8/07/2013 1. Are you a leader, born or cultivated or both? How do you characterize your leadership traits based on the leadership profiles presented by Narayana Murthy and Rahul Khosla? In-born Leadership Traits | Leadership Style, Inspirational Style, Imagination, Self Invention, Self- Organization Style, Convincing power, Moral Commitments | I think the my leadership quality is generated from my inherent characters and the from the learning cultivated throughout my professional and personal life. | Cultivated Leadership Elements | Proper Behaviour, Setting up goals and purposes, Moral Sensitiveness, People Accountability, Understanding psychological drift of followers, Use of Leadership powers, Teamwork skills, Ethics of change | | Personal Leadership Traits based on N.Murthy Leadership Profile | Rewarding Meritocracy, Honesty and Loyalty, Encouraging Participative style of decision making, Having own clear Vision and Goal, Creating a Unified Goal for Followers and Leading them towards it, Offering value to customers, Unity among diversity | Essentially Mr Murthy’s style of leadership is more directed to Social commitment and Reward Oriented. This in-turn helps to groom up raw Talents and motivates them to be focused towards...
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