...Ethics Issues name MGT 216 University of Phoenix June 7, 2010 professor Ethics Issues The purpose of this paper is to define business ethics and describe three ethical issues: Human Resources Issues, Conflicts of Interest, and the Use of Corporate Resources, and how they affect the organization of Lovelace Health System. Business Ethics Business ethics, by definition is the “Moral principles defining how businesses and business should act towards each other, employees, and the public” (The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather guide, 2009). Ethics is derived from a person’s upbringing, culture, nationality, education, peer group(s), and experiences throughout life that ultimately define the individual. It is how a person decides what is right and what is wrong. Many organizations today have put in place a code of ethics for employees to live by and must be adhered to if the employee wishes to prosper long-term with that organization. Human Resources Issues Human resources issues describe “the ethical problems that occur when people work together” (Trevino, Nelson, 2007, p. 2). The performance evaluation is very important in grading one’s performance, but it also can be the deciding factor in yearly merit increases. At Lovelace Health Systems, performance evaluations are given once a year. The evaluations can last from 15 minutes to 30 minutes at most. Throughout the year little or no feedback is given to the employee(s) concerning work...
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...business environment. We know that morals and ethics are related to individual character; however ethics and morals carry a very important role in how people conduct business. This essay will differentiate ethical issues and moral issues, and address the difference between personal and business ethics as well as provide common examples of ethical problems in business. What are the differences between ethical issues and moral issues? What prevents an individual from stealing? How about that tiny voice within that stops you in your steps? It is called Morals. Morals explain an individual’s honest and dishonest behavior. Normally, morals are taught by our parents at early age by establishing the difference between good and bad behavior. At a large company in Nevada, certain employees were given favoritism by providing special favors to their manager, such as dog sitting while the manager was out of town, going to happy hour after work hours and going out to lunch. Although other employees in that department were proficient at their work, they only performed their required job duties and as a result were excluded from the special favors. At the same company, pay raises were eliminated, along with 401k contributions, and bonuses; however, upper management continued to receive all of the monetary benefits regardless of what they called a freeze on benefits due to the changes in the economy. According to BusinessEthics.ca "Business Ethics" can be defined as the critical, structured...
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...Dynamics of Ethics Paper Sinnetta Ward BSHS/322 November 13, 2011 Instructor: David Elkins Dynamics of Ethics Paper Ethical decision making is in every professional field in our society. It is a study that is part of the good and bad in the moral or the right and wrong behavior. Being a case manger you run into all types of ethical decisions making. Act of referring is what a case manger does when it comes to ethical decision making. Now I must say that I am involve in a case where I have been working with a man who has a long history of marrying women and not obtaining a divorce before marrying the next woman. We have had several conversation about him doing those types of things and that is was unethical but, it did not seem to matter to him even when I told him it was against the law. It have just bee brought to may attention that he was in a relationship with one of my sister. My sister or he do not know that I know that they are seeing each other. Now the ethical issue that is going on is that one of my sisters is dating one of my clients and at this moment I know they are in a relationship together. The ethical result is that I feel the pain from knowing because she is my sister and I know what my client history of marrying women without divorcing the other women’s but, I cannot tell her about it. Being a bigger sister my mind is thinking g on how to protect my sister from getting hurt by my client. This will be the ethical choice for...
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...with customers there is a code of ethics used so that everyone can speak the same language. Business ethics are those behaviors that businesses adhere to while serving many customers they help each day. Business ethics are diverse and vary from business to business. There can be different business ethics from a business to a business and different ethics between a business and a customer. In all of these different methods of daily transactions there is a particular topic that can make or break the bottom line of a business; ethical behavior. Because of this, businesses are very careful to make sure that they keep their name clean and take care of any risky problems that may sabotage their name. Even though there is such a strong effort to seem legitimate and honest to the customers, issues arise that a company must face even if it means destroying a bit of their reputation. One such example is the British Petroleum (BP) taking the heat for the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Even though this is a catastrophe not only wasting tens of thousands of gallons of oil and millions of dollars, the environment is also under attack from the spill. The surrounding wildlife and ecosystems are now endangered of their existence and contribution to the way the world functions. This was not easy for the oil company to take on but they had no choice than to take responsibility and damage their reputation. Another example is the ethical issue of the sales of addicting products...
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...Business ethics mean many things to many people and for different reasons. Business ethics can be simply defined as moral standards by which people judge behavior (Tenbrunsel, 2008). In business, there are many different people you have to answer to: your customers, your shareholders, your colleagues and your clients. Business ethics are complex and very subjective and what we do when an ethical situation presents itself is what ultimately dictates one’s ethics. We have all heard of the “golden rule”, which is do unto others as you’d have done to you. I think this ultimately defines ethics and how they are very personal and subjective. If you lie, then you should not be upset when you are lied to. In the world of business, employers monitor their employees in different ways and for different reasons and there is no legal boundaries to the monitoring. There are five different ways in which employees are watched for ethics: business ethics, legal compliance, legal liability, performance review, productivity, and security (Reh, 2010). Legal compliance is a term used to ensure that companies and their employees adhere to the regulated guidelines that are set fourth by the industry. An example of this behavior is with customer service representatives. A company chooses to record the conversations that the customer service representative have with customers to protect themselves and their customers. While this does not seem like much, but it shows that a company cares enough to...
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...Business ethics play a critical role in the way corporations do business around the globe this day in time. According to Cuevas Moreno, the rapid growth of a global economy and “advancement in technology in the past two decades have brought business ethics and moral values to a different level” (2006, p. 60). Recently, interest in business ethics has increased and has gained more visibility after the Enron scandal. The purpose of this paper is to describe what business ethics is in today’s business environment and to discuss ethical issues that affect the airline industry in the United States. Furthermore, this paper discusses executive compensation after September 11. De George (2006) defines business ethics as “the moral evaluation” of the American free market economic system and any of its variations or modifications (2006, p. 20). Although corporations are the primary targets of moral evaluation, so are employee unions and all business practices and consumers are scrutinized (p. 23). Conversely, De George (2006) suggests that “corporate governance, reverse discrimination, truth in advertising, whistle blowing and disclosure are not clear cut,” so these issues require careful analysis and weighing of appropriate facts in order to get answers (p. xii). Advancements in technology facilitate easy dissemination of information, so business-leaders are challenged with setting up the standards for their corporations to operate profitably within the legal boundaries of...
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...Jordan Gentry Brother Fisher ECEN 398R October 30, 2015 Henry’s Daughters: Ethic Issues 1. Prioritize the examples of ethical issues you found from most critical to least critical. Include some explanation to justify your choices. There were a wide range of ethical issues that were brought out in this video clip. Many of them I didn’t recognize nor don’t remember but I did see a few examples of sexual harassment, decisions based on politics and social influences, conflicts of interest, bribery, invasion of privacy, and people taking credit for other people’s work and ideas. Sorting by most critical to least critical I would say that the politics and social influences were the most critical. From the beginning it shows Henry on a yacht bribing someone from DOT to choose GUIDEME. Henry is only worried about person gain and interests and doesn’t seem to have the benefit of the public in mind at all. The oldest daughter, Laura, quickly figures this out and points out that there isn’t even a competition between GUIDEME and OUTOCAR because GUIDEME has already been decided by Henry’s bribe and influence. The next (2nd) issue I would say is the conflict of interest. Not only does Henry know a lot of people to persuade and ask favors from but he also used that power to hire his daughter’s on the project. He could use Laura to help persuade DOT with the final decision but he could also use Julie to get inside information about the work that OUTOCAR was doing. He wanted to make...
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...Intra- and Extra Organizational Ethical Issues In prior to clarify the relationship between intra- and extra-organizational intangibles in individual cases, how these intangibles within business organizations could interact with those organizations’ various external constituents or stakeholders should be stressed in the very beginning. As the cornerstone of the corporate strategy, risk management plays a crucial role in promoting business ethics and social responsibility. Since any failure to appear in business integrity could result in a ruin of reputation, both of employers and employees should commit themselves to maximize returns to their shareholders. Therefore, how to evaluate and control the risk within corporations has become the center of business development. Strengthening customer loyalty and investors’ confidence could differentiate companies from their competitors mainly by improving intra-organizational ethics. On the contrary, ignoring business ethics from the companies could encourage their major competitors to use that against them, thus resulting in an enormous loss of share in the market. In addition, taking the initiative in business ethics could allow corporations to avoid interruption of taxation and regulation. Conversely, the dishonest business acting is possible to force the company into litigation or penalization by the law agencies of local governments. However, merely concentrating on the intra-organizational ethics could underestimate the influence of...
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...Bioethicists ask these questions in the context of modern medicine and draw on a plurality of traditions, both secular and religious, to help society understand and keep pace with how advances in science and medical technology can change the way we experience the meaning of health and illness and, ultimately, the way we lve. Bioethics is multidisciplinary. It blends law, philosophy, insights from the humanities and medicine to bear on the the complex interaction of human life, science, and technology. Although its questions are as old as humankind, the origins of bioethics as a field are more recent and difficult to capture in a single view. When the term “bioethics” was first coined in 1971 (some say by University of Wisconsin professor Van Rensselaer Potter; others, by fellows of the Kennedy Institute in Washington, D.C. ), it may have signified “biology combined with diverse humanistic knowledge forging a science that would set a system of medical and environmental priorities for acceptable survival.” However, ensuing elaborations stressed the vital interrelationship among humanistic studies, science, and technology. Utilitarianism:- Deontology: - Deontology is an alternative ethical system that is usually attributed to the philosophical tradition of Immanuel Kant. Whereas utilitarianism focuses on the outcomes, or ends, of actions, deontology demands that the actions, or means, themselves must be ethical. Deontologists argue that there are transcendent ethical norms...
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...Ethic Issues in Management Conel Joseph MGT/216 September 1, 2010 Chrystal Tart Ethic Issues in Management In business ethic issues occurs on a regular basics. How does business resolve these matters? What legal aspect does management may have to address? In any business management has to prepare for ethic issues. The businesses realize that being unaware of ethic issues in the company can be a problem waiting to erupt. In this paper I will discuss moral and ethical issues, social issues responsible in management, and legal aspects facing management. In the business world management has multiple tasks to complete on a daily basic. In a business managers are seen as a leadership role. The leader must be productive efficiency with a group of employees. The task of handling moral and ethical issues is critical aspect that management has to address. The moral issues can be tough to handle. Individuals view morals as what is right and wrong pertaining to all situations. Ethic issues ties into the moral views of the employee as well. The norm is that everyone knows right from wrong. In the workplace employee are diverse and unique. Also there are different ethnicity, race, gender, ages, and physical disabilities in the workplace. Some of the moral and ethics issue managers have to face are termination, hiring, working hours, work ethic bias, discipline, and harassment. How do managers tackle such a major problem facing business around the country? The first...
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...Ethical Issues in Business MBA 682 Jurtyne R. Youngblood May 10, 2014 When it comes to business many say business and ethics shouldn’t even be put together in the same phrase. Many believe that there just isn’t any ethics when it comes to business. “Neither young managers nor consumers believe top executives are doing a good job of establishing high ethical standards” (Bateman & Snell, p. 159). Recently Toyota’s announced a recall because of a technical fix for its sticky gas pedals, which could lead to sudden acceleration problems. This issue have their sales and production on hold for their top selling cars in the United Stated. Toyota can face billions in charges and losses. Many believe that Toyota was trying to keep up with numbers and stop providing quality. The growth of the Toyota car was going very fast and to keep up with the demand may have push the industry a little too far too fast. “The evidence that Toyota was expanding too much and too quickly started surfacing a couple of years ago. Not on the company's bottom line, but on its car-quality ratings,” writes Paul Ingrassia, a Pulitzer Prize-winning former Detroit bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal. (Connor, 2010). Toyota was trying to keep up with the demand so much to increase profits across the board they didn’t want to discredit the image of their business when the problem first arise. According to Ruddell “one of the reasons that businesses are tempted to act unethically is because...
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...Ethics Issues Paper There are at least three ethical issues within today’s business environment that affect numerous communities and organizations everywhere. This includes discrimination, sexual harassment, and conflicts of interest, and many others. As it is, ethical behavior in business can be defined as the standards established by society that are consistent with achieving the greater good. In the broader sense, business ethics involves decisions between good and malevolent paths. Emmanuel Kant, a German philosopher, taught ethical thinking through his “categorical imperative” theory, which meant, “act as if the maxim of thy action were to become by thy will a universal law of nature” (Trevino & Nelson, 2007, p. 99). Through this mode of thinking one may avoid vindictive paths when facing ethical issues. The prevention of unequal treatment in the work place is a fixed policy in all organizations and communities, yet discrimination is a reoccurring theme in both of these settings. Whether it is age, race, gender, sexual orientation, social status, nationality or religion, none of these characteristics should conflict with qualifications in employment or inadequate treatment during work. Both direct and indirect cases transpire in this ethical issue that lead to discrimination, direct being the predominate circumstance. For example, in some countries height requirements for filling a position exclude some ethnic minorities when, in fact, height is not necessary to perform...
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...Issues in Accounting Ethics ETH 557: Accounting Ethics September 14, 2015 Ethical Issues for Companies As an accountant and being in the public or the private sector you have to remain loyal to your clients and to be loyal to the ethical guidelines and rules when it comes to a company or and individual person financial records for the purpose of reporting. Being an accountant you will run across some unethical issues and this would be regardless of the type of industry and their goal would be to reduce any and all factors that they would face when it comes to manipulating financial records and this could lead to an ethical issue or criminal violations. The Sears Auto Center Scandal As stated in the textbook (Duska, 2011) “Those who appeal to consequences over fairness and rights are called consequentialist. Finally, the theory that gives precedence to the issues of fairness, rights, and commitment, and advocates doing the right thing – no matter what the consequences to self and others – is called deontological theory. Under this theory, the end does not justify means.” (Duska, 2011; pg. 52 & 62) Identify the ethical issues involved in the case from a consequentialist and deontological perspective (refer to Chapter 2). Ethics will always be a key factor when it comes to deciding what society would deem as being acceptable in order to live out one’s life. This factor would develop as a person and would include the morale as a whole when...
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...Ethic Issues Paper MGT/216 Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility 08/31/2010 Cindy Joseph Ethic Issues Paper What are business ethics in today’s world? What ethical issues within today’s business environment affect our community and organizations? These topics will be addressed in the following paragraphs. Before one can begin to address ethical business issues that affect our community and organizations, one must first define what business ethics are. Business ethics as defined by Trevino and Nelson (2007), as “the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing guidelines for work-related conduct, governing an individual or group” (p. 13). Guidelines established by employers to manage their employees (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). In essence, these guidelines are established to manage the employee’s expectations in the workplace. These guidelines can be as simple as what time to arrive and depart from work to more complex issues, such as managing internal relationships or how to deal with specific conflict of interest issues, especially when in a position of influence. In the advertising industry, where I have worked for the last eight years, there are many ethical issues that through the normal course of business, one must confront and successfully manage. Three issues that I believe to be at the top of the list are conflict of interest, ethics relating to accounting and moral ethics regarding products advertised. Conflict of interest is an aspect...
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...CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, ETHICS, AND VALUES GSGM 7253 WORKPLACE ETHICS: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES (Term Paper) by: ANWAR REDHWAN BIN LOKMAN HAKIM MD1409MD0088 (redhwan_ocean@yahoo.com) LECTURER: PN SALBIAH BINTI ABD RAHMAN (salbiah710@yahoo.com) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Abstract 3 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Literature Review 4 2.1.1 Why Ethics in Workplace is Importance 4 2.1.2 Ethic’s Issues In Workplace 5 2.1.3 Ethic’s Challenges in Workplace 7 Fair Treatment 7 Trust 7 Resources 8 Harassment 8 3.0 Case Study Based on Enron Scandal 8 3.1.1 Misleading 8 3.1.2 Embezzlement of Enron 9 4.0 Recommendation – Implementing Ethics in The Workplace 9 4.1.1 Identify and Reform Value Company 9 4.1.2 Welcome Commitment Can See From Senior Manager 10 4.1.3 Involving the Board 10 4.1.4 Developing a Code of Ethic or Code of Business Ethic 10 4.1.5 To Build Ethics Mission and Vision...
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