...Ethics Issues Paper There are at least three ethical issues within today’s business environment that affect numerous communities and organizations everywhere. This includes discrimination, sexual harassment, and conflicts of interest, and many others. As it is, ethical behavior in business can be defined as the standards established by society that are consistent with achieving the greater good. In the broader sense, business ethics involves decisions between good and malevolent paths. Emmanuel Kant, a German philosopher, taught ethical thinking through his “categorical imperative” theory, which meant, “act as if the maxim of thy action were to become by thy will a universal law of nature” (Trevino & Nelson, 2007, p. 99). Through this mode of thinking one may avoid vindictive paths when facing ethical issues. The prevention of unequal treatment in the work place is a fixed policy in all organizations and communities, yet discrimination is a reoccurring theme in both of these settings. Whether it is age, race, gender, sexual orientation, social status, nationality or religion, none of these characteristics should conflict with qualifications in employment or inadequate treatment during work. Both direct and indirect cases transpire in this ethical issue that lead to discrimination, direct being the predominate circumstance. For example, in some countries height requirements for filling a position exclude some ethnic minorities when, in fact, height is not necessary to perform...
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...Organizational Ethics Issue Resolution Paper Introduction For this paper Washington Mutual has been selected to show how the ethical decision making process can be achieve. When it comes to business ethics in the workplace Washington Mutual has designed what can be considered a well balanced workplace with behaviors that are aligned with their moral values and business ethics. Business ethics are sometimes depicted as resolving conflicts where one option can appear to be the correct choice. There are many different ethical dilemmas that are faced by managers and leaders everyday that are highly complex and have no clear choice or guidelines to assist in making the choices for resolution. There are times when an employee has to decide whether or not to cheat, lie, steal, or break their contract. These ethical decisions are real-life situations where they are forced to make on a daily basis. This is why it is ultimately important that all employee know the six steps to ethical decision making that the company uses. The selected issue for the paper is where an employee has not given their current or potential customers accurate information when opening accounts or requesting new services from Washington Mutual. When a person is in the workplace proper business ethics is used on a daily basis. An employee can make ethical decisions by applying their critical thinking skills to the situation they can ensure that the decision that they make is the right decision. The decision...
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...Dealing with Guilt & Forgiveness Choice is not defined by others for you. Choice is defined by you alone. When you allow others to make choices for you, you give up your potential, power and ability to live your most authentic given life. In having said that, when we live our lives by our own choices, we also experience our own trials and tribulations which in effect become our compass that puts us on the course we choose to take based on how we choose to learn, or ignore the lessons that life bestows on us. On our life journey, hurt and pain will be experience at some stages in our lives. When you are the cause of that pain, whether it is by deceit, betrayal or physical, as humans, there will be impact on your own life. When we are the cause of that pain we have the unique ability to punish ourselves, mind, body and soul. The truth is we allow ourselves to be punished. We make the choice to burden ourselves with guilt. We be-little our self worth and deem ourselves not worthy to be called upstanding human beings. The flip-side is we also have the choice to forgive ourselves, acknowledge our mistakes, take responsibility and then give ourselves a break. The failure with us is we tend to look outside of us to seek redemption. We look for other means or person to give us the OK and that all is forgiven and alright so we can let go of the past. Unfortunately there are no redemption tickets out there! Even if your victim or entity has expressed forgiveness, the road to your...
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...Altruism and Prosocial Behavior Altruism occurs when our motive from our behavior is entirely for the interest of others and is not motivated by self-interest (Feenstra, 2011). Doing something for someone to make them happy with no alternative motive would be acting altruistically, because your ultimate goal was the happiness of the other person. The happiness of others is the true goal of altruistic motives is for the well-being of another person, not yourself (Feenstra, 2011). You might receive benefits because the person on the receiving end could show gratitude, but being altruistic is not asking or needing gratuity for actions that were made to make one happy. An altruistic person doesn’t look for anything in return for making one happy or doing a good deed for that person. When self-benefits are an unintended consequence of an action, that action is truly altruistic (Feenstra, 2011). The difference between egoistic and altruism is that egoistic is doing something for self-interest unlike altruism which has no motive for the action. Let’s say I do a good deed for someone by mowing their lawn and I do this because I know money will be offered and the money was my motive for mowing the lawn. An egoistic person motives involve an ultimate goal of self benefit. Anything one does as an egoistic person is geared toward self benefit, even though the act may be thought of as a caring act. The bystander effect is an overall tendency to watch while someone needs help. There...
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...Himes Reading Guide Before filling out this guide I strongly encourage you to highlight, write in the margins of and take notes on the Mystery of Faith text. Before reading, peruse the questions below that way you can jot down the ideas as they come to mind. It may be to your benefit to read this book in order and in its entirety first before answering the questions. This will help you get a general overview of what Himes is trying to say in this brief theological pamphlet. When filling out this form only the words in bold need to appear on the papers you hand in. CHAPTER _4__ 1. Think: Temptation: The primary meaning in the Bible is of testing. Salvation: Initially, God's intention to rescue from danger; later his promise to establish his Kingdom. Despair: See abandonment, angst 2. Encounter: The first temptation was despair. Adam and Eve were not trying to show disobedience they were just led down the wrong path my pure evil. This concept speaks to me because it is so true. Satan and evil are examples of what happens when the wrong path has been taken. In the chapter they talk about the story of Dante and how when he reached the pits of hell what he saw was not Satan controlling and punishing everyone, he saw even Satan is paying for the wrong that he did. His punishment is being trapped in his own frozen tears and never to be unfrozen. 3. Reflect: In this chapter they go over many good points on how temptations are wrong and how despair is...
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...Socially Responsible ETH-316 Ethics and Social Responsibility Socially Responsible Effort This topic has so many different ways to accomplish some type of social responsibility, the list can be endless. Just off the bat, I can describe so many ways we as individuals could become socially responsible. Starting by simply giving, sharing, providing, assisting, donating, collecting or even developing; all of these are the bases of one becoming a more productive individual for the greatest good to society. The first social responsibility I have is with my family and that articulates especially with my sons. As a parent, I have to provide them with some type of ethical and moral behavior and lead by example. I can teach them all these morals and ethical behaviors but at the end if they are not applied or practiced the knowledge will not be passed on. There is an adage that states, “Just because we have it now, does not mean that we will have it tomorrow”. That is something that I am very adamant about, because in truth, nobody knows the future. We can predict and make assumptions about the future, but we cannot be absolutely sure what the future holds for us. Kids for example, think they are indestructible and in reality are living for the moment; the reason for this is that tomorrow is just another day to them. This is where parents come into the picture of social responsibility. It is the parent’s duty to teach and adhere to moral responsibility. I know the kids are...
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...Physician Assisted Suicide Lawmakers in Connecticut are again taking up the issue of physician-assisted suicide. A physician-assisted suicide bill in Connecticut is up for its first legislative hearing before the General Assembly’s Public Health Committee. With this bill two physicians would have to certify, in writing, under oath, that their patient is terminally ill and is likely to die within the next six months. Additionally, the patient must be mentally competent to make an informed decision about his or her own death. A similar bill was proposed in 2009. Perhaps the strongest argument made on behalf of legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide is that it, like abortion, is a "choice" issue. Supporters dispute that euthanasia/assisted suicide is the ultimate civil right, and to deprive mentally competent, terminally ill people who want to end their suffering is to disrespect their rights. Supporters also argue that legalizing euthanasia/assisted suicide ensures that no one dies in painful agony or suffering. Opposes contend that laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are in place to prevent abuse and to protect people from unscrupulous doctors and others. Proponents also claim that opposition to euthanasia/assisted suicide is based primarily in religion and that laws prohibiting the practice are thus unconstitutional because they violate the division between church and state. We all die; however, in an age of amplified longevity and medical advances, death...
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...I. If I were a voice, a persuasive voice, That could travel the wide world through, I would fly on the beams of the morning light, And speak to men with a gentle might, And tell them to be true. I'd fly, I'd fly, o'er land and sea, Wherever a human heart might be, Telling a tale, or singing a song, In praise of the right - in blame of the wrong. II. If I were a voice, a consoling voice, I'd fly on the wings of air, The homes of Sorrow and Guilt I'd seek, And calm and truthful words I'd speak To save them from Despair. I'd fly, I'd fly, o'er the crowded town, And drop, like the happy sun-light, down Into the hearts of suffering men, And teach them to rejoice again. III. If I were a voice, a convincing voice, I'd travel with the wind, And whenever I saw the nations torn By warfare, jealousy, or scorn, If I were a voice, a convincing voice, I 'd travel with the wind, And whenever I saw the nations torn By warfare, jealousy, or scorn, Or hatred of their kind, I'd fly, I'd fly, on the thunder-crash, And into their blinded bosoms flash; And, all their evil thoughts subdued, I'd teach them Christian Brotherhood. IV. If I were a voice, a pervading voice, I'd seek the kings of Earth; I'd find them alone on their beds at night-- And whisper words that should guide them right-- Lessons of priceless worth; I'd fly more swift than the swiftest bird, And tell them things they never heard-- Truths which the ages for aye repeat-- Unknown to the statesmen...
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...death is the ultimate reality that nobody can escape. anyone born in this world must die, despite the level od medical knowledge and skill. when medical knowldege is certain that a persons illness isn't going to be cured, in other words, he or she is terminally ill, would it not be merciful to allow the person to die? Would not euthanasia--or mercy killing as it is termed--be acceptable to the suffering patient as well as to those who are close to him? mercy killing causes no harm to anyone. in fact, it provides a relief to the realtives of the victims as they undergo immense agony, seeing a dear one suffering. Euthanasia is an act of professional support to the terminally ill patient and hence canot be held as a cruel act on the part of the person who commints it. On the other hand, there is a deep rooted belief that life is a god given gift and it is presumptious on the part of a human being to end it. As for taking it away from another human being, howsoever merciful the motive, it is regarded as playing god. If the patient is terminally ill or in a coma, without having expressed any idea on the subject, who is to decide on terminating the persons life? The possibily of greedy and unscrupuluos relatives colluding with an equally unscrupuluos doctor to kill a patient, is a real danger. Morever, though it is an individual decisiom, it cannot be ignored as a major social problem as it opens up a chapter of suffering for the realtives of the patient. Any law, therefore...
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...Accounting 560 Jessica Rud BYP14-7 March 13, 2011 A). Who are the stakeholders in this situation? A stake holder is a person or persons (group) that hold any type of interest in a company and are at risk of being affected by the company’s financial actions. In the case of McClintock Industries, there are several stakeholders in this situation of risk, primarily the company’s stock holders and future stock holders or people considering purchasing stock based of the statements given. The company’s reputation and integrity is at stake. Mr. McClintock would eventually suffer from a bad reputation and probably a backfire of intent, meaning he will end up with unintended consequences. Employees are also stake holders, not to mention the controller (the man being asked to write the report) because he has an ethical obligation to report accurate and truthful information. Commerce and the market place has a vested interest because the numbers may encourage activity to shift in one direction or another. In fact, it seems that everyone is essentially a stake holder, because if every company started fudging their numbers it would eventually crash the market. B). Yes it is unethical on his part because he is knowingly trying to conceal information that would affect how people would behave whether it be stock holders, employees, customers, other competitors. All of the information needs to be disclosed in the reports , even the bad stuff. Otherwise, it could be assumed...
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...REFLECTION PAPER Define Peace? It is a question that came out from my mind, and also was asked by our speaker during the advocacy. Peace is the absence of war and freedom from quarrels and disagreement or the presence of harmonious relations. In our own selves, we could experience this if we have a peace of mind. By the moment, I realized that I’ve been worrying about so many things that my mind couldn’t relax. I forgot to find time to meditate and forget all my problems and undone works. I should give justice to my body and find a time to rest. Another thing I thought of was the death of my co-Angelenean, who was murdered and still not given justice. Evil is everywhere and could attack us anytime, so we should always be wary and ask for God’s guidance and to protect us. Love could bring peace. If everyone has love in their hearts it could overcome hatred and would prevent any arguments, quarrels or worst. If we have love we could also forgive and forget what others have done wrong to us, reconcile and it could cause us a peace of mind. Justice, as what our speaker said, is giving what is due to others, while love is giving beyond what is due to others. Like our parents, who would always accept us and give us everything beyond what we needed for they want to make us happy, and that’s because of love. Now, not all people have love in their heart for not everyone fears God. That’s the reason why crime is everywhere and unfortunately, one of our schoolmates...
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...From two of the following perspectives evaluate the claim that it is morally right for a politician to lie to the public in order to get a policy enacted. a) Aristotle b) Kant c) Mill d) Rand Abraham Lincoln once said that “If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem” (wisdomquotes.com). Everyone has the understanding that once someone lies, they can’t be easily trusted again and it is harder to restore trust then probably anything else. Lying has made its way into society and especially in politics it can be easily found. Politicians often lie in order to achieve what they think is right for society. In their minds it might be right, but is it morally right to do so? When evaluating this claim by using Aristotle’s virtue and common-good approach, and Kant’s universal rule and right’s approach, we determine that it not morally right to lie in order to get a policy enacted. Aristotle says that everyone is striving for happiness. In order to be happy we have to be good, and to be good is to develop our highest potential by using virtues such as honesty. Since virtues develop our highest potential and lying is not a virtue, it is wrong to lie. Another approach that proves that lying is wrong is the common-good approach which says that the individual’s own good is linked to the whole community. Since lying hurts the community, it automatically hurts the individual. Kant would prove lying to be wrong with...
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...James Lee English 110 AA Dr. M Brennan February 16, 2014 In the short story “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Ursula K. Le Guin the theme is that in order to be truly happy, one must stand up for what’s right, even if it means leaving everything that they know. Society creates traditions and ways of thinking that are not easy for everyone to follow. In Omelas, the citizens have the choice to ignore the suffering of a child locked in a cellar, or leave the life and the city they are familiar with. The people of Omelas must ask themselves whether it is better for a child to suffer for the city’s happiness and wealth, or should the city suffer, just to give the child a shot at happiness? It is ironic because Omelas is a utopian city however they treat a feeble minded child horribly for the good of their city. The symbols and themes of this story play a huge role of how I interpreted the story, such as the horse, bird/swallow, flute player, and the cellar child acting as a ‘scapegoat’. “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” begins with the narrator describing a beautiful utopian city called Omelas. It is a city with more happiness than can be imagined. The scene shifts from a bright Summer Festival to one of a child locked in a cellar. One reads of the isolation, neglect, abuse, and fear that this child suffers, and all of the citizens are aware of what the child is going through. They have also seen the child and decided that they are helpless. They believe that...
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...To have peace in the world we must be willing to ingrain it into our soul. It's a contagious force which stems from us internally and for it to last in the world and in us we must have specific traits and ideals. Being optimistic and oozing positivity s the foundation for peace. It affects you and your aura - making it bright and powerful. But other people are also affected. It's been proven time and time again that humans are drawn to others that are happy, friendly and outgoing and forming friendships with those kinds of people spreads peace and happiness. Inner peace is just one form, there are also many other ways to show and express it. War is the complete opposite of peace. It causes death, destruction, crisis and misery all over the world. And not only is peace contagious, but so is hatred - which is it's destroyer. Mankind has had a long history with battle and the struggles that go along with it which at it's very core is centered around the greed, gluttony and selfishness humans tend to feel. All of this comes together into a complex ball and ruins peace. Being selfless, compassionate, sympathetic and generous helps to feed peace and sweep the world with it which in turn fights off unwanted and negative hatred. Spreading peace around only makes us stronger. It fuels us and gives us hope. Once it's achieved all over the planet, the security and comfort it provides will be visible. Doing good deeds and having a positive outlook towards life is noticed by the media....
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...What is a good character? This may seem like a simple question, yet it may be a complicated one, too. But there are many different ways to describe someone who has good character, and some of the qualifications are honesty, loyalty, and faith. However, character is not something someone is born with, it is the development of one’s personality and individuality which identifies them based off their ethnic, cultural, and academic background. When you think of a person with good character, you might think of someone with integrity. Integrity means that you have a set of certain values that you live by day to day, which one creates due to their experiences. With this integrity, you make positive choices, hold specific morals in the overall situation, and are constructive and encouraging for others despite of there being wrongs or rights; because these ideals are what make a good character. A character that sums up these qualities, actions and tendencies distinguishes them from others due to their knowledge, and makes them who they are, which is admirable. A prime example to a “good character” in my life that helps me distinguish this ideal would have to be my mother. She has a good heart, benevolent feelings, and a balanced mind. She knows how to reduce stress level for anyone even if she’s the one filled with nerves. She continues to portray trustworthy actions, respectful manners, responsible decisions, fair performances, caring deeds, and good citizenship. And even though...
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