Premium Essay

Ethics and Morals


Submitted By neeky0215
Words 331
Pages 2
“Ethics are the principles and values an individual uses to govern his activities and decisions. In an organization, a code of ethics is a set of principles that guide the organization in its programs, policies and decisions for the business. The ethical philosophy an organization uses to conduct business can affect the reputation, productivity and bottom line of the business.” (Kelchner, 2014)
Having morals and ethics are based on the importance of ethical values. Senior Lifestyle is an organization that based their core values on CHART (caring, honesty, appreciation, respect, and teamwork). The ethical values of this organization based on the aspect of empowering their employees to deliver excellent services and care for their residence and families. Their aim is to work together, looking out for one another, and treating everyone how we want to be treated. It is easy for people in the community to work with a company that has the same type of ethical values and ideas. Everyone one values and wants respect, honesty, be cared for and appreciated, and it all can be accomplished with good teamwork.
Caring: to have an inclination, liking, fondness, or affection, which I value in showing people every day to show how much you care for them. Honesty: “refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straight forwardness, trustworthy, loyal and fair.” ( Honesty is the best policy, is what I go by, or the truth shall set you free. Appreciation: I believe when you show your employees gratitude and recognized them for the work they do, will give them the motivation to work harder, and also show the residence the same. Respect: one has to show respect to earn it by treating all I deal with in a daily basis with dignity. Teamwork: good teamwork is essential to good productivity within an

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