...Alaskan Oil Exploitation Alaska Alaska is an American state which borders Canada to the West, its coastline is the Arctic Ocean and the majority of the land is within the Arctic Circle. Due to its location in the Arctic Circle, Alaska experiences extreme cold temperatures. For 8 months of the year it is sub-zero, with the months of January and February recording temperatures as low as minus 30. The ANWR, a wilderness area, is located to the north east of Alaska and covers nearly 80,000 square kilometers, it is however a possible drilling zone for oil. The ANWR was named in 1980 by the US fisheries service because it was managed and protected by the US government. There are two significant settlements occupied by indigenous peoples, one being within the ANWR, inhabited by the Inuit Inupiaq tribe and the Indian Gwichin tribe. The Inuit tribe area found in the North of the area and the Indian tribe to the South. These tribes both rely heavily on the marine ecosystem and also the Caribou for economic and cultural purposes. The changing environment in the ANWR has increased the population of predators such as Arctic Foxes, Ravens and Gulls which prey on nesting birds in the surrounding areas. Fish populations have been damaged by gravel extraction from river beds. The ANWR provides a refuge for a variety of species including 45 different species of mammals such as Wolves, Wolverines, Polar Bears and Musk Ox. The exploitation of oil begun in Alaska in March of 1968...
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...the external and internal factors of gender differences within achievement. Statistics show that since 1985 boys' and girls' achievements in school have both improved drastically in the percentage of pupils achieving 5 or more A*'s to C at GCSE level. However, although both have improved it shows that there has been a rapid increase in the improvement of girls results and a significant gap has opened up. These achievements can depend on a number of gender differences, as well as explanations about their class and ethnic differences, it can be known as external factors - factors outside of school and education, such as society and a pupils family background, but aswell as external, there are also internal factors - factors which happen within school and the education system.Girls achievements have improved over the years due to the external and internal factors of gender differences within achievement. Statistics show that since 1985 boys' and girls' achievements in school have both improved drastically in the percentage of pupils achieving 5 or more A*'s to C at GCSE level. However, although both have improved it shows that there has been a rapid increase in the improvement of girls results and a significant gap has opened up. These achievements can depend on a number of gender differences, as well as explanations about their class and ethnic differences, it can be known as external factors - factors outside of school and education, such as society and a pupils family background...
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...Sociological research has challenged the view that ethnic differences in achievement reflect innate differences of intelligence and ability; this has become a view that very few sociologists now put forward. Ethnicity refers to the shared cultural traditions and history, which are distinct from other groups in society. The level of achievement of different ethnic groups varies. This may be due to factors such as home background, class, language and in-school factors. Recent studies highlight the effects of racism. Ethnicity influences factors that lead to an impact on education. There are many reasons for educational underachievement and it has been said that ethnicity is one of these key factors. Item A suggests that Chinese and Indian pupils are of higher educational achievement than Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and Black pupils. One possible cause of ethnic differences in education could be at the fault of the education system. To investigate this Sewell carried out a study using semi-structured interviews and observations in an inner-city boys’ comprehensive school. His study revealed the ways in which African-Caribbean students are labelled by their teachers, peers and white students as ‘problems’ in the classroom. Sewell showed how Black boys use these negative perceptions to construct different responses to school based on their own ‘masculine’ images. Many of these belong in the anti-school culture, such as conformists and rebels, all in favour of gang culture. However...
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...Education inequalities and achievements In this essay different in educational achievements of social groups including class, gender and ethnicity as well as difference in achievement caused by out of school factors and in school factors will be discussed. Education has had a huge impact to peoples lives and there is a significant difference in the educational achievement based class, ethnicity and gender. A child`s social background has a huge impact on the success in education and their life in future. On average children from middle class families perform well in school, get better GCSE results, stay longer in full time education than children from the working class families. Majority of children from middle class families will go to university compared to the children from working class families. Statistics show that 77% of students from parents with higher professional jobs will achieve 5 or more GCSE, 66% from parents with lower professional, 40% from parents with intermediate jobs and 33% from parents with routine jobs or unemployed, reason being that most middle class parents will afford to take children to private schools or pay for private tuition (webb, r etal2008). We operationalize the concept of class in school by using the access of free school meals (FSM), which is offered to children whose parents get unemployment benefit and come from deprived areas. There is a huge difference in education attainment between pupil receiving FSM and not receiving FSM, Statistics...
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...Sociology of Education Unit 04 What patterns of achievement are there for students of different ethnicities? Learning targets: • Different ethnic groups appear to have differing levels of achievement in school. Overall, the ethnicities of attainment are White, Chinese and Indian heritage students. • There has been concern about the achievement levels of certain Black minorities: in particular, African Caribbeans and Bangladeshi students under-attain in schools. • Sociologists have difficulty in measuring the impact of ethnicity on achievement because other factors may be involved. Poverty, class and cultural factors may all form part of reasons why some Black ethnic groups underperform. Key questions (AO1) What is ethnicity? (AO1) What patterns of attainment on the basis of ethnicity are there? (AO2) Is the education system institutionally racist? (AO2) What other social factors may influence ethnic attainment? Summary of key points Ethnicity is a word used in sociology to describe the culture that you belong to. Everyone has an ethnicity. For most people in Barry, this ethnicity or sense of belonging to a culture is Welsh. Some people have more than one ethnicity; they might be Welsh/Chinese or English/African. The majority ethnicity in Britain is white British. People who do not fit into that group are said to belong to an ethnic minority. There are many ethnicities...
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...“Examine the reasons for differences in educational achievement between different ethnic groups” There are clearly many factors that contribute to the claim that there is a difference in educational achievement between different ethnic groups in the UK. National statistics claim that: ‘In 2004 Chinese pupils were the most likely to achieve five or more GCSE Grades A*- C in England, with 79% of Chinese girls and 70% of Chinese boys respectively. In comparison with Black Caribbean pupils, With Boys who only achieved 27% and girls achieved 44% achieved five or more A*-C Grade GCSEs. The first outside school factor that contributes to the claim that there is a difference in educational achievement between different ethnic groups is Material deprivation. Material deprivation as single factor can alone affect educational achievement, but when combined with ethnicity the effects are worse. Sociologists claim that ‘if we compared pupils of different ethnic groups who were the same social class background, we would find that inequalities would still exist despite their social class. Statistics from 2006 show that 20% of white households were low-income households compared with 41% of African- Caribbean households and 62% of Pakistani or Bangladeshi households. Statistics say that African-Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi people are three times more likely to be unemployed as white people. Reasons for this could be that they may lack qualifications or knowledge of the educational...
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...Ethnic differences in achievement External factors and ethnic differences in achievement * Many sociologists argue that ethnic differences in achievement can be best explained by looking at external factors * Cultural deprivation sees the underachievement of some ethnic groups as the result of inadequate socialisation in the home. * The explanation has three main aspects intellectual and linguistic skills, attitudes and values, and family structure and parental support. Intellectual and linguistic skills * Cultural deprivation theorists see the lack of intellectual and linguistic skills as a major cuase of underachievement for the minor majority of people. * They argue that many children from low income black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences. * This leaves them poorly equipped for school as they have not been able to develop reasoning and problem solving skills * Concerns – children who do not speak English at home may be held back educationally Attitudes and values * Cultural deprivation theorists see lack of motivation as a major cause of failure of many black children. Most children are socialised into the mainstream culture, this provides ambition, necessary and willingness, leading them to success and achieving long term goals * They argue that some black children are socialised into a black subculture that instils a ‘live for today’ attitude that does not value education and leaves them unequipped for success...
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...28 April 2010 A wide range of interests, backgrounds, experiences. Differences among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical area. Diversity of experiences, viewpoints, backgrounds, and life experiences. Tolerance of thought, ideas, people with differing viewpoints, backgrounds, and life experiences. Diversity can be measured across many variables -- age, race, sex, economics, geography, religion, philosophy, etc. variation in race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political leanings, professional and personal background Diversity in graduate school includes a group of people from different backgrounds (this can be many things not just racial). People with different skills and career interests and hobbies. People with different political points of view. Anything that sets one individual apart from another. However, often it is used to specifically reference gender, race, ethnicity, and more recently sexual orientation differences. Diversity is differences in racial and ethnic, socioeconomic, geographic, and academic/professional backgrounds. People with different opinions, backgrounds (degrees and social experience), religious beliefs, political beliefs, sexual orientations, heritage, and life experience. dissimilar My definition of diversity would include openness to differences among people, cultures and perspectives. Having a multitude of people...
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...success. CD can be broken down into 3 aspects, intellectual and linguistic skills, attitudes and values and family structure. Many CD sociologists see a lack of intellectual and linguistic as a major barrier to achievement in education, this is because a lack of these skills will slow development of reasoning skills, which can disadvantage the student. Bereiter and Engelmann consider the language used by black American families on low income as “inadequate for educational success”. Similarity, Bowker identifies their lack of Standard English as a barrier to education and integration in wider society. Most CD theorists see a lack of motivation as a key barrier to progress in educational achievement in black children compared to white or Asian children; who are instilled with ambition and a willingness to achieve thanks to the mainstream culture they are brought up in. Family structure varies greatly between ethnic groups, Ken Pryce argues that Asians are higher achievers because their culture is more resistant to racism and gives them a greater sense of self worth, whereas Black pupils have low self esteem due to racism and as such they achieve less in education. Driver and Ballard argue that Asian family structures are more positive to wards education and have higher aspirations for their children so they achieve more. Moynihan for example, states that a lone mother heads many black families and as such her children are deprived of...
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...SOCIOLOGY “Outline the ways in which factors in children’s home background may lead to differences in achievement levels between ethnic groups.” (Mainly discussing factors that influence and then analyse factors) One of the factors that lead to differences in achievement levels between ethnic groups is material deprivation. Material deprivation refers to poverty and lack of the material necessities such as housing, diet and health and income and how it effects education. Poor housing such as houses that are very cramped and small in size seem to have an effect on students as it means that they will not have enough space to complete their work, especially if those families consist of big families. Also families that move around houses a lot, especially if the house is cold and damp, can be exposed to illness and if a child is ill it means that they would be taking more days off school effecting their achievement in education. Some parents of working class children do shift work which can also be a problem for children in education as it means parents will not have enough time to cook nutritious meals, something essential for the health of young children in education and the effect of this would be illness or the child will become constantly fatigue causing them to lose concentration in lessons. It is often grouped according to Flaherty, that unemployment is three times higher for African and Bangladeshi/ Pakistani people than whites. This is due to inequalities in the races...
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...the three ethnic groups in Nigeria. The cultural groups include an Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa ethnic groups. The method of research will be an experimental research on the ethnic culture and how it affects consumer behavior. The objective for doing this research are as follow: what culture it and how it impacts consumer behaviors in Nigeria, how culture asct as an invisible hand that guides consumption-related attitude, values and behavior, how culture set standards for what satisfies consumers’ needs, how consumers are always adapting to culture-related experiences, how the impact of culture on consumer behavior is measured and how core culture values impact Nigerian consumers. Using the Hofstede’s (1980) cultural framework, differences in ethnic group’s cultural orientation will be hypothesized. Then for each cultural dimension, related consumer behaviors will be identified and the differences in those behaviors will be hypothesized according to the predicted differences in each related cultural dimension. After this, the influence of the cultural dimension on the identified consumer behavior will be investigated in a multiracial West African country, Nigeria. With major corporations seeking to move into African and sell to the African consumers, it is important that solid sub cultural research should be done. Nigeria provides a good starting point for sub cultural study on African customers as it is the most multiracial society in Africa. These three major ethnic groups live...
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...Importance of cultural, ethnic, gender difference by managers and professional in a business setting. In a professional organization, a successful manager must be able to deal with people with multiple cultural differences and diversity. Diversity is the presence of people from wide range of backgrounds possessing different traits. People tend to prejudge and place stereotypes on others that are not like them, to be an effective, manager and employee must be respectful and recognize each other’s differences. Some contributing factors to diversity include age, race, ethnic origin, culture, physical abilities, religion and sexual orientation. A good manager should be able work with any one regard of their culture or race. In some organizations, women are still regarded as inferior to men, which affects their positions and salary, also some minorities are not getting the position that they deserve, some organization continue to treat minorities as less qualified even though they have the experience and what it take to do they job effectively, the positions are offered to those that are not even qualified just because of the ethnic background. Workplace diversity is very important, understanding cultural, ethnic and gender differences by managers and professional in a business environment can help with the growth of the company, these business can benefit from the different talents, perspectives, experiences...
Words: 515 - Pages: 3
...1955) was used to assess students’ study habits and their last year academic grades were used to assess academic performance. Statistical analysis revealed that although White British students had significantly better study habits than the Pakistani British but no significant difference was found in their academic performance. Country of origin and schools had significant interactive effect on study habits of students but did not have an interactive effect on academic performance of the students. The study has important implication for the educationists. Keywords: Pakistani British students, White British students, study habits, academic performance Great Britain is a multicultural nation and has one of the best educational systems in the world. Over the decades education had developed widely in UK, and is provided and available to every child very near to his doorstep (Walford, 1990). Even more importance is given to its educational system in the 21st century. Thus, in the last two decades there has been vast growth in the numbers of students, faculty members and educational facilities (Peters & Reed, 2001). Inequality of opportunity among economic classes and ethnic groups, a factor preventing social mobility, has been widely recognized as a national concern, and many steps have been taken towards its correction (Ball, 1993). Today,...
Words: 5202 - Pages: 21
...Holtzman, 1955) was used to assess students’ study habits and their last year academic grades were used to assess academic performance. Statistical analysis revealed that although White British students had significantly better study habits than the Pakistani British but no significant difference was found in their academic performance. Country of origin and schools had significant interactive effect on study habits of students but did not have an interactive effect on academic performance of the students. The study has important implication for the educationists. Keywords: Pakistani British students, White British students, study habits, academic performance Great Britain is a multicultural nation and has one of the best educational systems in the world. Over the decades education had developed widely in UK, and is provided and available to every child very near to his doorstep (Walford, 1990). Even more importance is given to its educational system in the 21st century. Thus, in the last two decades there has been vast growth in the numbers of students, faculty members and educational facilities (Peters & Reed, 2001). Inequality of opportunity among economic classes and ethnic groups, a factor preventing social mobility, has been widely recognized as a national concern, and many steps have...
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...“Racial and ethnic disparities in health care are known to reflect access to care and other issues that arise from differing socioeconomic conditions”.1 There is increasing evidence that even after such differences are accounted for, race and ethnicity remain predictors of the quality of health care received. Health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that is experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. Factors such as race or ethnicity, gender, education, or income, disability, geographic location such as rural or urban, or sexual orientation can define populations. The goal of the research paper is to present the magnitude and importance of racial...
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