...hugest ones of modern society. It seems to me that a lot of people suffer from being overweight and just accept the problem when they have to solve it and resist it. It has to be mentioned that the potential audience of the chosen article under analysis might be people from school age till the age of 120, and more. It does not matter how old are you for this problem is able to touch anybody. There are several rhetorical concepts used in this article: logos, pathos and ethos. Logos is suggested to be responsible for reasoning and might be represented by a logical chain or flow of sentences. The effect of logos on the audience might sometimes be called the argument’s logical appeal. Pathos is another concept that refers to readers emotions by its appeal. However, pathos has an aim not only to evoke certain emotion, but to identify the point of view of the author. The aim of pathos is to provoke the reader to commit some actions. The last but not least concept is ethos is concerning the credibility. The aim of ethos is to convince the reader by creating the atmosphere of...
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...across is not only credible but also the best option. Owing to the fact that individuals have varied opinions and tastes on various subjects and issues those seeking to persuade have to exploit various techniques to appeal to the target audience. There is use of both graphics and words in this advertisement/ notice to send a strong and convincing argument. On a broader view, persuasive writing and communication uses ethos pathos and logos to send the message to the intended audience. In this particular advertisement, the audience is the public including students like you and me....
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...In Ann P. Beatty’s essay “Survival Skills at a School in LA”, she uses strong degrees of pathos to connect readers to her students’ lives. She jumps around on varying situations at her school which creates a blurred focus of the piece at times, but displays the harsh reality of her students. From an outsider’s perspective, it is hard to go on just the things that Beatty says. When the students speak of the situation, the reader connects and is opened up to their world. With ethos, pathos and logos all being present in this essay, the use of pathos is very strong while her ethos lacks for this topic. Beatty’s impactful details creates an emotional attachment to the reader while establishing a lack of authority of speaking on the subject. The strong pathos Beatty creates comes from the diversity of the two worlds she is experiencing on a daily basis. She is a middle-class, white, college educated woman trying to understand the world her students come from every day. This contrast of society can be seen when money is collected for murdered students and “all the other students gave change”, while she “tried to remember to bring a twenty dollar bill to school”. Readers are emotionally drawn towards the students because of this contrast. The small details display how willing the students are to help a struggling family with the little that...
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...rhetorical or persuasive writing. He took full advantage of Aristotle’s three areas of rhetorical speech writing: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, paired along with other literary tools such as repetition, rhythm, and comparison. President Kennedy opens his speech by establishing credibility, or ethos, “For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.(Americanrhetoric.com)” This excerpt tells the American people that he has followed the rules and has a legitimate responsibility to the American public as did the Presidents in the past. He is official. Then, a few moments later, JFK begins to capitalize on the emotions of the people, tying himself to them, identifying with them by using words such as “we.” This is the pathos part of his speech, “the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans -- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. (americanrhetoric.com)” Throughout Kennedy’s speech he uses emotionally charged words to draw in the American public and get them to relate to the topics at hand. He also uses Aristotle’s logos, or logic, to convince the people, “we pledge our best efforts to help them help...
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...The images which are used for advertisements, newspapers, or magazines usually include the purposes and ideas. Then they are described by ethos, pathos, and logos which are used frequently to catch people’s attentions. Even if the ads do not have set strategies and clear opinions, the really good ads could use one of three persuasions or even all. This advertisement is the good example of pathos in the advertisement. In the apple ad, they show a woman walking then starts to play music trough the apple earpods, the add is trying to sell you both the new apple iPhone x and the apple earpods. She starts off by walking with hear headphone in and then he starts to play music and it goes into a wonderland type scene, the audience is intended for people that are in there mid 20’s, because of the romantical...
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...After writing my module 2 assessment, I realized how much I had learned about Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. I now have a good understanding of what these Rhetorical appeals mean, and how they are used effectively when writing persuasive essays. Aside from rhetorical appeals, I also learned about the misuse of logos or in other words, Logical Fallacies. Logical fallacies are when a persuasive writer uses faulty or misleading reasoning when trying to convince an audience. There are many different logical fallacies, but some of the more common ones would be hasty generalization, begging the question, stacking the evidence, and the either-or argument. Throughout this module we talked a lot about logical fallacies and how often they are used,. Prior...
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...In the podcast If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, SAY IT IN ALL CAPS, the first and largest portion revolved around a story discussing a writer, Lindy West, and the trolls that comment on her pieces. The main section of this story discussed one troll in particular who made a fake account as her dead father. She claimed that this in particular was “the meanest thing” anyone had done to her (Glass, Menjivar, Vogt). The troll made a Twitter account called ‘Paul Donezo’ and the biography read “embarrassed father of an idiot -- other two kids are fine, though.” (Glass, Menjivar, Vogt). This sparked Lindy to do exactly what society tells people not to do, and she responded to the troll. Lindy wrote about how hurt she was by the Paul Donezo account, and unexpectedly she received an email from the troll apologizing for what he had done. He made a donation to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and told her he had stopped trolling. Later on, which was broadcasted on the podcast, Lindy and her troll had a conversation. She asked him questions as to why he did what he did, and they seemed to end up getting along. Lindy concluded with the fact that she believes “humans can be reached” (Glass, Menjivar, Vogt), and that we shouldn’t wish ill will on those who hurt us because their pain is what caused them to troll. While I admire Lindy’s final statement and conclusion, the thing that stuck out to me the most about this podcast were the initial comments Lindy shared with the listeners....
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...Advertisements are meant to convince the viewer of an idea that they are trying to portray. They do this by using ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader. Pathos is an appeal to emotion and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. Logos is an appeal to logic and is a way of persuading an audience by reason. These techniques are used to convince the viewer of what the author is trying to convince them of. The goal of the advertiser is to persuade the reader or viewer into participating in their cause like the World Food Programme. These programs will try to persuade and do the best they can to...
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...The Way I Feel In all three videos rhetorical strategies where being used to get the point across. The people in the videos used pathos, logos, and ethos. According to the textbook, "logos is appealing to logic and reasoning" (Austin,652). Then going in to pathos is "appeal to emotion" (Austin,661). Lastly the textbook describes ethos as "the persuasion through the audience's perception of the speaker" (Austin, 652). In Drunk History- Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks they appealed pathos and ethos. In Drunk History- John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson, they appealed to ethos and logos. Then in Breaking News they use ethos. In the video Drunk History- Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks the author appealed to pathos and logos to get their point across....
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...through his memorable works of art and writings. Aristotle’s rhetoric exemplifies this by using the principles of ethos, pathos and logos. The theory of rhetoric looks at the way people use persuasion through their writing and their speeches in order to make people act or think in a certain way or to comply with what you are saying or writing. “Aristotle saw the function of rhetoric as the discovery in each case of “the available means of persuasion” (Griffin, 2015). Aristotle believed in three different types of speeches that you use the expressionism of rhetoric and they are deliberative, judicial and epideictic. As explained in Covino’s work, a deliberative speech will focus on decisions that mainly concern the future. This is typically delivered to a legislative body, such as U.S Congress or Legislative Assembly. The second form of speeches, as Covino explains, is judicial. The judicial focuses on decisions about what has previously happened in the past. These kinds of speeches are generally delivered in a court...
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...How the author's use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in this passage is truly amiable. The author uses ethos to give an absolute understanding on their position and gives the passage a mellow mood. Pathos is used in such a way that you finish reading the with a sense of "awe" in your mind. Logos is used to give the passage a credible aspect on the authors information and how they present it. Firstly Ethos is used in this passage to set the tone and give the reader a feeling of reading something that is relaxing than controversial. The author cites ""Yes" we'll say. "it's true. We actually looked out the car window." In our useful boredom, we used our fingers to draw pictures on fogged glass as we watched telephone poles tick by .we saw birds...
Words: 617 - Pages: 3
...Ethos, Pathos, & Logos The reason I chose this image, of a woman dragging a briefcase, which left a trail of blood was because it is a great example of pathos, logo, and ethos. The logos of this picture is to explain how buying animal souvenirs is cruel and unnecessary. The picture shows a trail of blood which implies that a poor defenseless animal was murdered. In the bottom of the picture it says “Don’t buy exotic animal souvenirs” implying that when we go on vacation that we shouldn’t buy poached souvenirs. In this case they used an extreme visual example of a bloody trail depicting the horrific side of buying exotic animal souvenirs. When I looked at this picture I felt a mixture of feelings. I was sad and upset because it implied...
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...The Use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Author’s Name Course Name Instructor’s Name Date The Use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Aristotle found out that most writers had a difficult time in making their arguments convincing to their readers. To solve this problem, he developed three key strategies namely ethos, pathos, and logos to help writers pass the message clearly, and as intended. Weida and Stolley (2013) argue that all strategies should be used at the same time to make a good argument. However, other scholars emphasize that these strategies should be used with caution as not all are ideal in every type argument. Ethos Weida and Stolley (2013) say that a writer who uses ethos well establishes credibility, and reliability. According to PathosEthosLogos.com, it makes the writer appear to have great character. The goal of every writer is to make his argument persuasive to his readers. In order to make a connection with the readers, the writer must look knowledgeable, and authoritative in a particular subject of contention. For example, a management writer could wish to teach his readers on the benefits of proper book-keeping to a business. In this regard, he could start by giving examples of businesses that have succeeded by maintaining proper business records. He could as cite relevant statistics to show that book-keeping is a good practice for every business. However, he should show respect to readers who are of a different opinion. If possible, and necessary...
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...In the advertisement sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, a stroller is pictured knocked over. The advertisement claims that “in the time it takes to look for someone in the crosswalk and stop for them” could save a life. The advertisment’s purpose is to raise awareness and persuade readers to be more cautious when driving. This message is delivered through appeals to mainly pathos. There is a lack of appeal to ethos and logos. Pathos is established by the quoting words from someone who seems to be the person that hit the stroller in the picture. This quote is in large and bold print, which catches the attention of the audience. The advertisement evokes feelings of sadness for the victims in the picture. However, the advertisement...
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...I believe that my purpose is clearly stated through the speech and it’s evident what my point was through out. I tell them examples to afflict emotion on them. My thesis statement does give them an example of how they should be feeling. For my ethos there was at least one creditable source. I repeated my sources a couple of times throughout the speech. I don’t think the audience would have any reason to dispute my sources, but if they did they can easily research the subject or go to the sources website and see for themselves. When it comes to the logos in my speech, I think they could use a little work. I want to rewrite some of the speech and equally talk about things in a different way than I have before. Three arguments is that there...
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