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Eugene Victor Delacroix Research Paper

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Ferdinand Eugene Victor Delacroix, generally known as Eugene Delacroix, was a French painter who had an insightful influence on the Romantic period. "Master of color," for which he was known, Delacroix became an understudy of the English Romantic landscapes and was obtained from their practices, to mature an unforgettable and unique approach to color. The impact of both historical and modern and literature events, combined with his native artistic skills created an explosive viewing experience on canvas. Traveling throughout Europe and all the places he visited, Delacroix let his surroundings around him influence and formed his work. But, Morocco, a North African country seemed to have had the highest impact on him. Delacroix had a very successful and long career while being noticed and recognized countless commissions from the government. His deep passion, …show more content…
At the age of 17, he began to study art and was mentored by academic painter, Baron Pierre-Narcisse Guerin. By age 24, Delacroix was headed in charge of architectural decorations for another statesman, Adolphe Theirs. His early life was impacted by Polish painters and composers and Romantic artists.
In Delacroix middle years, his worked verified the influence of Peter Paul Rubens and Michelangelo as seen in Dante and Virgil in Hell that was exhibited to the Salon of 1822. Delacroix next exhibition was Massacres at Chios to the Salon of 1824. His capability to tap into his subjects emotions caught the attention of the art world. A year later, Delacroix traveled to London and studied English painters he admired. He believed his trip brought him closer to imitating Rubens colorful style. It was shown in his Liberty Leading the People piece. He continued traveling but, his time spent in Morocco changed him for good. Delacroix was breath taken by the foreign culture and that was when he died to paint Arab subjects for the rest of his

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