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Euthanasia In Elizabeth Brawn's Article, The Child Killers

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On December 6th, 2013 Elizabeth Brawn wrote an article, The Child Killers, in Newsweek, to bring attention to the issue of assisted suicude of teminally ill children upon their request. Braw analyzes how parents and medical professionals question Belgian lawmakers, and their condieration of passing a new law, following aa law from 2002 that allows consenting adults to be euthanised, that extends the same privledge to terminally ill children of any age (Braw). The article states that euthanasia is a growing issue in Belgium, where physicians, out of compassion, are helping to euthanise terminally ill children (Braw). The issue faces critisicm from other countries who find it "chilling" that 90% of parents of children, who are asking for death, will allow their child to be euthanised (Braw). …show more content…
Braw mentions statements from people who say that adult euthanasia has had positive results, so they have an issue extending the euthanasia to children (Braw). The article has quotes from various positions on the issue of child euthanasia, including one that states, "Children with terminal illnesses mature faster... and are somethimes more courageous thn their parents"; and another that states that, "Children are not tiny humans to boss around" ringing the tone of support for Child Euthanaia (Braw). The article mentions other parties who question if children are really mature enough to be considered able to handle such a srious, life altering decision while taking into consideration it's impact on their life, as well as how deeply it will effect others if they choose to die (Braw). There are also parties presented in the article, who are torn between their morality and their compassion, "It's wrong to kill children... but they are suffering," one says in response to the law

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