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Everyday Life Goffman Analysis

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In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Goffman states that when an individual interacts with people, the individual will try to control the impression that others make of them, by altering their setting, appearance and manner. At the same time, the person an individual is interacting with is trying to construct information about the individual. A person’s motive is to “control the definitions of the scene for the audience, so that they will respond accordingly”. I found this concept to be an important aspect of socialization in everyday life.

I thought Goffman's concept of dramaturgy was compelling taking all elements of a theatre performance into consideration, Such as social setting, appearance and manner to convey information about …show more content…
Moreover, the owner of a house with no fence and a welcome mat would seem more inviting but, perhaps not as wealthy or powerful. According to Goffman, our manner of interacting is also a sign vehicle. Our presence of interacting consists of attitudes we want to convey in an attempt to get others to create specific impressions about us. The reading uses the example of Preedy making his first impression on the beach, where he meticulously devises how he will alter his character to show different sides of himself. Methodical and sensible Preedy, when he neatly collects his stuff. Big cat Preedy; when he stretches to show off his strapping body and lastly, Carefree Preedy; when he tosses aside his sandals. He does this because he is being watched by an audience, but at the same time he is an audience for his viewers play. Preedy is “improperly concerned with the extensive impression he feels his sheer bodily action is giving off to those around him”. His actions are false impressions because in the presence of others he alters his personality. I thought this is particularly enlightening because it highlights that socialization is not only what we do, but how we are perceived and adjust our selves knowing that we

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